Chapter 966

Deng Ziqi blushed and said.

"I'm talking about snowball fights too!"

But the lack of confidence in expression still exposed his inner thoughts.

So she touched another pile of snow from the ground, formed it into a snowball, and threw it at Zou Wenping.

Zou Wenping flashed over with a smile.

"Ziqi, don't be shy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zou Wenping's cell phone rang.

Zou Wenping took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and raised his eyebrows.

"Thirteen is calling? Why are you calling this time?"

With curiosity, Zou Wenping picked up the phone.

Thirteen, of course it refers to Mary Thirteen.

Deng Ziqi was taken aback for a moment. At this moment, what did the foreign girl want to call?

So she leaned over and put her ear on Zou Wenping's phone.

But soon, Deng Ziqi discovered how stupid her eavesdropping behavior was.

Zou Wenping and Mary Thirteen talked on the phone, and they must speak Hibanyan!

Where does Deng Ziqi 20 know Hibana?

Listening to them calling is no different from listening to the heavenly scriptures, right?

Even if I understand that I'm eavesdropping, it's useless, but I still insist on eavesdropping.

At the very least, we must give Zou Wenping a little bit of psychological pressure, lest this **** chats with foreign girls unscrupulously!

Zou Wenping did not take any evasive actions, because he and Mary Thirteen had nothing shameful.

Very calm in my heart.

"Hey, thirteen, why did you arrange for me at this time?"

On the other end of the phone, Mary Thirteen's weak voice came.

"Teacher, I may not be able to participate in the Spring Festival Gala!"


Zou Wenping was taken aback and asked quickly.

"What's the matter? Why do you say that?"

"It's been very good in these two days. Your stage sense is very good, and the songs you sing are also very good."

"I think there will be a lot of audiences who like you from Spain!"

Mary Thirteen choked up.

"I know what you said, but I may not have a good rest last night, and now I can't get up."

"The interpreter has already called me a doctor, but I'm afraid I won't be on stage tonight!"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping was surprised.

"Why can't you get up?"

"Is there no strength or what's going on? Did you catch a cold?"

"I'll go over and take a look now. Is the room you live in still the same as the room number you said last time?"

Mary answered thirteen.

"um, yes!"

Zou Wenping said.

"Then wait, I'll go right away!"

After hanging up the phone, seeing Zou Wenping look anxious, Deng Ziqi looked confused.

Even though he was lying on his mobile phone listening for a long time, Zou Wenping did not wave his arms.

However, the two people communicated in Hibana throughout the whole process. Deng Ziqi was like an alien, and didn't understand a word.

Deng Ziqi asked concerned.

"What's wrong with your expression? What happened?"

Zou Wenping put away the phone and replied.

"Thirteen, she just called and said that she didn't know why and couldn't get up in the morning."

"Maybe I won't be able to participate. The Spring Festival Gala will be broadcast live tonight!"


Deng Ziqi was also taken aback.

"how so?"

Although Deng Ziqi felt uncomfortable about the close communication between Mary Thirteen and Zou Wenping.

However, it is now involved in the Spring Festival Gala.

Every stage is an opportunity for singers.

Although Mary Thirteen was a smash hit abroad, almost no one knew her in Xia Guo.

The Spring Festival Gala may be her stepping stone to enter the Xia State market.

Aside from this, Mary Thirteen has been preparing for the Spring Festival Gala alone for a long time.

Today is New Year’s Eve, and it is already around 10:30 in the morning.

In less than ten hours, the recording of the Spring Festival Gala officially began.

It happened that at this time, she fell ill.

As a singer, Deng Ziqi, based on empathy, expressed concern for Mary Thirteen's failure to appear on stage.

She looked at Zou Wenping.

"Did you call a doctor?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"The nurse who was next to her called a doctor for her."

"The specific situation is not particularly clear at this time."

Deng Ziqi said concerned.

"How about we go and see her!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"I mean it!"

"However, I have to go back to the hotel first and get something."

"Ziqi, go ahead, I'll be back soon."

Deng Ziqi nodded.

"Okay, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Deng Ziqi walked in the direction of National Taiwan first.

Zou Wenping looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he ran up like a meteor.

It happened to be the green light at the crossroads.

In fact, the situation is urgent now, even if it is a red light, Zou Wenping has broken through!

After crossing the road, Zou Wenping took out a mask from his pocket.

The original disguise was completely messed up during the snowball fight, so I simply removed all of it.

In the puzzled eyes of the young lady at the front desk, Zou Wenping went straight to the elevator and ran into the room when he reached the 037th floor of the building where he lived.

From the suitcase, he took out an emergency kit, and then hurriedly left the hotel.

Then ran all the way to the national station.

The National Channel consists of two main parts.

One is commonly known as the big pants. This is the main building. All CCTV TV programs are recorded here.

The other is called the North Side Building, which is a public facility with hotels, restaurants, and many entertainment facilities.

Mary Thirteen and the actors who participated in the Spring Festival Gala live in the North Side Building.

According to the address Mary Thirteen said before, Zou Wenping took the elevator directly.

Don't look at him running all the time, but the super physical quality provided by Guoshu (lv99) makes him still face and breathless.

When I arrived at Mary Thirteen’s room number, I saw that the door was ajar.

Through the door, you can see people walking inside.

Zou Wenping walked over, and just wanted to push the door in, but then thought that it was not appropriate.

After all, this is a girl's boudoir. He is a big man who rushes in, which is insulting to gentleness!

So he knocked on the door a few times.

Just hear a voice coming from inside.

"Come in!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Chapter 967

After hearing the sound, Zou Wenping pushed the door in.

As soon as I walked in, I smelled a delicate fragrance.

No wonder people say that a girl’s boudoir is fragrant!

This smell is really refreshing!

There were four people in the room. Mary Thirteen was lying on the bed, half leaning on a pillow.

Deng Ziqi sat on the side of the bed and looked at her.

Miss interpreter is communicating with a female doctor in a white coat.

Zou Wenping walked over and asked the female doctor.

"Doctor, how is Thirteen?"


The female doctor was obviously stunned.

"Who is Thirteen?"


Zou Wenping was also blindfolded for a while, and then he reacted.

Thirteen, this name is a slogan.

But many people don't know that the name refers to Mary Thirteen.

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