Times are changing gradually.

80s, 90s, cross-century, 00s...

As the times change, the scene is constantly changing, and the background music is constantly changing.


This is a two-minute short film that looks back on the changes in the Spring Festival Gala and the changes in people's lives.

From these pictures and background music, people of every age can find memory points.

The picture finally shifted to the night sky, with countless fireworks blooming enthusiastically in the sky.

A line of words and a very magnetic voice-over appear in the fire tree silver flower.

"Spring Festival Gala, the warmest companionship on New Year's Eve!"

With the fall of this voice, the prologue of the Spring Festival Gala officially kicked off!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Mime private 989

The first show of the Spring Festival Gala is also called the opening dance.

"A Thousand Reds Are Always Spring"!

This is a dance performed by eight well-known domestic artists and more than 200 dancers.

Zou Wenping has watched this program more than once, but every time he watches it, he will be shocked.

Such a big stage, so many actors.

Everyone sang and danced to the best of their ability to bring joy to the audience and friends in front of the TV!

Many people say that the Spring Festival Gala is not as exciting and interesting as before.

Zou Wenping didn't think so.

Zou Wenping followed the entire rehearsal for the last few days of the Spring Festival Gala.

His perception is that the splendor of the Spring Festival Gala is not lost to previous Spring Festival Gala.

Even far more than the Spring Festival Gala in previous years.

Why do so many people say that the Spring Festival Gala is not as interesting as it used to be?

That's because the times have changed!

In previous societies, materials were scarce. There might be only one TV set in the whole village, but only one TV set might be received.

After ten o'clock in the evening, most TV stations will become snowflakes or other non-signal states.

Even CCTV One is the same.

Only on New Year’s Eve, the CCTV channel will be shown until after the early hours of the morning.

For people at that time, the Spring Festival Gala is the only program that can be enjoyed during the New Year.

So the impression is very deep, some people remember every previous show clearly.

But now.

As the times change, almost every household has a TV, computer, and mobile phone.

Various entertainment methods are emerging one after another, and the TV festival is also dazzling.

In this case, people have more choices and tastes.

No matter how outstanding the Spring Festival Gala is, it is still difficult to adjust!


Soon, the opening dance performance ended.

But all the actors did not leave the stage, because the host appeared next.

A very large, auspicious cloud-shaped lifter slowly descended from the top of the stage.

The hosts are standing on the lifter, and each is a familiar national host!

There are enthusiastic smiles on their faces, with a microphone in one hand and waving with the other.

The lift landed slowly on the stage.

Zhu Junlang said.

"Xia Guo TV Station!"

His voice is deep and loud, and his tone is full of positive energy!

Dong Qing also said loudly.

"Xia Guo TV Station!"

Kang Hui said in an exhilarating voice.

"The audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV!"

Li Sisi, the hostess beside him, went on to say.

"Friends who are watching the live broadcast through CCTV network and CCTV client."

Sa chanting Ning Lang said.

"I have gone home to reunite, with friends who are on the way home!"

Zhu Xun said.

"People of all ethnic groups across the country, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas Chinese around the world!"

Afterwards, the six hosts joined together.

"Happy Chinese New Year everyone!"


The audience in the audience was applauded!


Zhu Jun continued.

"Audience friends, we are in Yanjing, the No. 1 studio of National Radio."

"Live broadcast to the whole country, the Spring Festival Gala!"

Dong Qinglang said.

"Spring is back to the earth, and the land is full of flowers, and Xia Guo's sons and daughters celebrate the New Year!"

"The annual Spring Festival Gala is here again as promised!"

Kang Hui said.

"The CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been held continuously for more than 30 years, with the growth of generation after generation!"

"It has become the 1.4 billion people of Xia Kingdom and Chinese people all over the world, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new year's customs!"

Li Sisi said.

"Tonight, Xiaguo TV Comprehensive Channel, Variety Channel, Chinese International Channel, Military Agriculture Channel, Children Channel, and 4k Ultra HD Channel will be parallel live broadcast of this Spring Festival Gala!"

Saying Ning.

"In addition, there are traffic radio stations, CCTV, CCTV, International Online, and other new media platforms that broadcast simultaneously."

Zhu Xundao

"At the same time, CCTV News Channel, CCTV Xiaguo Voice, Literary and Art Voice, Guoguang Huayu Global Broadcasting."

"As well as Xia Guo International TV, English, Western, French, Russian and other overseas and foreign language channels."

"We will also broadcast our Spring Festival Gala to 162 countries and 297 partners worldwide!"

··0 Seeking flowers 0····

After saying this, there was another thunderous applause in the audience.

Zou Wenping couldn't help but applaud.

162 countries!

The Spring Festival is worthy of being the largest festival in the country of Xia, and the Spring Festival Gala is worthy of being the biggest stage of the country of Xia!

Except for the Spring Festival Gala, what programs can make countless people from Xia and overseas Chinese watch in front of the TV?

Except for the Spring Festival Gala, what programs can be broadcast simultaneously to 162 countries?

With this stage, Zou Wenping can show off his style in front of countless people around the world!

How much popularity this performance can bring to him, he himself is very much looking forward to it!


The program of the Spring Festival Gala continued.

The shows are on stage one after another, and the scenes can be described as splendid!


There are songs, dances, acrobatics, magic, sketches, and comic dialogue!

Soon it was Mary Thirteen's turn to debut.

As a representative of foreigners, he is also a popular celebrity in Europe.

The host gave him a intensive introduction.

All kinds of packaging rhetoric are definitely indispensable.

Because there are not only a lot of viewers, watching the Spring Festival Gala through live broadcast.

There are also viewers watching through live broadcast platforms, including many foreigners.

In order to make more foreigners pay attention to Xia Guo’s Spring Festival Gala, Mary XIII was packed a lot.

After packing, Zhu Jun said to the camera.

"Next, let us have it, Philip Leopold Mary XIII from Hibania."

"Bring us the famous European song "Hibanya" and dance "Flamenco"!"


In the applause of the audience.

Mary Thirteen, dressed in a red dress, walked onto the stage curly.

She is blonde and looks very beautiful in the light.

Coupled with her unique noble temperament, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Many male audiences on the scene cheered up immediately!

Don't care if you can understand, this girl is very seductive anyway!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Li Bai will want to go on a boat, can you give me some flowers! Four.

Mime private 990

Mary Thirteen walked to the microphone in the center of the stage.

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