Chapter 145

After everything is ready,

Li An sat in front of the camera, calmly picked up the trumpet in his hand.


The photography became mobile.

In this scene, Qin Zhong encountered a storm on the ship.

The huge storm overturned their boat.

Qin Zhong took a deep breath, and then sank into the character extremely skillfully. He stumbled and opened the door of the cabin, but was blown over on the deck by the violent storm outside.

“Do not……”

Countless people ran and shouted on the deck.

They encountered a huge storm.

Qin Zhong overturned from the big boat and fell on the lifeboat!

On the boat, his relatives seemed to be swallowed by the storm in the blink of an eye.

He watched the big ship, slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

“no, do not want……”

He shouted loudly with all his might.

Vigorously waving his hands.

Finally looked desperately at that big ship getting further and further away from him!

Every expression is perfectly in place, without a trace of redundancy.

If they were not at the shooting scene, they might think that Qin Zhong really had a shipwreck.

Roman was also stunned!

Li An stared at the monitor, and suddenly felt a little breathless.

Qin Zhong’s eyes just now were really desperate.

And Roman was equally surprised.

He just arrived in the theater today.

I haven’t had much contact with Qin Zhong before.

When he knew that Li An had chosen a new face, he had a conflict with Li An at the time.

A Chinese actor, or a very young actor, what acting skills?

There are only a few fans at most.

He really couldn’t figure it out. Why did Li An choose such a Chinese person to play the leading role?

So he even complained to others.

Just because Li An is a Chinese, just find someone who has no acting skills to play the leading role.

But after watching Qin Zhong’s performance, Roman was completely shocked.

They finished this set of shots smoothly, followed by a short break.

Of course, the clothes on Qin Zhong can’t be taken off yet, because he will still be on the boat in the next scene.

And even the props and scenery will not be changed.

“Ah, your performance is really great! It was wonderful. ¨!” Roman ran over, clutching his hair with excitement.

He said with satisfaction: “I finally understand now why Li An chooses you!”

When foreigners express their emotions, they always add very exaggerated body movements.

This is different from the obvious restraint of Chinese people.

Sure enough, there are many admiring eyes in the crowd.

“I like his acting!”

“I heard that Chinese people are very good at kung fu!”

“Oh, his performance is so great, I can’t help but fan him!”

“Thank you for your compliment!” Qin Zhong said with a faint smile.

Qin Zhong had expected that they had already recognized their acting skills in their hearts.

“I want to apologize to you, I was not friendly to you before!”

Qin Zhong’s mood is pretty good. He shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter!”

“Your appearance is too unexpected. You must be able to fly into the sky!” Roman also laughed, he looked at Qin Zhong inquisitively, and suddenly said, “Really, you were born for the big screen. Yes, in front of the camera, what I saw was completely different from you, and as you walked out of the camera, I found that your temperament was completely different again!”

“Are you complimenting my acting skills?” Qin Zhong said, “If so, thank you!”

“Maybe you can get an Oscar!” Roman said.

Li An is carefully checking the results of the shooting.

“Oscar?” Another assistant Foucault shook his head.

“You are too optimistic, Roman!” Foucault knew in his heart, not necessarily.

Foucault knows Oscar’s routine well.

The more marginal a movie, the easier it is to win an Oscar. There is another factor, that is, Oscars tend to show the old faces that the judges know.

It may be because there are too many classics before, and it is too difficult to surpass.

So they began to prefer some more alternative themes.

So later some directors even made some fringe films in order to please the Oscar judges.

For example, “The Shape of Water”, which many people don’t like, defeated “Three Billboards”.

Many people complain that “The Shape of Water” is not good-looking, and they will walk out of the movie theater when they see half of it.

What makes people wonder is that this movie actually won four Oscar medals.

After careful analysis, the labels of marginal people such as the Cold War, mermaid love, dumb girl, gay, racial discrimination, etc. are almost gathered, and they are tailored for the Oscars.

But in “The Fantastic Drifting of the Junior School”, there are no marginal people.

Only the discussion of human nature.

After the Indian role was played, the crew moved to Country M.

The crew rented a studio in Hollywood.

Because many shots are to be completed under the green screen.

And many top special effects teams are in Hollywood.

“`”We are going to speed up the progress!” Li An said suddenly.

This time he used the method of making special effects while shooting.

He has full confidence in this film.

For this movie, he polished the script for three years.

In addition, the Oscar’s film shortlist will be stuck in August, so there is not much time left for them now.

“Yes, director!”

All the people answered in unison.

On the set, everyone must obey the director’s instructions.

In the afternoon, it was basically Qin Zhong’s solo scene.

(Already)  This is even easier for Qin Zhong.

At the same time, the staff on the set began to show great interest in Qin Zhong.

Including Roman and Foucault, when they had lunch at Qin Zhong, they also came over to cook with Qin Zhong.

Roman has been completely overwhelmed by Qin Zhong’s acting skills.

And for others, who would miss the opportunity of a young actor who looks promising to be friends?

time flies.

“Youth School” has entered the final stage.

After Qin Zhong finished the scene, he began to step off the stage, removing his makeup while studying the script.

When on the set, Qin Zhong is like a machine, constantly running.

At this moment, he found Roman standing on the side and talking to another person very excitedly.

Roman’s tone is still slightly higher.

“No, you can’t do this!”.

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