Chapter 188

Just when Qin Zhong went to the crew to audition for the starring.

Zhao Xiaosi was depressed and hid in his room to smoke.

He has not dared to go out for a meal these days, only dared to order a box lunch, otherwise he will be beaten when he is recognized.

But there is no way, the sins I have done, crying and tears have to finish.

Who knows, Qin Zhong actually won the best actor Oscar?

Now that I am fine, I am standing on the opposite side of everyone.

“Takeaway is here!”

As the knock on the door sounded, Zhao Xiaosi came to take out the food from the crack of the door.

He didn’t even dare to leave the door these days, these days are like a rat in the sewer.

“I’m so fed up!” He yelled at the person next to him.

“When will this kind of day end? Laozi is now like a mouse on the street, everyone shouts!”

A glimmer of cold light flashed in Yu Di’s eyes.

“Not so much!”

“Nothing, look, Laozi has been scolded as a dog!”

Zhao Xiaosi turned on the phone and pulled out the Weibo inside. The latest Weibo contained more than 300,000 comments.

All of them scolded Zhao Xiaosi.

“Zhao Xiaosi, your conscience was eaten by a dog. You said that Qin Zhong gave Oscar money. You can do it. Can he bribe all Oscar’s more than 1,000 judges?”

As we all know, the Oscar selection is very strict. Many times, people don’t know who the judges are.

Moreover, the judges are generally rich people, and the bribes are not bad at all.

More importantly, the more than 1,000 judges are basically not fixed, and they change every year!

“Zhao Xiaoxia, you are a scum, a mouse shit, we finally have a movie king in China, you actually black him!”

“Take my brother Qin away. We don’t make an appointment!”

“In my own law firm, as long as Brother Qin Zhong nods, Green Zombie will warn you every minute!”

“Zhao Xiaosi get out of China, we don’t need a dog like you!”

After reading these news, Yu Zhen’s face was a little gloomy.

Zhao Xiaosi sneered and said, “In the beginning, you asked me to pour dirty water on Qin Zhong. You said that now that people get the Oscar, how do you pour dirty water?”

Yu Zhen’s tone slowed down a bit and said, “Lao Zhao, don’t get angry first, just wait for this one to catch fire. Besides, we have cooperated so many times. Do you see if I have fallen into trouble? Don’t you believe me?”

Zhao Xiaosi said: “I became a public enemy by my full name because I believed you too much. What do you think now?”

Yu Zeng rolled his eyes. Said: “Then find someone to check him, I don’t believe that in the entertainment circle, there is that person who is clean!”

Zhao Xiaosi said: “I’m looking for you to find someone to check, I won’t go, so I don’t get a sorrow again!”

“Haha, all right, you also have a good rest during this time! I will find someone else to do your things!”

After talking about earning money, he left.

Zhao Xiaosi sat on the stool and started to think. Now Qin Zhong has almost 100 million fans. If he really wants to tear his skin, he will definitely not be able to eat it by then.

Thinking of this, he picked up a small tape recorder from the drawer and put it in his pocket.

In the afternoon, Qin Zhong came to the set very early.

Today is the day of [Wushuang] film and television company’s new TV series “Langya List” cast.

Qin Zhong looked at the information of several people, and now [Wushuang] Film and Television Company is rich and confident.

Already can afford the domestic first-line niche.

Yesterday they had sent the information of these major actors to Qin Zhong to take a look.

Qin Zhong arrived on the set and saw that everyone was busy.

He was too embarrassed to stand there and not work, so he found a hat by mistake and helped lift the machine.

“Qin Zhong, how can you do such a job?”

The staff was shocked and hurriedly came to stop.

“Can’t I work? In your eyes, I’m just a trash who can only sit there and don’t dare to do anything?”

Qin Zhong pretended to be angry and said.

The people below were anxious to die, but didn’t dare to show it.

Bai Lili said anxiously: “You are here for an interview, and those few people will be here soon. Let others see you like this!”

Qin Zhong said impatiently: “What I look like, they have to listen to me! Okay, don’t be fussy. Xiao Li, you carry this thing with me!”

Xiao Li’s eye circles are a little red.

Bai Lili shook her head and said, “I really can’t do anything with you!”

“How are your preparations for this movie?” Qin Zhong asked casually.

“President Qin, don’t worry. We only have a little finishing work left for this movie. As long as the actors are in place, we can start work soon!” Xiao Li said.

And now everyone’s level is much better than before, and the degree of tacit understanding between everyone’s teams is much higher than before.

Qin Zhong just put the things down.

I heard a loud voice coming from the next room.

“Oh, you are so courageous that you dare to use our Taotao’s room? Don’t you get out of here!”

I haven’t seen people yet, I heard people first.

Qin Zhong saw that it was coming out of the dressing room next door.

An arrogant and domineering feminine man walked into the dressing room with strides.


It turned out that the people in the dressing room were also angry.

“Brother Wang asked me to come. Besides, this is a public dressing room! You are not alone!”

Wang Kai’s eyes widened, although he is not the number one male, but he is also the number three male.

“Who am I supposed to be? You are a male number three, you really think of yourself as a garlic!”

“Oh, Wu Xiaolei, you are here too, what are you kidding in? Whose son are you playing in it!”

Wu Xiaolei widened his eyes and said angrily: “You! You…”

A small face flushed with anger.

“What are you, little!” Li Xiaotao said with a sneer.

“Hu Ge, you are here too, as expected, all of you babes have gotten together.”

Li Xiaotao was so angry that he scolded everyone inside!

Li Xiaotao is not afraid to offend these people, he has a background, even Hu Ge dare not do anything to him.

Wang Kai’s face was green, but he looked at each other very stubbornly.

“I won’t go! It was the drama manager Wang who asked me to put on makeup here!”

Li Xiaotao burst into laughter, as funny as he heard something particularly funny.

“Not anymore. I’m the male number one! You can all go out now, go over there!” Li Xiaotao pointed to that side.

Everyone saw that that place was the place where the group perform makeup. .

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