Chapter 974

Zou Wenping, Deng Ziqi, Mary Thirteen, and Miss Translator, the four of them took the elevator up to the restaurant on the top floor.

The North Side Building is mainly living facilities, hotels, restaurants, cinemas and other entertainment facilities.

There are two types of restaurants in the office building in Yanjing.

One is the canteen for the general public, the price is relatively common, many actors and employees will come to eat here.

There is also a restaurant. Although they are all places to eat, the restaurant is better than the cafeteria.

National Taiwan’s restaurant is a five-star restaurant!

Regarding the rating of restaurants, one, two, and three Michelin stars are used internationally.

However, most of the ratings of Michelin restaurants are defined in accordance with Western food culture.

Western food culture is very different from Xia Guo's food culture.

Michelin can say that it depends on which restaurant’s steaks are well done, and cake-like desserts-well done.

Divide by this.

For Xia Guo, who has a long history of food culture, it seems a bit unacceptable to evaluate Western Michelin restaurants.

However, Xia Guo also has its own evaluation criteria.

Like hotels, it is divided by star rating, from one-star restaurants to five-star restaurants!

There are also platinum five-star restaurants at higher levels!

However, restaurants of this level are basically standard for state banquets, and few people go back to eat.

Therefore, this five-star restaurant on the top floor of National Taiwan is already very high-end!

As soon as Zou Wenping and the others entered the restaurant, many people in the restaurant were onlookers.

No way, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi are so famous in Xia Guo!

Even in the National TV station, there are many people who like him.

It can even be said that no one in the world knows you!

Zou Wenping walked to the young lady at the front desk and smiled.

"Hello, we want a private room!"

The young lady nodded repeatedly, opened a private room for them, and then led them over.

A waiter, very excited, came to order them.

When ordering food, Deng Ziqi looked at the waiter on a whim.

"Hello, can we borrow your stove and cook our own food?"


As soon as this statement came out, the people in the private room were stunned.

Zou Wenping asked puzzledly.

"Ziqi, can you still cook?"


Deng Ziqi gave him a white look.

"Stupid, of course I won't, I am asking for you!"

Zou Wenping blinked.

"Help me ask? When am I cooking?"

Deng Ziqi smiled.

"Your apprentice is suffering from malnutrition. The master must not show his hands and help her to make up for it?"

Then she looked at Mary Thirteen and asked in English.

"Miss Leopold, your teacher wants to cook for you himself, would you like it?"

Just now, the translator, in the ears of Mary Shisan, was quietly translating Deng Ziqi and the others.

Now I heard what Deng Ziqi asked.

Mary Thirteen looked at Zou Wenping excitedly and asked in English.


"Teacher, would you like to cook for me?"

"Great, I had a wish when I came to Xia Country."

"That is the hope, I can taste the teacher's cooking again!"

"Now that I got what I wanted, it's really dead and no regrets!"

Upon hearing this, Zou Wenping quickly retorted.

"Bah baah baah! Why die without regrets?"

"For those celebrating the New Year, don't say anything unlucky!"

"Besides, this is another restaurant, even if I want to cook, they don't allow it."

"Let's talk about it when I have a chance in the future!"

When Zou Wenping and Mary Thirteen had a conversation, they spoke English.

As the service staff of the national five-star restaurant.

Of course the young lady can speak English and she can speak very fluently.

Replied in English now.

"I will help you contact the back kitchen and see if they can take out a stove for you!"

Speaking of this, Miss Sister communicated with the back kitchen through the headphones she was wearing.

After receiving a reply soon, the young lady smiled.

"Just contacted the kitchen, they are very welcome, you, the fire mage come!"

Zou Wenping has long been famous, and many people know that he can not only sing, but also cook!

When in Tyre, countless foreigners lined up to eat his dishes.

··0 Seeking flowers 0····

Many domestic chefs also want to see if Zou Wenping's cooking is really so delicious, or is it just hype?

I just heard that the service lady said that Zou Wenping wanted to borrow the kitchen of the restaurant and asked if it was allowed.

Of course those chefs agreed!

And today is New Year’s Eve, not many people come to eat in the restaurant, and the stove is quite empty.




When Zou Wenping wanted to refuse, he was held down by Deng Ziqi.

"Brother Ping, today is already New Year's Eve."

"Many places are starting to eat New Year's Eve dinner, this is a big Chinese New Year, you cook us a meal, not excessive, right?"


Deng Ziqi said so, what else can Zou Wenping say.

Indeed, for the Chinese New Year, who wouldn’t eat dumplings?

Cooking dinner for Deng Ziqi and Mary Thirteen, right now is the New Year's Eve dinner!

Zou Wenping checked the time, and it was eleven o'clock at noon.

According to the agreement, they should have gathered at half past eleven.

But just now Ji Ziqiu gave the privilege, and the three of them don't need to go to the rehearsal.

After all, they are all talented singers, and they have long been proficient in the show.

This afternoon’s rehearsal is just for everyone to warm up and find the feeling of performing in the evening.

Zou Wenping thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, then I will show my ugliness."

"Strive for us to finish our meal before 1:30 in the afternoon!"

According to the time of the rehearsal, Mary Thirteen's program will start at about 1:30.

Then Zou Wenping went to the kitchen of the restaurant.

Deng Ziqi and Mary Thirteen also followed happily.

There are not many opportunities to see Zou Wenping cooking with his own eyes!


In the kitchen, many chefs have lined up to welcome you!

I didn't know the situation, and thought it was the leader who came down to check it.

The head chef of the back kitchen came over and said enthusiastically.

"Welcome a few big stars to visit our back kitchen!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! Four.

Chapter 975

Zou Wenping said embarrassedly.

"Sorry, I have to borrow the precious land for a use!"

The chef laughed.

"This is our honor!"

"Don't say anything else, when you were in Tyre, Mr. Zou, you made a face for our Xia Guo chef!"

"Huh, those foreigners always think that cooking a steak is a great delicacy."

"We Xia Guo has a food culture for thousands of years. How could it be compared to the past by Western food?"


Zou Wenping glanced at Mary Thirteen beside her.

Xin said, the chef is too straightforward to speak, and he doesn't look at the occasion at all.

Didn't see here, is there a Westerner?

Fortunately, Mary Thirteen's Mandarin is not good, otherwise she would have to quarrel.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Every place has its own food culture, and we must respect each other."

"Zero Forty Seven"

"Of course, I still like to eat Xia Guo's food the most!"

While talking, Zou Wenping's cell phone rang.

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