Chapter 111

There was a commotion in the crowd.

What Manager Ye said makes a lot of sense.

Obviously they also believed that the movie was indeed over.

The audience reluctantly left.

Manager Ye wiped the cold sweat from his head. He was really scared to death just now. I thought something was going on.

“We haven’t watched enough. We still have to watch it! I haven’t fully understood the shot just now!” a girl said loudly.

“Is it the scene on the rooftop!” The audience immediately added.

“Yeah, there is another one, three years and three years! It’s so classic, people can’t help but watch it again!”

“Me too, me too!”

Manager Ye was confused by these audiences. What three years and three years.

It should be the content of the movie.

“Then let’s make up the ticket and get one!” I don’t know who said it, and immediately won the approval of other audiences.

“Yes, buy another one!”

Manager Ye is dumbfounded, want to watch another?

“No, “Infernal Affairs” is scheduled for today. You want to watch it and come back tomorrow!”

But in my heart, these audiences are too enthusiastic.

“Let’s add another one, I haven’t seen such a beautiful original Xiangjiang movie for a long time!”

“Yes! You guys have another one.”

Manager Ye was embarrassed and greeted him verbally above, not allowing “Infernal Affairs” to be played more. Why do you want to do whatever you are afraid of?

Seeing the embarrassment of Manager Ye, the audience suddenly became angry.

“We want to see it, don’t you keep it in the cinema?”

Someone has taken out a phone search.

“Look, the cat’s eye app says that Happy Cinema City can buy tickets again!”

There was a burst of joy in the audience.

“Then let’s go to the Happy Film City to see it!”

Manager Ye panicked, what, Happy Movie City? That’s the competition for their Wanda Cinema.

Is this giving the money to the opponent?

Manager Ye’s mind was in a trance. Are these audiences so crazy?

He gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t go, I will ask the leader for instructions, give me five minutes, and I will give you an affirmative answer in five minutes!”

Those audience members are still chattering: “Hurry up, we will take a taxi from here to Happy Cinemas, and it will take 20 minutes. They have half an hour to open! If you don’t let it go, don’t delay our time. ! ”

“Yes, right, right, if you don’t want to make money, we will go to the Happy Studios ten kilometers away to watch it. Such a good movie, your leader’s brain is broken, and you only play one!”

After Manager Ye heard it, he staggered and almost didn’t fall.

The staff hurriedly supported him and said: “Manager, are you all right!”

Manager Ye shook his head calmly, “It’s okay, it’s okay!”

When he arrived in the nearby single room, Manager Ye couldn’t help it, and complained loudly:

“What the hell is Happiness Film City doing? Why did it add it? Didn’t everyone get an verbal notice together, saying that it will be played a day and behave?”

“This is unruly!”

The staff next to him said hesitantly: “Maybe the sweetness is tasted every day? The audience must be willing to buy tickets!”

Manager Ye began to fall into contemplation.

The female staff member said: “Manager, you have to think clearly, our broadcast indicators this month are still more than half of the difference? There is no money to make, but the bonus will be deducted!”

“Furthermore, look at those viewers. If you don’t show them, they might go to the Internet to find pirated copies!”

Manager Ye was shocked again.

“Piracy? No, they must not be allowed to watch piracy! It is impossible to make money for pirate dealers, let it go, and play it now!”

It doesn’t matter what you give orally.

People in cinemas hate piracy the most.

Never let this happen.

Since Happiness Cinema has increased the number of films, they have no reason to keep money and not earn it!

The people in their Wanda Cinema City are not fools!

And it’s just a verbal notice, not an official document. Besides, how can anyone put money without making the truth?

Five minutes later, Manager Ye came to the screening hall again, calmly assured everyone, “Our leaders have already felt the enthusiasm of your audience. After our unanimous research, we decided to add another show immediately!”

“And tomorrow we will continue to launch a special show of “Infernal Affairs”, which will be played 24 hours a day!”

I heard Manager Ye say so unexpectedly. The pace of people about to leave suddenly stopped.

“What are you supposed to do! If you don’t let it go, we will leave immediately!” The audience said very upset, but seeing the manager keep bowing their heads to apologize, their grievances were lessened.

“Such a good film should be released more!”

“Great, let’s go buy tickets now!”

Manager Ye said with an open eyebrow: “All those who want to buy tickets are here! Line up one by one!”

The audience really lined up one by one to buy tickets.

This phenomenon is not limited to this Wanda Movie City.

It’s the same in other places.

“Infernal Affairs” is like a prairie fire, which all at once burned throughout China.

“Have you watched “Infernal Affairs”, the peak showdown between Qin Zhong and Liu Dehua in it, it’s so cool to watch!”

“It’s really fake, then I have to hurry up and buy it!”

“I have done it three times, and I tell you, I have seen all the foreshadowing the director has laid down!”

“Then talk about it quickly…”

“Bah, no comment, I want to know, go to the cinema to watch it myself!”

After eating and drinking, people discussed “Infernal Affairs”.

“I haven’t seen such a passionate Hong Kong movie for many years!”

“It’s all actor-level performances!”

Originally, Liu Weiqiang had already given up on the mainland market.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

“What? Ask for the show time? From the original ten days to forty-five days?”

“From one scene a day to ten shows, and a special movie hall will be opened, and only “Infernal Affairs” will be played?”

“Yes, yes, of course! Thank you for supporting our film!”

Liu Weiqiang tremblingly agreed.

Weeping with joy.

Then he received another call after another.

“Director? What’s the matter?”

Everyone around looked at Liu Weiqiang intently!

Liu Weiqiang choked.

Zhuang Wenqiang’s heart squatted.

“The movie was forcibly taken off the shelves?”


Everyone understands the fact that Xiangjiang Movies have been raped!

They can’t help it, sometimes, although they also want to go all out to cater to some people’s tastes.

But the soul of Xiangjiang movies cannot be lost.

Everyone is a little downcast.

Liu Weiqiang raised his head and said with a trembling voice: “Just now, I received a notice that the people in charge of the movie theaters have all requested to extend the release period and take the initiative to increase the schedule for us!”.

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