Chapter 128

Bai Jingjing finally started to have some contact with Supreme Treasure.

Just when the audience thought that two people were going to have candy.

The ancestor of Bodhi appeared. He brought a demon mirror to Supreme Treasure, able to see through Bai Jingjing’s true face.

Zhi Zun Bao was scared to pee his pants.

After he changed into his new pants, he never thought that the girl he liked would be a monster, and Supreme Treasure’s first thought was to kill her!

However, Supreme Treasure is not Bai Jingjing’s opponent.

The ancestor of Bodhi gave Zhi Zun Bao an idea again, asking him to pretend to be the reincarnation of Monkey King. Use Tang Sanzang’s whereabouts as a magic weapon for life preservation.

But Supreme Bao didn’t realize…

He touched Bai Jingjing’s inverse scales.

It turned out that Bai Jingjing was abandoned by Supreme Treasure.

And Bai Jingjing obviously did not come out of that hurt relationship, she hoped to forget Monkey King through her new relationship.

But she found sadly that she couldn’t forget the Supreme Treasure at all!

After knowing that Zhi Zun Bao is the reincarnation of Monkey King, she still decided to protect Zhi Zun Bao, and she did not hesitate to fight against her sister!

“Can’t kill the heartbreaker!” Bai Jingjing rushed forward.

While the senior sister didn’t pay attention, she injured the senior sister.

“Hehe, you hurt me, so I don’t necessarily have water to drink!”

In order to save the Supreme Treasure, Bai Jingjing won the black widow of Spring Thirty Niang, and there is not much time.

She kept saying that she was going to kill the negative person. But at the critical moment, she still saved Supreme Treasure without even thinking about it.

This scene moved many audiences.

“Bai Jingjing really likes Supreme Treasure!”

“Not necessarily, I think she always likes smelly monkeys!”

There are also audiences who have begun to express their experiences.

It is not difficult to understand the change of roles.

When Bai Jingjing saw the smelly monkey, her emotions were furious!

The harder she hates it, it proves how much she loves smelly monkeys.

But when facing Supreme Po, she was cold and restrained!

This shows that Bai Jingjing always knows that the one in front of her is not a real smelly monkey at all.

But she was willing.

Even if it is reincarnation, she will save the Supreme Treasure.

They are really watching movies with ulterior motives.

The two fled to a long distance.

Bai Jingjing and Zhi Zun Bao said a lot.

At the beginning, Supreme Treasure was still very afraid of Bai Jingjing.

Especially when Bai Jingjing transformed into a bone spirit.

But gradually, he discovered that Bai Jingjing didn’t seem so terrible.

Without any chance of winning, or even no cure, Bai Jingjing still pierced that sword towards Chun Thirty Niang.

Supreme treasure is beginning to mature.

When he knows about love, he can sacrifice for each other, even his life!

The bull devil beats the mandarin ducks, and Supreme Treasure is unwilling to face the parting of life and death that he has to experience just after finding his lover.

Bai Jingjing is dead!

He took out the Moonlight Treasure Box.

He stood up again and again and ran over desperately, trying to change the ending.

However, he was a little bit close again and again.

Just a little bit, he would be able to save Bai Jingjing.

The hearts of everyone present squeezed with every movement of Supreme Treasure.

If it doesn’t work once, come again!

It’s still a little bit worse.

There is still no suspense, Supreme Treasure did not save Bai Jingjing!

“I’m so angry! Can’t the Moonlight Treasure Box be more reliable?”

“The heroine died like this?”

Already, the audience couldn’t help but scolded.

Zhi Zun Bao stumbled over again. He finally rescued Bai Jingjing and explained clearly to Bai Jingjing.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Supreme Bao was ecstatic.

The two hugged each other.

“It’s okay, okay! It’s finally saved!”

The audience was very excited.


This time, the ending of Bai Jingjing’s death has not changed!

This time, Bai Jingjing died in the hands of the Bull Demon King in order to save the Supreme Treasure.

The cheerful expressions of the audience.

All of a sudden it solidified.

Bai Jingjing died again and again, and no matter how Supreme Treasure returned to the past, he couldn’t change the ending, and had already mobilized the emotions of all the audience present.

The audience obviously couldn’t accept it. The misunderstanding between the two people had been resolved. When it was about to come to a happy ending, the big villain, the Bull Demon King, unexpectedly ran out again.

The expression of supreme treasure’s ecstatic joy suddenly disappeared.

Supreme Treasure wanted to use the Moonlight Treasure Box to change his destiny, but it was always a little bit worse.

For Bai Jingjing repeatedly died. Of course the audience was very dissatisfied.

“Bai Jingjing is too miserable!”

“Can’t this be saved? You have to die every time?”

Some people even scold the director.

“What is the director doing? After finally saving it, he was killed by the Bull Demon again?”

There was agitation in the crowd 0 ……..

There are already red eyes in the audience below.

Many viewers were in an uproar, and some even started to curse the Bull Demon King.

“This bull devil is really nothing!”

“God slaughter Bull Demon, return me Bai Jingjing!”

“Unscrupulous director, return my tears!”

Seeing the restless audience, Qin Zhong’s mouth showed a slight smile.

Simply being cool can no longer satisfy the audience.

But for the sad and battered scenes, they are always fresh in my memory. Especially when the hero and heroine are already together.

The hostess is also in order to protect the Bull Demon King.


It’s so dead!

In response to the audience’s angry accusations, Liu Zhengwei, who was scolded as an unscrupulous director, shrank his neck.

What can he explain?

He could say that he only wanted Bai Jingjing to die once, but Qin Zhong said that one death was not enough. Will Bai Jingjing die many times to earn enough tears for your audience?

Liu Zhengwei felt that he was in trouble.

The plot continues.

Supreme treasure refused to admit defeat.

The Supreme Treasure outside the Broken Dragon Stone once again opened the Moonlight Treasure Box!

Zhang Yiming watched the movie with a complicated expression.

“What kind of junk plot is this, Monkey King is described as such a weak chicken!”

“Being tortured to death by a spider spirit, is this still the majestic Monkey King?”

“The Bull Demon King can’t beat it, if you let me shoot…”

Zhang Yiming couldn’t help but yell in his heart, but his eyes were still staring at the screen.

Damn it, when he saw Bai Jingjing die for the last time, he couldn’t help but want to leave the field early.

“I just want to see if this weak protagonist can save Bai Jingjing!”

“Yes! That’s it, it’s not how good his movies are!”

Although Zhang Yiming was swearing in his mouth, it was undeniable that he was completely attracted by this complicated plot.

Travel to the past?

Change the fate of the heroine’s death.

Who can think of such a sophisticated design?

Everyone has time to regret, but it is obviously impossible to travel through time.

But this segment in the movie obviously greatly satisfies the curiosity of many viewers.

However, the Moonlight Treasure Box broke down, and the Supreme Treasure was brought back five hundred years ago!

Five hundred years ago, Zhizunbao met Zixia Fairy. .

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