Chapter 184

Then Li An offered to have dinner with Gore.

“No!” Gore said quickly: “I still have a lot of things on my side. I think I’m going to choose a location, and there is still a lot of preliminary work to do!”

Gore left in a hurry.

Li An excitedly slapped Roman on the shoulder next to him, causing Roman pain for a while.

Qin Zhong next to him looked very funny.

Roman has a black line on his face. Qin Zhong got the role, and he will be slapped by Li An.

After Gore left, the entire crew of “The Boys’ Group” surrounded Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, you are so amazing, do you know? This is really a big production movie. It is your luck to be selected by Gore!”

“Your kid is really lucky, the grand prize is here, and there is an invitation for a new movie! I really envy you!”

“What’s the use of your envy? The point is that Qin Zhong’s acting skills are very good, right?”

Everyone expressed their blessings one after another.

Finally, Li An also announced that he was going to hold a celebration banquet for “Youth School”.

Qin Zhong also drank a lot, and he didn’t know how to get back to his hotel in the end.

The next morning, when Qin Zhong woke up in a daze, he found his mobile phone flickered non-stop. When I took the mobile phone to look at it, he was almost taken aback. There were 63 unanswered questions on it. telephone.

Most of them are from some friends in the circle, and there are some text messages.

I only have one person, so I can’t come back!

Qin Zhong is a little worried.

This is probably the trouble of fame.

Qin Zhong slid his finger on it and saw that Li An was calling the last missed call.

“Qin Zhong, are you awake? Guess, after you won the award, our movie was released today. How many box offices did we sell?”

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “I am very excited to hear your tone. Although you have been restrained, you should sell very well. ¨!”

Li An said: “In just two hours, all the tickets for the night were robbed!”

Li An was very excited and said, “Furthermore, the tickets for the next three days have also been booked.”

Qin Zhong asked: “According to your experience, how much box office can this movie get?”

Li An groaned. Said: “Although you won the Oscar for best actor, not every movie in history or the movie that won this award can be a big seller. Of course, the appeal in the first few days is still there, but the next step is See the reaction of the audience!”

“However, if our film is to be as fresh as eight points on Rotten Tomatoes, I guess “Boy Pie” should be very popular, and I’m sure I can get half a billion dollars.”

When Qin Zhong heard this, he said with a little dissatisfaction: “Five hundred million is too little, at least one billion is necessary!”

Li An laughed immediately when he heard it.

“We can get one billion in this movie? It’s not impossible!”

A movie starring Chinese people. It was able to beat all Hollywood movies and topped the box office on the first day!

If this matter were placed a few years ago, those film critics in country M would definitely sneer at it.

But now, Qin Zhong really did it.

Moreover, fans who like this movie have logged onto the Rotten Tomatoes website and wrote their own film reviews.

After attending the celebration banquet of “Youth School”, Qin Zhong left Los Angeles and returned directly to the imperial capital.

As soon as he got off the plane, Qin Zhong found out that a journalist with magical powers had already been waiting at the airport.

The reporters held their tripods and the cameras stood on the corridor, ready to welcome Qin Zhong’s return.

Not far away, there are hundreds of movie fans. They held up all kinds of light sticks and signs in their hands, shouting the name of Qin Zhong,

“Ge Qin is going overseas! Sister Qin’s family is always concerned!”

“Qin Zhong Oka wins the prize and protects you all the way into the king!”

“Qin Zhong can fly with confidence, and sister-in-law Qin will be with you forever!”

The enthusiasm of Qin Zhong fans has ignited this cold winter.

Fortunately, Qin Zhong called Bai Lili a long time ago and asked her to bring Wang Jie, Gao Qiang and others.

Seven or eight people with Qin Zhong finally rushed out of the reporters’ besieging and interception.

As a result, when everyone first arrived next to the car, they sent out a wave of reporters waiting for them.

Qin Zhong was speechless for a while, and he said helplessly, “Well, friends from the media, you can ask what you want to ask now, but I have limited time. You’d better be able to do this within ten minutes. The question is over!

“Excuse me, Qin Zhong, now that you got the Oscar for Best Actor, what do you think now?”

“Qin Zhong now, what kind of role do you play in this?”

everybody knows. As an Asian actor, how difficult is it to win an Oscar in Country M.

They are scrambling to get exclusive news.

Qin Zhong said: “`” I am of course very happy. My acting skills can be recognized by the world, which is a great honor for me as an actor! ”

“Next, “Juvenile Pie” will be released in China soon. If you want to know more about this film, you can go to the cinema to have a look!”

Qin Zhong finally returned to his home.

Now the entire entertainment circle in China is crazy.

Even those who don’t follow the stars also know the name of Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong now even goes out to take out the trash to prevent being followed.

He has been signing autographs for the past few days, and he feels that his hands are about to be used up.

Unexpectedly, the fame is so big and the trouble is so big!

“It’s too dangerous outside, I’ll stay at home honestly for a while!”

As a result, not long after returning home, Qin Zhong’s phone rang again.

Qin Zhong doesn’t want to pick up the unfamiliar number now.

“It’s me, Zhou Xunxuan!”

The people over there first reported their names.

Qin Zhong was very strange, and asked: “It turned out to be you. It turns out that your number is out of service and you are out of service? Why did you get an unfamiliar number!”

“I owe you a head!” Zhou Xun said with a smile: “Many directors in the circle know that I have a good relationship with you, and they keep calling me, wanting to introduce you through me so that you can make their movies! ”

“Your status is different now, you are the youngest Oscar actor, now it’s not someone else picking you, it’s you who picking someone else!”

“My phone has been vibrating for 24 hours yesterday, and my number is no longer available. I had to ask my assistant to buy a new number!”

Zhou Xunxuan suddenly said with a serious face: “Tomorrow you come to Shenzhen and Hong Kong, I have something to look for you!”.

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