Chapter 101

“Brother Qin Zhong, do you know? I knew when I first saw you, you will be successful!”

Zhao Jingmai was already sitting next to Qin Zhong.

It might have something to do with drinking some beer, the little girl’s face was red.

Qin Zhong’s hand is about to touch Zhao Jingmai’s short skirt.

“Knowing that when I was interviewing for “Wandering Earth”, didn’t the director ask me how much money I want?”

Zhao Jingmai pursed her small mouth, picked up a finger, and said: “I thought to myself, as long as I can film with you, I don’t need money, and I am willing!”

The scene of the two people meeting for the first time appeared in front of Qin Zhong again.

“Hey, from the beginning, I thought, I’ll be by your side like that, like a silly girl, watching you silently, it’s fine”

“But later, the closer I got to you, the more I found that you are so talented and that you are good to me, I slowly discovered that my heart is all you, I am not satisfied, I want to be close to you ,to be with you!”

Speaking of Zhao Jingmai, he grabbed Qin Zhong’s hand.

The delicate touch of Zhao Jingmai’s skin came out of Qin Zhong’s hand.

This time, Qin Zhong was horrified.

He is a man with great self-control!

But now he feels that Zhao Jingmai may be challenging his bottom line tonight.

Suddenly, Zhao Jingmai came over again, feeling that he was about to stick with Qin Zhong’s face.

Qin Zhong felt a fire in his heart,

He gave a wry smile, no matter what, he was also a normal man.

Such a cute girl is acting like a baby by her side. If the average man could not stand it for a long time.

I only heard Zhao Jingmai muttering to herself again: “Hey, everyone is also the first time to be a human being, why are you so good? Do you know that I am so jealous of you! It is a pity that I don’t have this opportunity to get it. The Golden Rooster Award!”

After speaking, she returned to her seat.

“Don’t say that, are you still young? There will be this opportunity in the future!”

Zhao Jingmai said depressedly: “I hate being told that I am young!”

Qin Zhong said helplessly: “You are not young, you are big, okay. ¨!”

Zhao Jingmai looked at her chest again, and said grievously: “You lie!”

Qin Zhong: “…”

Well, it’s really bad to lie.

“To celebrate your nomination for the Golden Rooster Award today, I want to order some wine!”

Qin Zhong hurriedly stopped Zhao Jingmai,

Still drink…

After drinking it, it’s going to be broken.

Qin Zhong sent Zhao Jingmai back to the hotel, and he came to the crew again.

There is still a night scene tonight.

Most of the subsequent shots of “Infernal Affairs” were done at night.

After Qin Zhong went there, everything was set.

“Qin Zhong, it was your girlfriend just now!”

A staff member greeted Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong nodded without denying.

After a short break, Qin Zhong devoted himself to filming again.

Because after Qin Zhong changed his play before, everyone’s enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high.

They all showed great enthusiasm.

During a scene of dinner in a police station.

Huang Qiu came over to shake hands with Zeng Zhiwei.

Zeng Zhiwei was inspired by Qin Zhong and unexpectedly added lines temporarily.

Zeng Zhiwei originally wanted to refuse to shake hands.

But Zeng Zhiwei smiled and took his hand away.

The Huangqiu next to him was taken aback.

“Have you ever seen shaking hands with a dead person in a funeral home?”

Then he added another arrogantly.

“I see when you die!”

There is more fierceness!

It coincided with Huangqiu’s death again.

After speaking, he slowly picked up the towel and wiped his hands.

Say something like this at the police station.

Vicious and arrogant.

Huangqiu was obviously taken aback.

Then he reacted immediately, and his face became cold.

“This is a line that is not in the script!”

Liu Weiqiang was delighted.

These two people actually started to play with each other.

Scenes of wonderful scenes and scenes of classic scenes all appear in the movie.

This is a phenomenon Liu Weiqiang has never seen in that movie!

“Infernal Affairs” is doomed to fire!

Moreover, the time for this fire to burn was much longer than Liu Weiqiang thought.

And all this is because of the young man named Qin Zhong.

Liu Weiqiang is getting more and more happy, and he loses his temper casually in the crew.

Chen Guanxi was playing a game, and after seeing Liu Weiqiang, he stood up suddenly, his face pale.

After seeing Qin Zhong’s acting skills, he didn’t dare to play big names anymore.

“Director, director…”

Chen Guanxi immediately put down the phone in his hand, respectfully, and shouted tremblingly.

“Hmm!” It is rare that Liu Weiqiang saw Chen Guanxi playing games, but he didn’t lose his temper.

Now everyone in the crew has worked hard, and of course he will have a lot of temper.

Chen Guanxi let out a heavy sigh, thinking that he would be scolded to death just now.

Suddenly Liu Weiqiang looked back.

Chen Guanxi stood straight.

“That Guanxi!” Liu Weiqiang looked at Chen Guanxi’s dark circles and said with a sigh:

“`” Young people, you must understand temperance! ”

Chen Guanxi was left alone in the wind and messed up.

Yu Wenle patted and said: “The director didn’t curse, and started to care about you, Kansai, I feel so happy!”

During this time, he was the same as Chen Guanxi. After experiencing a self-confidence, then suffered a devastating blow, self-doubt, and slowly began the process of recovery.


Following the director’s order, the whole crew burst into cheers.

After three months of busy day and night, they can finally rest for a while.

“Yeah, it’s finally done!”

“Oh my god, I’m exhausted!”

Yu Wenle and Chen Guanxi cried in each other’s arms.

Zeng Zhiwei collapsed on the sofa. Desperately said: “No way, finally the filming is finished, I will go back later, sleep for three days and three nights, no one wants to call me up!”

Huang Qiu also sat next to him, sighed, and said, “I’m so tired, I haven’t been so tired in a long time!”

Liu Weiqiang said (really): “Thank you for your contribution to “Infernal Affairs” during this time, especially the two leading actors, Liu Dehua and Qin Zhong!”

Everyone responded with warm applause.

Liu Dehua waved his hand and said, “Okay. I don’t need it anymore. I think this time, Qin Zhong has contributed the most. To be honest, there have been many times when I played against Qin Zhong, I would unconsciously follow it. His thinking goes, in order to play Liu Jianming well, he gave me a lot of inspiration!”

After hearing this, everyone showed a look of approval.

After all, Liu Dehua is telling the truth. Especially in the last scene, Liu Dehua wanted to break out a shootout directly.

But Qin Zhong feels that this is not in line with Liu Jianming’s personality.

His suggestion to Andy Lau is to accept.

That’s why there is that classic line.

“give me a chance!”

“Okay, go talk to the judge!”

“Sorry, I am the police!”

“Who knows?” Zhan.

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