Chapter 165

Requirements for these theater line managers.

Li An was already happy in his heart.

He is now blocked in his room by the general manager of several M movie theaters.

These managers scrambled to request additional film production.

But on the surface it is still extremely restrained.


Li An said very calmly.


Several CEOs were dumbfounded.

They had never seen such a situation before, and they asked for more films, but they were rejected.

This Li An, is his brain not easy to use?

“What do you want?”

“The profit sharing is taking 10%?” A white-haired CEO said painfully.

Peter has the most violent temper, and he has been hit hard.

The first thing he fancyed was MGM, and the agreement he entered into with them, as a result, he has now lost millions of dollars.

If he doesn’t make the money he lost quickly, he is likely to pack up and get fucked by the end of the month.

The other general managers looked at Peter, a hapless child, a little gloating.

Li An’s face was determined.

“After three days, it will be released on a large scale!”

“3 days?”

Everyone showed hesitation one after another.

The third day from now on is the Oscar award ceremony.

Peter took a breath of 250 air-conditioning, “You don’t want to hit the Oscar!”

“You are so confident. You know, if the three-day box office is optimistic, it should be more than 10 million. Are you sure?”

“Yes, three days later, after the Oscars come out, it will be released on a large scale!” Li An did not have confidence in himself, but had absolute confidence in Qin Zhong.

The result of the click is that the Rotten Tomatoes Index has reached a score!

This is an unprecedented high score!

On the Internet, the voice of “Youth School” is getting louder and louder.

Everyone called for the movie to be released soon.

One of the senior managers shook his head and said, “But have you ever thought that if you didn’t win the Oscars, at this time, you are resuming official screenings, what will everyone think of you?”

Laughing and generous!

It will even have a huge impact on their box office.

“Moreover. In the history of Oscars, there has never been a precedent for a Chinese to win an award!” Peter said with a sneer.

“Are you trying to break this rule in vain?”

Li An also laughed at Peter’s ridicule.

But Li An smiled confidently and calmly.

“Then wait and see!”

“There is no rule that Chinese people are not allowed to win awards! Someone will do it!”

Just returned to [Wushuang] Film and Television Company.

Bai Lili from the company rushed over.

Zheng Xiaolong also came.

“Out, out the file!”

Zheng Xiaolong was a little fat, and started to pant after running a few steps.

“Mr Qin, you, during your absence. Three files were posted on it!”

“I heard that the document has been clearly published above, saying that the periodical film has been completely stopped.”

It’s not about verbal warnings that are not painful or itchy, nor is it about posting a few complaints on Weibo, saying that something has broken the ethos.

Instead, the red header file was directly issued!

Above, finally shot.

Every TV station must implement regulations.

At the same time, he also criticized the three views of “The Legend of the Harem” as incorrect, and even “Zhen Huan’s Biography” was exhausted.

The approval of new costume dramas has changed from the original without restrictions, to the present, only five films a year are allowed.

Moreover, it is only allowed to be broadcast on one TV station!

You know, when “Zhen Huan’s Biography” was the hottest, it was broadcasted by five star satellite TVs at the same time.

“Mr Qin, it was fortunate that I didn’t listen to you and didn’t go to shoot a sequel!”

Zheng Xiaolong said, and started crying.

Fortunately, the boss is smart and wise.

Otherwise, rely on himself,

“The price of following suit!”

Qin Zhong has a pity on his face.

Regarding the word-of-mouth issue of “Zhen Huan Biography”, he doesn’t care too much.

Anyway, the money is earned.

“Now Wang Wenzhong, the person in charge of Ari’s film and television planning department, should have a hard time!”

Qin Zhong said with a pity on his face.

“Haha, I heard that he has gone to the hospital to hang water, not only him, but also a dozen similar companies, all of which smashed the TV series!” Wang Jie showed a bad smile.

He now feels that Qin Zhong has a mysterious color on his body more and more.

Through the TV series he has been able to get such a big return.

What’s more powerful is that people’s eyes are too poisonous.

An obscure little dragon, everyone is not optimistic, but Qin Zhong dared to make her be the heroine.

In fact, at first, Wang Jie thought that the boss was going to make a TV series to favor his girlfriend.

After all, it’s not a secret in this business.

But it is strange that Qin Zhong did not do this, instead let Zhao Jingmai play an irrelevant role.

But Zhao Jingmai gained the love of many audiences through this role.

And it’s the kind of love that the elders have for the younger ones.

Zhao Jingmai easily harvested a lot of mother powder.

Therefore, now Wang Jie even feels that Qin Zhong has a very mysterious color on his body.

“Boss, can you talk about why the optoelectronics hurt the killer this time?”

“Also, will the “Legend of the Harem” with an investment of 400 million really fall in my hands? But as far as I know, there are countless court dramas in Hengdian that are being filmed!”

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey!”

A table was opened directly.

It contains a detailed record of the TV series prepared in the radio and television report.

Because of the great success of “Zhen Huan Biography”, those investment bosses have seen huge benefits.

So they all rushed into it.

80% of the TV series received by radio and television are of this type.

When such a situation occurs, the above will naturally be very worrying!

“The Legend of the Harem is the first one to offer 90 million yuan in rewards. Broadcasting and TV programs have to slap in the face, of course, they have to slap a bit!”

“But this is also because they themselves are too greedy. It ends up like this, there is nothing to sympathize with! Anyway, the “Legend of the Harem” will not be released in two years! Two years later, this type of TV series has long been out of fashion!”

The staff underneath listened and wanted to jump up and applaud.


The time is really wonderful.

The planning department of Ari Film and Television!

After receiving the document, Wang Wenzhong swayed down on the chair.

“My “Legend of the Harem”!”

The investment of several hundred million has been overwhelmed, and the broadcast can only be postponed.

“You bastards, why didn’t you remind me earlier?”

In the meeting room, he smashed the papers in his hands in a mess.

“What do I want you to do? You guys who eat dry methods, you can’t even get out of this thing!”

Yu Jin and others dare not put one fart.

The one who was scolded by Wang Wenzhong was the same as his grandson.

After being silent for a while, Wang Wenzhong said: “Go and see! Qin Zhong, what kind of TV is he currently investing in!”.

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