Chapter 179

The TV station’s problem was solved.

An unresolved problem in Qin Zhong’s mind is resolved!

On the day of the broadcast, there were already countless viewers waiting in front of the TV.

“Mom, I can help you wash your clothes! It feels so natural, xx brand laundry detergent!”

“Although strong wine is good, it’s not greedy!”

“Fuck! Laozi wants to watch “Bright Sword”!”

“There are so many messy ads!”

A middle-aged man couldn’t help but scolded.

In fact, Yang Ma’s advertisements are really not too many. Compared with some TV stations that specialize in infertility advertisements, their advertising time is not too much.

Li Ming didn’t know why, he couldn’t stand it today.

I think today’s ad is too long.

“Let it go, let it go!” someone cheered.

As if waiting for a century, I finally started to sing the theme song.

After a brief background introduction, the TV started.

The adrenaline of the people watching soars with the grand battle scenes of continuous artillery fire!

“One Battalion Commander!”

“Go, catch a living and ask, which unit is the devil on the opposite side?”

“The Bantian troops of the Fourth Brigade of the Japanese Army!”

This unit is an elite unit of the Devil, and several of Li Yunlong’s old buddies have suffered a loss in the hands of this Bantian unit.

“Haha, I’m thinking about venting bad anger to two of my old comrades in arms. I ran into him today, so I’m unlucky for him!” Li Yunlong said vigorously.

“Give my order, bayonet everyone and attack!”

“Offensive? Now the devils are offensive!” Zhang Dabiao was dumbfounded, looking at Li Yunlong in astonishment.

“For this reason, we won’t do anything else, we will attack!”

Li Yunlong made a domineering announcement.

The audience was quickly absorbed into the plot.

In a room or the like, the young girl Sasha is intently watching the old variety show “Happy Camp”.

It’s advertising time again!

Somewhat boring.

She picked up the remote control and changed it.

“Huh! What kind of TV series is this? It looks pretty good…”

Before she knew it, she had watched it for half an hour.

“Well, I have forgotten “Happy Camp”. ¨.” She cried out suddenly.

Taking a look at the time, she muttered to herself: “Forget it, “Happy Camp” will be over in 20 minutes. You can watch it tomorrow. This TV series is so exciting, let’s finish watching this first!”

“How about the data?”

Sun Qi asked nervously.

He exceeded his budget this time.

For a TV station, ratings are their lifeblood.

The status of CCTV is a bit embarrassing. Their ratings have gradually declined over the years. Although there are veteran variety shows supporting them, countless people do not like to watch CCTV TV series. It is also true!

The earliest “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” could reach 23.5 in 1993, but in the later period, the broadcast rate gradually declined, and all the Davids regarded it as a strong rise.

Just a Mango TV holding Qiong Yao occupied a lot of viewers!

But this configuration of CCTV is destined to be unable to take those weird paths. They can only play positive TV series.

Now that CCTV can get the ratings of two o’clock, it is already very good!

In addition, CCTV does not pay much attention to celebrities and network influence when buying dramas, so it is difficult to form attention and discussion on the Internet.

Although CCTV doesn’t care much about money on the surface, in fact, their staff members secretly carried a sigh of relief!

“Now the number one on the Internet is Mango TV’s “Happy Camp”, which has reached 4.3 ratings, followed by Blue TV’s “Extreme Challenge”, which also reached 3.9! Reached the second place.”

Sun Qi’s heart sank fiercely. He didn’t expect the ratings of these two variety shows to be so high.

Mango Channel is the leader of all satellite TVs, and it has developed very rapidly in recent years.

To achieve such good results, he certainly has his own unique magic weapon.

Mango TV has two magic weapons.

One is to hold Aunt Qiong Yao tightly.

Play romantic drama.

The second is to use money to buy Bangziguo variety shows, and then spend money to invite popular stars to participate in variety shows!

Although it looks simple and rude, the effect is surprisingly good.

And CCTV can’t do these two ways.

To put it simply, it all hurts Yang’s majesty of being tall and tall.

This is the embarrassment.

“At present, our TV station’s ratings dropped to seventh place after the news broadcast ended!”

Said the assistant.


Sun Qi felt a little sad, “Continue to follow up!”

He needs to smoke a cigarette to calm down, and at the same time prepare to deal with the scolding of tomorrow’s boss.

The TV series that I spent so much money on did not increase the ratings!

Suddenly, the assistant cried out incredible: “It’s up, it’s up!”

Sun Qi ran back suddenly.

“What’s going up, ratings?”

Unexpectedly, the ratings of “Bright Sword” rose steadily after half an hour and reached the second place.

This number is quite unexpected.

“No, the ratings of “Bright Sword” are so high, but we didn’t promote it in the early stage! It’s only half an hour, and it’s already such a high number of views!” The assistant looked at Sun Qi in disbelief.

This result also shocked Sun Qi. In prime time, according to his expectations, it was not easy to be able to get into the top four, but he did not expect to be second in the blink of an eye.

“`” The ratings are so high? “The assistant asked incredulously.

“I don’t know, it may be that our broadcast time happens to be prime time, but it may also be related to the previous spread on the Internet!”

Sun Qi’s breathing was a bit short!

Suddenly, Xiao Li from the data department trembled: “Minister, our channel, the ratings, surpassed the mango channel, and it is already number one!”

“What’s the ratings?” Sun Qi was overjoyed.


Sun Qi only felt that there was a thud in his brain, and he was a little unsteady in his standing!

How long has it been since CCTV has won a TV series with more than 5 points? The last time was in “The Mansion Gate”!

“Minister. What’s wrong with you, Minister?”

“It’s not good. The minister fainted!”

All of a sudden, the whole broadcasting room became a mess.

“I’m fine!”

Sun Qi struggled to stand up straight.

Qin Zhong is really the lucky star of their eight sets.

“In the future, we must strengthen our cooperation with [Wushuang] Film and Television Company!”

Sun Qi sighed and said with a serious face (to Li Zhao).

“You must pay attention to TV series produced by [Wushuang] film and television company, do you know?”

This record has broken eight sets of broadcast records in the past five years.

At this time, Sun Qi just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

After the TV station was sold, a few video websites followed.

But unexpectedly, the prices offered by several video websites are not very high.

The highest Youku video screen also gave the price of five hundred thousand one episode, and their initial price was very low.

At that point, the price of Xunxun video was one million, but they had to sign an agreement with “Bright Sword”, saying that in the next five years, their online copyright will be in the hands of Xunxun Video, and Ma Hua loves them. The start is really ruthless!

In other words, one million episodes are sold to Youxun, and the profits created by the network broadcast of “Bright Sword” will be firmly held in the hands of Youxun Video, even if the TV series brings the two to the final benefit Billion, also has nothing to do with [Wushuang] film and television company. .

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