Chapter 162

But at this moment, they finally set their sights on Qin Zhong.

I remember Qin Zhong’s name and appearance deeply in my mind.

Just when the reporters were interested in Qin Zhong, there was a riot.

The reporters looked back.

The host hurried over and said: “A mysterious guest is here!”

After hearing the name, Li An hesitated, his eyes lighted up.

Then said with a slightly surprised voice: “Next, we have a mysterious guest to appear!”

“secret guest?”

Suddenly, the reporters were very interested.

Soon, when the mysterious guest stepped onto the stage, everyone exclaimed.


“Oh my God. It’s really Scarlett!”

“Take a picture!”

Scarlett walked up and lifted up with a smile, then hesitated, and chose to stand beside Qin Zhong.

“Scarlett, why are you here?”

Qin Zhong did not expect Scarlett to return.

Scarlett said softly next to Qin Zhong’s ear: “I was in a nearby recording studio, dubbing “Super Body”. I heard that you were here, so I came.”

Qin Zhong was touched,

The most pleasant surprise belongs to those reporters.

They didn’t expect to meet Scarlett here.

You know, Scarlett has always hated to appear in front of the camera. Except when she is filming, she is usually in a state of seclusion.

Unexpectedly, this time it would actually appear at the press conference of “Youth Pie”.

But the reporters’ eyes widened.

This is simply a huge gain.

And seeing the goddess smile so happily at Qin Zhong.

This is definitely something.

There is gossip, hope for tomorrow’s headline.

I thought it was a dull press conference. After all, this is a literary film, and there is not even a heroine.

But unexpectedly, the appearance of Scarlett brought the press conference to a climax.

It turned out that some of the drowsy reporters showed their strong expectations as if they had been beaten up.

“Scarlett, why are you here?”

“As far as I know, Scarlett, you don’t have any role in the movie, right?”

“Is there a special reason? Or for someone?” One of the bearded reporters kept his eyes on Scarlett and Qin Zhong.

The look in his eyes cannot be partial.

The reporters in the audience asked questions.

Everyone looked at Scarlett one after another.

If Scarlett is very smart, she will definitely answer according to the routine, saying that she has some friendship with Li An.

But unexpectedly, Scarlett said directly: “I am here for a friend, Mr. Qin Zhong!”

The bearded reporter was short of breath,

He didn’t expect that he actually dug out a big melon.

“How did you and Mr. Qin Zhong meet?”

“Are you good friends?”

“How long have you known each other?”

Scarlett smiled and said: “Speaking of which, Qin Zhong and I have experienced something very unforgettable now!”

“So of course I will support him!”

This answer is obviously more unexpected.

“Qin Zhong’s acting skills are very commendable!” Scarlett did not get too entangled in other matters, but brought the problem to the movie.

Next, the reporters all asked questions enthusiastically, much more excited than before.

Qin Zhong shook his head helplessly.

He knew that Scarlett was doing it for his own good and used her fame to help promote the movie.

But Qin Zhong hopes that one day, he can use his acting skills and talents to conquer these reporters in Hollywood!

Although there are not many media participating in the “Juvenile Group” conference.

However, all the reports about “Youth School” were on fire.

[“Youth School” will be released soon, Scarlett starring Qin Zhong to help out! 】

[Great director Li An praised, Qin Zhong is the most talented actor I have ever seen! 】

[“Youth School” is expected to hit the Oscars, starring Qin Zhong is confident! 】

For a while, the audience was very interested in this Chinese actor named Qin Zhong.

“Who is Qin Zhong?”

“The former starring role in “Infernal Affairs”, his acting skills are very good, if he is placed in Hollywood, he will definitely be a big confusion!”

“Oh my God, he is the leading actor of “Infernal Affairs”. I still like this actor very much. I thought at the time that if he came to Hollywood to develop, it would be great!”

“Unexpectedly. He really came to Hollywood!”

“My treasure boy was discovered by you. In fact, I have been silently following Qin Zhong for a long time!”

“You must go see it!”

Li An grinned and opened his mouth.

“Qin Zhong, our publicity is very successful!”

“Now the general audience already knows our movie, of course, all kinds of talks are 0…It can be said that if you go to the street now, half of the people know our movie!”

“However, this is definitely not good news for us to hit the Oscars!”

Li An’s expression became rare and solemn.

The Oscar selection will start in September.

However, the popularity of “Youth School” now exceeds Li An’s expectations.

The netizens in country M are very curious about “The Youth Pie”.

Of course, Scarlett’s boyfriend fans also began to attack Qin Zhong.

But this is a good sign.

It means that Qin Zhong has been accepted by the Hollywood market.

In order to understand Qin Zhong, they began to look for movies that Qin Zhong had made before.

Although there are some cultural differences.

But unexpectedly, Qin Zhong also slowly started to become popular.

CP fans of Scarlett and Qin Zhong even began to appear.

“The promotion has had a very good effect, and I am also very confident in the box office of this movie, but the Oscar judges don’t think so!”

“If we can get a good box office, those Oscar judges will think we are a commercial film!”

Qin Zhong understood.

During this time.

He and Li An studied many Oscar-winning works.

The conclusion is that Oscar often makes some unexpected choices.

Their main purpose is to promote the progress of the film, and awards are given to those good films that make people think.

But if “Youth Pie” has achieved great success at the box office!

On the contrary, Oscar would think that “The Youth Group” is more a commercial film than he is a literary film.

But if you get a high box office, it will cause a variety of good and bad reputations!

Oscar has always been a complex of contradictions.

“Do you want an Oscar or a high box office?”

Qin Zhong smiled.

He is very ambitious and wants both.

“Small-scale screening! After the Oscar is over, it will be released on a large scale!”

After hearing this, Li An suddenly looked at Qin Zhong.

“Yes! This method is amazing!”

“If you are not a deep lover of movies, I would not go to see Dian Ying!”

“And these audiences are equivalent to being screened out. They themselves will be optimistic about this movie, so the word-of-mouth will definitely be super high!”.

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