Chapter 138

Li Jing commented on the movie: “To be honest, these lines are designed to be wonderful.”

Cameron added: “The performance is also in place! You see how he handles this place… It’s so subtle.”

“By the way, who is the actor who rejected you that you said before? It’s such a big name that you don’t even want to appear in your drama. I am quite curious about this person. Where does his family live? How old is he? ”

Suddenly, Kameron looked at Qin Zhong in the movie with some surprise.

At this time, Qin Zhong in the movie hung up his beard, shaved off his eyebrows, and combed his hair to reveal his original face.

He grew his mouth and said, “It’s a coincidence. The person I said to reject me is the hero of this play!”

Since Cameron knew that this movie was played by Qin Zhong, he began to watch it seriously. “It looks like this movie is very interesting. The characters in it are very funny. Unfortunately, my Chinese language is not very good, otherwise it will be more interesting!”

“Qin Zhong’s acting is really great, but unfortunately the movie in my hand is not suitable for him yet, otherwise I really want to work with him once!”


After Li Jing heard these words, he also seemed very surprised.

He had never heard Cameron have such a high evaluation of an actor.

“Really, so powerful?”

Li Jian suddenly became interested.

He focused his gaze on the movie again.

“This is definitely a comedy?”

Li Wei said suspiciously.

Cameron said happily: “I knew that Qin Zhong would not let me down. This is a tragicomedy. From him, I saw the shadow of the comedy master Jin Kerry from Country M. Oh, no, his way of acting. Much wider than Jim Carrey!”

“True dramas, comedies, science fiction dramas, come here at your fingertips!”

Li Wei murmured to himself: “I’m currently preparing a new movie, and I have been looking for a long time, but I haven’t found the leading actor. After hearing you say that, I decided to take advantage of my return to China to film. At the time, take a good look at this actor named Qin Zhong!”

Qin Zhong didn’t know that he had been spotted by two international directors.

At this moment, he was so devastated, he was dealing with Zhao Jingmai in his office.

“Awesome, Qin Zhong, you have started your own company!”

Qin Zhong thinks this is a bit wrong.

It sounds like a compliment.

But the tone was resentful.

Qin Zhong immediately explained: “Isn’t this just getting started? Basically there is nothing!”

“Qin Zhong, I ask you, why don’t you sign me into your company?”

Zhao Jingmai’s face is delicate, his head held up, he seems very upset.

“Are you having an adulterous affair with Fairy Zixia? So you don’t want me to come over?”

Qin Zhong thought to himself, he really came, but he started to make trouble before he came up to Zhao Jingmai first.

He quickly raised his hand.

“It’s wrong, Jingmai.”

“My company doesn’t plan to sign artists, but only invests in TV and movies. In other words, there is no artist agency department!” Qin Zhong explained quickly.

“Liar!” Zhao Jingmai said suspiciously: “I have never heard of that movie company that doesn’t want artists and only does film and television dramas. Now it is a popular star and earns more money. If you shoot a star or a TV show, it will cost five. Sixty million!”

“The brokerage department can earn 50% as much as 50% and as little as 30%. Would you not do such a profitable thing?”

Qin Zhong shook his head.

“It’s difficult to cultivate a star! And if the training is successful, it is also difficult to raise a star. After they become famous, the salary will be higher and higher!”

“Famous celebrities need to be able to afford movies with high investment all the time, but not every movie can make money. If you sign an artist, it would be too risky to make a movie!”

“So I am committed to [Wushuang] company, which is to build a company that only produces excellent film and television dramas!”

“As for the actors who move 80 million or even 90 million in pay. In our company, I won’t invite them at all!”

“And the real strength faction has its own studio!”

The strange phenomenon of Xiaoxianrou only getting paid but not doing business has existed in China for a long time.

Qin Zhong does not want to be a specialized economic company.

That’s almost the same as Jiahang!

Jiahang hasn’t had any hit movies and TV series yet, because there are too many cases to take into account its own artists!

Zhao Jingmai’s eyes widened.

“You are crazy, without the addition of high-paid traffic stars, the movie will not be sold!”

Qin Zhong nodded solemnly, and said, “What you said is reasonable. Now some actors on the set are better than the director, so I now hope that the film produced by my company would rather not join those traffic stars!”

Zhao Jingmai sat on the sofa 0 ……..

Start thinking about the question Qin Zhong said just now.

“I’m coming!”

Bai Lili came over with a lot of scripts in her arms.

“So many scripts?”

Zhao Jingmai jumped down.

“These are scripts carefully selected by us!” Bai Lili said.

“The company’s development direction in the second half of the year is to test the waters from TV dramas.”

Qin Zhong picked up the script and started to look.

If you read all of the forty or fifty scripts, it would be really hard work.

Qin Zhong wants to be lazy.

He looked at the system.

There are many things in the system mall.

He picked up something.

“Lucky potion?”

“You can get 30 seconds of lucky time after taking it?”

Qin Zhong thought, it looks pretty good.

He picked up the lucky potion and spent a full 500,000 fans value to buy it.

But there is no way, Qin Zhong’s time is too precious, he can’t spend a week here all the time writing scripts.

Opening the bottle cap, Qin Zhong took a deep breath.

500,000 fans, don’t let me down too much

During these thirty seconds, Qin Zhong will randomly select one from the pile of scripts.

And it is the best script.

Qin Zhong closed his eyes when he was in the system mall.

It can’t be closed.

Otherwise, he would not see anything in the system.

But at this moment, Zhao Jingmai, who went to drink water, happened to be back.

After drinking the lucky potion, Qin Zhong immediately drew a script on the table.

“This is it!”

Qin Zhong pulled out a script.

“Zhen Huan Biography”

It’s a palace drama.

In the previous life, it was also an explosion.

“Sure enough!” Qin Zhong said happily.

Zhao Jingmai was very surprised.

“That’s how your company invests? Choose a script with your eyes closed?”

Bai Lili is also very speechless!

At this moment, she also felt that her boss was too unreliable.


As a loyal employee, Bai Lili has her own rules.

That is absolutely not to tear down the platform.

“Our boss was a script chosen by thousands of people just now!” Bai Lili smiled reluctantly. .

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