Chapter 130

While crying, Zhang Yiming cursed: “Liu Zhengwei of dog days, Laozi cried so badly!”

However, none of the surrounding audience felt that Zhang Yiming was ashamed, because they had been abused and crying a long time ago.

Especially when Zixia said that while she was still dead.

“I guessed the beginning, but couldn’t guess the ending!”

Sun Wukong finally changed from a carefree supreme treasure to a Sun Wukong willing to give up.

In the end, he cultivated Zhengguo, but everything he used to be.

Already changed beyond recognition.

“Look, that person is like a dog…”

In the feeling that the audience was still unfulfilled, the ending song rang.

The audience was silent for a long time, and finally someone began to applaud.

“Isn’t that comedy?”

“Why did I cry for so long?”

“So is it tragedy or comedy?”

The movie is over.

Zhu Ying also picked up the tissue and started wiping tears.

While wiping her tears, she said to Qin Zhong: “Look, it’s really strange. When I acted by myself, I didn’t feel anything, but now when I watch a movie, I was moved and cried by my acting!”

Qin Zhong wiped away tears for Zhu Ying.

Said: “So this is the charm of the movie!”

He glanced at the people around him, his eyes were almost red.

Seeing the audience walk out with sad expressions, the media that was waiting for them to come out for interviews was suddenly stunned.

“Director Wang, how about it, is “Journey to the West” good-looking?”

“Does it count as a good comedy?”

“I heard that someone was crying inside, is it true?”

When faced with questions from reporters, Director Zhang Yiming was the first to help.

“Liar! “Journey to the West” is a liar, a tragedy in a comedy shell!”

And the audience is constantly discussing the plot inside.

“Well, anyway, I just started watching and laughing, and then I came to cry!”

Another audience took off his sunglasses directly. He angrily pointed to his red and swollen eyes, and said to the camera: “I’m crying like this, you still ask me if it’s a comedy?”

The remaining reporters were immediately confused.

What is this, is it really a tragedy?

Zhou Xunxuan and Qin Zhong joined hands to create a tragedy?

What’s happening here?

A young man in his twenties came out.

The reporter hurried over.

“Excuse me, sir, what do you want to say about the “Western Journey” you just watched. ¨?”

The joy on that person’s face was obviously because he was very excited because of being interviewed by a reporter for the first time.

“I’m not good at “Journey to the West”, anyway, I like Zixia, Zixia, I love you so much. Have you heard that? I will never abandon you…”

The reporter quickly grabbed the microphone.

“Yes, “Journey to the West” is a comedy!”

Another audience said with red eyes.

Suddenly, the reporters were confused one by one.

“I’ll go, what the hell is going on here!”

They still haven’t understood what happened.

Looks like those people, have you cried just now?

But didn’t everyone always say that this is a comedy?

“Taking a comedy can make them cry like this?”

The audience walked out of the viewing hall one after another, almost every reporter looked dumbfounded.

They seem to have asked a lot of questions just now, but none of the audience can give them the answers they want!

what is happening.

They have no subject matter to write about, so what to submit?

Looking at the same dumbfounded photographers, those reporters discovered for the first time that the audience could be so powerful.

Seeing that all the audiences were walking away, only the reporters were left messy in the wind.

What exactly is put in “A Westward Journey”?

“Comedy, don’t you see that their eyes are crying red? This movie is a tragedy! No, Zhang said before that this is a tragedy in a comedy shell!”

Recalling the expressions of those audiences, the reporters suddenly realized it.

“I see, it’s a tragicomedy!”

One of them said with some excitement.

“Tragicomedy?” Question marks popped up in everyone’s minds.

“Yes, I just want you to cry with a smile!”

The reporters suddenly realized.

Who makes a comedy that can make the audience cry?

There was a person in their minds, and that was Master Zhubielin!

Only his movies can make people laugh and cry.

“Ah! Qin Zhong really made such a movie?”

“Is this still a romance?”

“No one has ever made a comedy romance like this!”

Reporters have decided that just interviewing the audience is not enough to support them in writing material!

“Let’s organize a group to watch a movie!”

“I agree!”

“I agree!”

“I don’t know if the boss is reimbursed or not reimbursed!”

A group of reporters rushed to the ticket counter without hesitation.

After nearly three hours of watching the movie.

The reporters came out one by one, with red eyes.

Qin Zhong’s performance inside!

Can be called a model.

“It’s all golden sentences!”

“It’s so good!” Suddenly a reporter raised his hand.

“I want a second brush, I feel I haven’t seen enough!”

His partner photographer next to him immediately called out: “Look at it, don’t you go back to catch up with the manuscript!”


There are more and more discussions on the Internet about “Journey to the West”.

All kinds of golden sentences are flying all over the sky.

Especially the sentence of Fairy Zixia: “The person in my mind is a hero…”

It has become the mantra of girls.

There is also the words that Zhizunbao said to Fairy Zixia.

“`” There used to be a sincere love in front of me, I did not cherish it…”

There are countless lovers who regretted breaking up.

In the lonely night, they tossed and turned, crying into tears.

When I was young and frivolous, on the impulse, he said the breakup.

But looking back now, I really regret it.

get up. She covered her heart with tears in her mouth.

Send this sentence to your girlfriend who just broke up on impulse.

In half an hour.

The girlfriend who had broken up appeared at the door of his dormitory.

Zhao Xue is an ordinary clerk in a company, with a salary of several thousand yuan a month, and she is not salty or indifferent.

Life seems to go on like water.

On this day, Zhao Xue suddenly received a set of expensive cosmetics.

“Who gave this from?”

Colleagues gathered around in surprise.

“This brand is worth tens of thousands!”

“Are you the pursuer?”

Zhao Xue shook her head. She is currently single.

Although her mother introduced her some blind date, she still can’t forget that person.

So they all refused (good) and dropped.

She opened the box suspiciously.

“Hello, Zhao Xue!”

There is a paragraph written on it.

“Remember me? Three years ago, I was a poor stalker who repeatedly failed to start a business. Not only did you not dislike me, but you always encouraged me.”

“But I’m a bastard, I always feel that I can’t give you happiness, I can’t hold on, so I broke up with you stubbornly!”

“Yesterday I went to see a movie “Journey to the West”!”

“There used to be a sincere love in front of me, I didn’t cherish it! After watching this movie, I found out. I was wrong!”

“I regret.”

“Of course I don’t mean to disturb you. I don’t expect to start again with you. I know you hurt you too deeply!”

“I just want to say sorry to my youth. I’m sorry that I have been with you for three years and haven’t bought you any gifts!”

“Thank you for the light you brought to me in the darkest time of my life. May everything be well, safe and joyful!”

Looking at this belated gift, Zhao Xue stood alone at the door of the company, crying loudly! .

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