Seeing her panting, she must have discovered that Zou Wenping has left the restaurant.

So I ran all the way to catch up!

Seeing Mary Thirteen next to Zou Wenping, Miss Translator's eyes lit up, as if she had seen a savior!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 982

Ms. Translator keeps panting. It seems that she is running very fast and she has good stamina!

She looked at Zou Wenping and asked.

"Brother Ping, when did you leave the restaurant, why didn't you notify me?"

"I was looking at the snow scene outside the window in the private room. The waiter came in and said that the restaurant was going to close."

"I was curious to ask where did you go? The answer is that you have left the restaurant!"

"So, I hurried and ran all the way!"

If she doesn't always follow Mary Thirteen, she is a disqualified translator.

If found, wages will be deducted!

Zou Wenping pretended to be puzzled.

"We thought you were already here?"

"That's why I left the restaurant directly. I didn't expect you to be watching the snow scene? Did you take a photo and send it to your circle of friends?"


What Zou Wenping said is accurate, this young lady interpreter is really posting on the circle of friends.

It's not what he said, letting myself steal for half a day, so I will be free.

Who knows this relaxation is a bit too much.

When she recovered, Zou Wenping had already arrived in the main building.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Don't worry, Director Ji just asked where you went, and I said you helped me go to the restaurant to get things and helped you get through it!"

"Thirteen is going to stage rehearsal next, you will meet with her!"

After hearing what Zou Wenping said, the translator was relieved.

I almost lost my job!

In more than six hours, the recording of the Spring Festival Gala will officially begin.

During this period of time, there must be no problems, and even if the sky collapses, she can't leave Mary Thirteen!

The translator bowed slightly.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Zou Wenping nodded, and then spoke to Mary Thirteen in English.

"Thirteen, you go to the rehearsal first!"

"Ziqi and I gave the tickets to Yifei and Xiaoqin."

"After the rehearsal is over, you can go to rest first, and accumulate energy for the official broadcast of the evening Spring Festival Gala!"

Mary nodded thirteen.

"I will."


Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi took the tickets and returned to the interview area.

Liu Tianxian raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's actually a round table position, really good luck!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"You and Xiao Qin are both first-line stars, so it is only natural to give you tickets for the round table!"

"In addition, Director Ji said that during the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, he would cut two shots for you and would like to ask your opinions."

Li Xiaoqin shrugged.

"No objection, we don't agree with them and don't cut it? What can we do if they cut it?"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Director Ji Ziqiu is still very easy to discuss."

"If you don't agree, I will tell him."

Liu Tianxian shook his head lightly.

"No, this is also a publicity platform for both of us."

"The Spring Festival Gala doesn't start until eight o'clock in the evening?"

"Where will Xiaoqin and I go during this time? You can't stay in the interview area for six hours, right?"

Zou Wenping thinks about it.

He and Deng Ziqi are both busy with rehearsal matters, so they can't take care of them for the time being.

Zou Wenping checked the time.

"There is still a lot of time left. Let me take you to the hotel where Ziqi and I stayed, right across the road."

"You two can rest in the hotel, and come back around seven o'clock in the evening."

Liu Tianxian thought for a while and shook his head gently.

"If you send us two over, the goal is too big."

"If others see us entering the same hotel, it will definitely cause a sensation."

"Just give us the room card. Xiaoqin and I will go over easily, and we will come back in the evening."

Zou Wenping nodded.

In the usual dress rehearsal, everyone gathers early and then goes back early in the morning.

At that time everyone was tired and no one followed them.

So far no one knows exactly where he and Deng Ziqi live.

If Zou Wenping goes to send Liu Tianxian and Li Xiaoqin, there will be good people to follow.

At that time it will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Zou Wenping smiled helplessly.

"Recently, I have been so busy, I didn't even think of this!"

"Okay, let me give you the room card with the name of the hotel and the room number on it. You two go by yourself!"

Having said that, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi both took out their room keys.

Liu Tianxian took it over and blew a kiss to Zou Wenping charmingly.

"See you tonight!"


The rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala is still in full swing.

The rehearsal that started at noon ended at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Director Ji Ziqiu appeared on the stage again.

"¨ Dear actors, with the singing of Teacher Li Guyi's "Unforgettable Tonight"."

"All the rehearsals for this Spring Festival Gala are over!"


As soon as this remark was made, warm applause came to mind both on and off the stage!

Ji Ziqiu sighed.

"It's not easy. We started preparing for this Spring Festival Gala six months ago."

"During this period, we went through multiple steps including audition, audit, rehearsal, and rehearsal."

"Many of our actors and staff are rehearsing almost all day and night."

"We can often see many people repeating their own programs over and over again."

"The hard work pays off, the rehearsal effect is very good, very perfect!"

"Today, all our rehearsals are finally over!"


There was thunderous applause from both on and off the stage.

Ji Ziqiu continued.

 (的李的)  "As the saying goes, the end is the beginning!"

"Our dress rehearsal is over, but our real test is about to begin!"

"It's 4:30 in the afternoon, and there are three and a half hours left. Our Spring Festival Gala will officially begin!"

"One minute on stage and ten years of work, we have been preparing and rehearsing for so long, so that we can make it tonight!"

"We want to send New Year blessings to thousands of families on this stage through the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala!"


The actors continued to applaud, all showing excitement!

Because there are still three and a half hours, they are going to the Spring Festival Gala!

They repeat the same dance movement day and night, just to be able to show off on the stage on this day!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 983

Ji Ziqiu looked at the audience with enthusiastic eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"It's half past four in the afternoon, and our live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala starts at eight in the evening!"

"Next, you have two and a half hours of rest time. Use this time to raise your energy and spirit."

"At seven o'clock in the evening, everyone is gathering in the backstage!"

"Let us greet together, this year's Spring Festival Gala!"


There was thunderous applause from both on and off the stage.

With Ji Ziqiu's "End of the meeting", the rehearsal of this Spring Festival Gala is completely over!


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