Do you want to take this opportunity to rest?

The service lady smiled and persuaded.

"Brother Ping paid for you to eat. This is a blessing that many fans can't ask for. I really envy you!"

"Today is New Year's Eve and the last day of the year!"

"If Brother Ping can treat me to dinner, then I will have a successful year!"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping's eyes rolled a few times.

Climb along the pole immediately.

"Then I will invite you two to dinner!"

"She's pretty shy if you just ask the interpreter."

"Please eat with you two!"


The waiter blushed slightly and looked at the head chef expectantly.

The position of the head chef in the restaurant is very high, and he can completely approve other people's fakes.

If it is in peacetime, he will definitely not allow employees to ask for leave halfway.

But today is the Chinese New Year, and Zou Wenping came forward to treat him.

The chef is also willing to give a favor.

Then nodded.

"Anyway, our restaurant will be closed after three o'clock in the afternoon for the New Year."

"Just give you a vacation in advance and go out to order food!"

After hearing this, the waiter said happily.

"Thank you chef, go, let's go order!"

With that said, she pulled up the translator and left.

The translator looked at Zou Wenping and said.

"Miss Leopold, I beg you for the time being!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Don't worry, happy new year!"

Phew, none of these wives are relieved, and they even make a surprise attack!


Zou Wenping has told Mary Thirteen the news that Li Xiaoqin is coming.

At the beginning, Mary Thirteen still looked awkward.

Who is Li Xiaoqin?

When she was in Tyre, Mary Thirteen spent three days in the Chinese restaurant.

I am also impressed with other people, but I am not too impressed.

Only Zou Wenping left a deep impression on her. Whenever she closes her eyes, the look of Zou Wenping will appear in her mind.

Others such as Li Xiaoqin and Gao Yuanyuan rarely communicate with each other due to language problems, so they are naturally not deeply impressed.

Zou Wenping took out his mobile phone, called up a group photo of "Chinese Restaurant", and pointed her to which Li Xiaoqin was.

Mary Thirteen just remembered now.

After the translator was removed, Zou Wenping began to cook.

A back kitchen's helper came over very enthusiastically to fight.

Although Mary Thirteen and Deng Ziqi were unskilled, they were happy to come over.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Thirteen, do you also cook when you go back?"

When he was in "Chinese Restaurant", Zou Wenping also taught Mary 13 dishes.

Upon hearing Zou Wenping's inquiry, Mary gave a sly smile.

"I do it too, but I'm talking about doing it."

"Teacher, you know, I am a European and American artist, and I often have performances to participate in."

"There will be fewer things, so I rarely get them."

"A bit disappointed the teacher's expectations!"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"What you said is serious. I never thought about training you to be a cook!"

"In Europe and the United States, you are an excellent artist. Just cook as a personal hobby!"

While speaking, Zou Wenping's hand movement did not stop.

The movements of cooking and cooking are as smooth as water!

Seeing such a pictorial cooking scene, the chef is ashamed.

When he thought he was cooking, he was already very admiring.

But compared with Zou Wenping, it was almost meaningless!

Is he really an artist? Isn't it a professional cook?

The other chefs in the room couldn't help holding up their mobile phones.


After a long period of busy work, the dishes for five people are ready.

The waiter enthusiastically helped carry it over.

As a reward for others' use of the kitchen, Zou Wenping made more and stayed in the kitchen.

After Zou Wenping left the kitchen, the head chef waited for the chefs, already unable to bear it.

They picked up the chopsticks and tasted it.

The chef added a piece of braised pork ribs, tasted it carefully in his mouth, and said excitedly with a thumbs up.

"It's delicious!"

No wonder so many foreigners lined up for dinner in Tyre.

This looks, this taste, this taste, it's absolutely amazing!

The color, fragrance, and taste!

This cooking skill is even ashamed of him, the chef 047!

Fortunately, Zou Wenping is an entertainer. If he had been at the beginning, he would definitely have a place in Xia Guo's catering industry!


In the private room, the food has just been put on the table.

Zou Wenping's cell phone rang.

He checked the caller ID, and it was Li Xiaoqin.

"Hey, are you there yet?"

"Yes, where are you guys?"

"You tell the front desk, I just said hello, and she will bring you here!"

"Okay, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone, Zou Wenping glanced at Mary Thirteen, feeling very complicated!

When he dismissed the translator, he also thought about whether to dismiss Mary Thirteen.

After many thoughts, I gave up.

It was too rude. It was obviously to bring people to eat, but when they arrived at the restaurant, they let them eat by themselves.

It's not appropriate for emotion or reason.


Fifteen more today!

It’s the end of the month, let’s give everyone a boost!

Strive to end the Spring Festival Gala today!

During this period of time, due to various reasons, the code word has not been passed.

Today's explosion can be regarded as compensation!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of waters and mountains are always in love, can you give a flower! .

Chapter 977

Finally, Zou Wenping chose to leave Mary Thirteen in the private room.

Anyway, he, Liu Tianxian, Li Xiaoqin, and Deng Ziqi are all from the country of Xia.

This private room is the home of the Xia Guoren.

In the case of language barriers, the four of them could still avoid Mary Thirteen in their communication.

Was thinking about it.

Suddenly the door of the private room was pushed open.

Zou Wenping immediately felt that the spring breeze had come in.

I saw Liu Tianxian and Li Xiaoqin walking in with a full smile and grinning.

It was too cold outside, so the two of them wore down jackets.

But still can't stop their charm.

Zou Wenping stood up and smiled.

"Two, long time no see!"

It's really been a long time since I saw these two wives.

Since Zou Wenping came back from Tyre, he stayed with Yang Mi and the others for a few days.

Later, they went to work on their own.

Since then, a few people just chatted on WeChat, but never met again.

It was autumn when we separated last time, but now when we meet again, it is already the season of snow.

As the saying goes, little is better than newlyweds.

After seeing Zou Wenping after so long, Liu Tianxian and Li Xiaoqin's noses were sore, tears almost came out!

Fortunately, when I first came, it was snowing outside, and the noses of both of them were frozen red.

I can't see that it's freezing red now, but it's red when I want to cry!

If it weren't for Mary Thirteen, and the waiter who had just sent them here, they would definitely fall into Zou Wenping's arms.

Two people keep controlling their emotions, for fear of being seen by others.

Zou Wenping understood their feelings very well, but he couldn't respond to the presence of outsiders.

So he picked up the hot water prepared in advance and said softly.

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