Chapter 136

“Your “Hundred Duers” is not worthy of my “Western Journey”!”

“You don’t take these awards as a reason!”

Qin Zhong directly put down the cruel words.

“Honestly, don’t think that you can claim to be an artist by making a film that no one can understand!”

Qin Zhong’s attitude is clear.

Zhang Jiajia is not happy to find him.

He made Zhang Jiajia uncomfortable.

Since the other party was showing off so much, then Qin Zhong simply gave the other party a ruthless one.

Box office box office is not good, word-of-mouth reputation is terrible!

Have you come to yourself to find your presence?

Qin Zhong was about to be grinned by Zhang Jiajia.


Some reporters couldn’t help but laugh.

“If you make a film that no one can understand, you will call yourself an artist!”

This Qin Zhong doesn’t know where the word came from!

Toxic enough.

But it is very accurate.

Indeed, many viewers said that after watching “Baidu Ren”, they did not understand what was being said, the story line was messy, and the characters in it said weird things.

“Press and rub on the ground!”

Those reporters even pricked their ears.

What did they hear?

Ari TV’s most favored director and Jiahang’s Qin Zhong choked?

There is a good show.

However, Qin Zhong does not seem to belong to Jiahang anymore.

Also, Ari Films is a domestic movie giant, and the worst thing about Dad Ma is money.

With a stroke of a big pen, tens of billions were put on the account, and Jiahang was not an opponent at all.

The reporters suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be said that Qin Zhong has found a new backer?

After all, Wang Jinghua, Liu Tianzhen, Jia Shikai and others have all expressed their appreciation of Qin Zhong in public.

Even the Prince of Wanda once appreciated Qin Zhong’s acting skills.

There is even more film and television crocodile Yu Dong, who has publicly called Qin Zhong publicly on many occasions, hoping that he can join his own banner.

Yu Dong even said that he will create a movie specifically for Qin Zhong.

Suddenly the reporters began to use their imagination.

Zhang Jiajia’s face suddenly changed.

He is also a well-known director in China anyhow.

The famous Wang Jiawei is his godfather!

Ari company is his backstage…

Countless stars are counting on his play.

When one of them is facing himself, he is not polite with a flattering smile, even if he mocks a few maliciously, they absolutely dare not say anything!

As a result, Qin Zhong ridiculed him in front of so many reporters today. Such words fell in his ears, especially harsh.

This is the level of Chi Guoguo mocking him.

It implied that his movie did not match “A Chinese Journey to the West” at all.

Originally, Zhang Jiajia received this award to find a little face for herself.

Who knew that Qin Zhong ridiculed him again.

Can this be endured?

The corners of Zhang Jiajia’s mouth twitched, his face was ugly, and he deliberately said provocatively: “Qin Zhong, I really didn’t see it. You really have the courage. I thought you had a second time before making commercial films.”

“But people have self-knowledge, do you dare to make a literary film?”

Qin Zhong smiled at the media.

“You are not my opponent when shooting commercial films, and I can rub you on the ground when shooting literary films!”

“Dear viewers, today, I want to announce one thing, my own film and television company, [Wushuang] film and television company, is officially established! Next, we will produce many excellent film and television programs!”

“I hope everyone will wait and see!”

By the way, Qin Zhong gave his own film and television company a wave of publicity.

The reporters were very excited one by one.

What did they hear?

Qin Zhong started his own film company.

Zhang Jiajia’s face was pale.

He strode away without looking back.

In the car, Liu Zhengwei said with joy: “Qin Zhong, do you already have any magic weapon in your hand?”

“That’s why you are preemptive. You have already received an invitation from a domestic literary film director, right? You want to surprise me?”

“Let me think about it, Wang Jiawei is unlikely. He wants to avoid suspicion now, is it myself or Gu Changwei?”

Qin Zhong: “Ahem, this is not easy to say for the time being…”

“That person Zhang Jiajia, I know his character. Behind him is Ari Film and Television Company. Those middle and high-level people like him very much. They filmed “Your World” before. The box office is not bad!”

“So I’m a bit fluttering, thinking I’m great!”

As he said, Liu Zhengwei smiled triumphantly: “Wang Jiawei was also pulled this time. Who knew that Wang Jiawei and Liang Chaowei could not save his box office!”

“I thought you were going to be upset by Zhang Jiajia tonight. Who knows you are ready for everything!”

“It seems that this time Director Zhang’s face is going to be ashamed!”

Bai Lili pinched a strand of her hair behind her ears.

She said solemnly: “Qin Zhong, I think it is very unwise for you to offend Zhang Jiajia directly tonight. The words you said in “Baidu People” just now, if they were put on the Internet by someone with a heart, it would be very good. Controversial!”

Hearing Bai Lili’s words, Qin Zhong thought for a while, and then said: “It happens to be a publicity for our Wushuang Film and Television Company!”

Liu Zhengwei said: “Just to teach him a lesson!”

“So what is that trump card in your hand?” Bai Lili raised her own question.

For an instant.

The rest of the people all turned their eyes on Zhou Xunxuan.

Zhou Xunxuan quickly said: “Don’t look at me, you know, if you want me to do a literary film, it’s better to let me play an idol film!”

Liu Zhengwei thought for a long time, touched his chin and said, “The way of literary film is very wild, I can’t make it!”

Now everyone’s gaze returned to Qin Zhong’s body again.

Qin Zhong stroked his chin pretentiously.

“I said I scared Zhang Jiajia just now, do you believe it?”

Zhou Xunxuan:…

Liu Zhengwei:…

Bai Lili:…

Qin Zhong said these words, and immediately everyone was quiet.

Liu Zhengwei directly covered his stomach and laughed.

“Qin Zhong, you are a great pen. You are a great pen!”

Zhou Xunxuan also laughed.

“Zhang Jiajia is not going to be pissed off by you!”

Qin Zhong smiled and said: “I can’t blame me for this. Sooner or later, buddy, I’m going to make a literary film! But for the time being, no director has come to me!”

Zhang Jiajia, who was vomiting blood from anger, went back and directly posted a Weibo.

“Some of the little stars in the entertainment industry, Xiao Xianrou, thought that they would be great after making two movies, and even said that they wanted to make the best literary and artistic film. Do you really think this entertainment industry is yours? Xiao Xianrou just stay in commercial movies to make money, don’t spoil the literary movies!”.

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