Chapter 142

“Obviously, I was screaming with us on purpose, but I wanted to pretend to be like this!”

Assistant Wang Jie said with a sigh.

“Director Li An invited you to play the lead role. What a great opportunity, I know, you must be disgusted that the role Li An gave you is not a leading role, right?”

“In fact, it doesn’t matter, although it is a small supporting role, but with your acting skills and talents, I believe Li An will leave a very deep impression on you!”

“He is sure to be impressed by your talents, maybe next time he will let you play a very important role!”

“Don’t be unconfident, and even a small supporting role can be very brilliant!”

Wang Jie and Bai Lili both comforted Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong shook his head.

“The difficulty lies in this place, they want me to play the leading role! And there are so many scenes~!”

Qin Zhong frowned.

“But the film directed by Zhou Xunxuan will start shooting next month. I don’t know what to do-good!”

“Where the hell is going-a movie?”

Qin Zhong frowned and said with a distressed expression on his face.

Bai Lili almost didn’t spit out her tea.

“Li An called you to play the leading role?”

Wang Jie looked at Qin Zhong as if he was seeing the earthen artifacts, and he couldn’t believe it.

“Boss, I heard that right now. Are you going to reject Li An for the sake of Director Zhou? If Director Zhou knows, you will be moved to cry!”

“Then why are you hesitating? Hurry up and promise him!”

“You know, Director Li An has only released a movie in a few years, almost all of them are fine. And Li An is a frequent visitor at major film festivals. With him in charge, coupled with your acting skills, you might be able to hit this year’s Oscars. Woolen cloth!”

Bai Lili continued to emphasize the importance of Oscar.

Looking at Bai Lili’s expression.

Qin Zhong looked sad.

“Rejecting Zhou Xunxuan, it’s not so good!”

“You do not understand……”

Qin Zhong said in confusion.

No man will refuse the temptation of a pool fight!

This is why it is difficult for Qin Zhong to choose.

Wang Jie thoughtfully said: “The boss’s consideration is also reasonable. After all, the market for literary films is limited!”

“Compared with the box office and commercial films, it is a sky and a land. In short, literary films can’t do commercial films! And in terms of remuneration, the remuneration of literary films is much lower than that of commercial films.”

Bai Lili’s eyebrows are upside down: “I don’t understand? What do I do not understand? Normal people will choose Li An, Qin Zhong, you have the opportunity to shoot commercial films anytime, but it’s not so good for artistic films. Chance!”

“If Li An really won the Oscar through this film, your worth would have skyrocketed, and the whole world would know your name!”

“What else is more worth fighting for?”

“You make a lot of domestic films, and it is impossible for people all over the world to know your name, but through Li An, you can do this easily!”

Bai Lili’s last words really made Qin Zhong think about it.

Bai Lili’s eyes have been fixed on Qin Zhong.

“Well, don’t look at me like this, can’t I go? I must bring back an Oscar!”

After making the decision, Qin Zhong decided to call Zhou Xunxuan.

“I’m sorry, Axun, I may not be able to act in your movie!”

“No way?” Zhou Xunxuan yelled over there.

“No, you are the only actor in my movie. Give me a reason. Unless you are going to have a baby, don’t even think about it!”

Qin Zhong had to smile wryly.

“Li An called me to go to Los Angeles to make a movie. My schedule may be tight next. I’m really sorry, and I may regret to miss your movie.”

Surprisingly, after hearing the news, Zhou Xunxuan did not accuse Qin Zhong.

Instead, he said, “Oh, it turned out to be Li An, then you must seize his opportunity!”

“On the “Mermaid” side, you don’t have to worry, I originally wanted to call you to tell you that due to the problem of framing, we have to postpone the shooting for half a month!”

“Then I will shoot other people’s roles first. It should be too late!”

Zhou Xunxuan is also very happy for Qin Zhong.

Li An’s movies are not accessible to everyone.

This means that Qin Zhong will focus on international film duration in the future.

The future can be said to be bright!

He was even a little grateful that he signed Qin Zhong before Li An.

Otherwise, waiting for Qin Zhong to return from Los Angeles, maybe his net worth will skyrocket again.

“That’s it!” Zhou Xunxuan said.

“By the way, when you come back from making a movie, remember to give me a movie ticket!”

Qin Zhong fully agreed.

“By the way, there is one more thing. If your movie can get an Oscar, if the organizing committee gives you tickets, you should remember to get me some!”

After hearing Zhou Xingchi’s words, Qin Zhong breathed a sigh of relief.

“If it really wins, I will give it to you!”

0 ········Find flowers···

At the same time, Qin Zhong finished his day’s work.

He returned to his villa.

Zhao Jingmai and Sun Li went to film.

Qin Zhong took a shower and then opened the script Li An gave him.

“Youth School”…

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Two hours later, Qin Zhong had already completely remembered the script of the boy school.

At this time Qin Zhong just wanted to say something.

It is indeed Li An’s fancy script!

A professional film screenwriter is one page per minute.

Hollywood movies and screenwriters are already very standardized. When did the hero and the hero meet, and when did things climax? When to flip, conflict, there is a similar structure!

A general script is usually one hundred pages.

And the “Fantasy Drifting of the Juvenile School” in Qin Zhong’s hands is full of pages!

.. … …….

And except for the first half an hour, Qin Zhong was the only one to perform in the back!

This script is too brain-burning…

Qin Zhong quickly opened the system interface and opened the system store.

His gaze swept away.

This time he directly chose God-level acting full-level in the system mall!

It cost a full 20 million fans.

If you are proficient in language, you can communicate with people of any race in the world.

After redeeming this ability, what the other party says does not need to be translated into the Chinese language, and you can communicate with the other party directly in your mind!

And this ability is not limited to the region.

To put it simply, Qin Zhong is now able to understand words in that country or region, and he can communicate with others quickly.

This ability also cost him five million fans.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, he has achieved the god-level acting skills! The host’s lines are also performing skills, and they have received a permanent bonus of 100,000 points, and they have reached the god-level acting skills!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining proficiency in speech. The host can now communicate with anyone without any obstacles! And use the other’s language proficiently!”

After scanning the system mall again, Qin Zhong did not hesitate and exchanged another talent skill.

That is the ability to protect water!

Qin Zhong can swim, and he never thought of redeeming this ability.

But this time is completely different.

He will float on the water for 27 days. Shooting countless underwater shots, what is more reassuring than the one who has the strongest water-repellent talent? Ding.

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