Chapter 191

Qin Zhong shook his head and said, “Liu Yuxi, the role of Princess Nihuang is very suitable for you!”

He was generally satisfied with this Liu Yuxi.

The role of Princess Nihuang in “Langya Bang” is not very important, this is mainly a male drama, after all, Princess Nihuang is only a supporting role in it.

And Qin Zhong didn’t want to keep looking for needles in the ocean.

Since it’s still appropriate, sign a contract.

Suddenly, Liu Yuxi’s eyes revealed a light of surprise.

Next, I will talk about welfare matters.

“In terms of remuneration, your provision is tentatively set at 5 million, after tax. As for working hours, I won’t talk about it. Generally, it’s arranged by the director. If you are acting, you know that working hours are not accurate. Sometimes it may be possible. There will be night scenes, I hope you are prepared!”

“Okay, I have basically said everything, are you still having a problem? If so, it is best to communicate with me now, because I may be busy next time~!”

“No, we don’t have any problems, we are very satisfied!”

Wu Hong immediately expressed his thanks to Qin Zhong.

“Thank Mr. Qin!”

After that, Wu Hong came to Liu Yuxi’s side again, and saw that Liu Yuxi who was next to him hadn’t reacted yet, and quickly winked at Liu Yuxi.

Liu Yuxi stood up immediately: “Mr. Qin, thank you Mr. Qin for giving me this opportunity!”

Qin Zhong added some things in the crew to them.

Liu Yuxi is grateful to Qin Zhong from the heart.

Since she fell out with Tianyu Entertainment, it spread quickly in this circle.

It’s hard to mix in this circle if it doesn’t matter!

And it seems that Li Xiaotao is still talking outside.

Although there is no clear intention to block oneself, it is actually the same.

During this period of time, Liu Yuxi has lost a lot of weight.

I haven’t settled down at work, bumping into walls everywhere.

Some of the variety shows that had been reserved before were also temporarily replaced by others.

This time, I finally got the opportunity of this interview. I didn’t expect that Li Xiaotao didn’t know where he got the news, and he actually followed.

When Liu Yuxi saw Li Xiaotao, he almost thought that this time he must be dead again.


Qin Zhong saw Liu Yuxi’s lingering fear, haha ​​laughed: “Isn’t it just the prince of an entertainment company? It scares you!”

“In the entire entertainment industry, you dare to offend him. Including those long-established actresses and celebrities, they dare not offend Li Xiaotao!”

Yang Rui, who played the role of Da Sima, came over.

After Liu Yuxi left, Yang Rui suddenly came over, held out his thumb, and said with admiration: “What you did today is really beautiful!”

Qin Zhong laughed.

“Yang Rui is a well-known good old man in the circle, even Yang Rui said so, which shows how annoying Li Xiaotao is!”

Bai Lili walked over and said thoughtfully.

Qin Zhong said slowly: “That is, if God wants to destroy a person, he will definitely make a person crazy. What do you think of Li Xiaofeng today?”

Bai Lili thought for a while, and spit out two words: “Crazy!”

“Yes. You have seen so many artists, crazy like him, in the end, how many of them are fine?” Qin Zhong said with a calm face.

“Let’s wait and see, this Li Xiaofeng will definitely kill himself.”

In the crew, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Change clothes and make-up.

Hu Ge and Lin Gengxin came to Qin Zhong.

Both perform well, but Hu Ge’s performance is obviously more stable.

After discussing with the director, Qin Zhong decided to use Hu Ge.

After communicating with several directors, the main actors of “Langya Bang” have been found.

“Langya List” is officially launched.

This time, Qin Zhong was very low-key. He did not invite any reporters to come.

This is also an expression of willfulness. The current [Wu Shuang] film and television companies no longer need to promote through the media to increase their exposure.

Because Hu Ge and Wang Kai in this movie have their own fans,

So Qin Zhong also asked them to keep a low profile and ensure that the TV series will be completed without any interruption.

“Bright Sword” has been broadcast to the last episode.

Sun Qi called and said that in the last episode, the ratings exceeded 36.

“This TV series broke through our eight sets of ratings records over the past ten years! Your company is really amazing!”

Sun Qi said in admiration.

And [Wushuang] film and television company also became famous.

If the previous “The Legend of Zhen Huan” was a bit opportunistic, it was to please certain female audiences.

0 ········Find flowers···

Then “Bright Sword” is a national carnival.

Even the Capital Daily has named and praised “Bright Sword”!

“Minister Sun, I said at the time that you won’t be disappointed if you buy “Bright Sword”!”

Qin Zhong said with a smile.

After attending the opening ceremony, Qin Zhong took the crew to a local hotel for a big meal.

Then Qin Zhong called another meeting.

All the people are sitting down.

Qin Zhong was above the main position. For a time, dozens of pairs of eyes were looking at Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong is the chief investor in “Langya List” and also holds the position of chief producer, which is more detached than the director.

From the selection of the script, the choice of the director, the search for the shooting venue, and the glamorous costumes, make-up modeling, lighting photography, and stage props. The post-production, dubbing, soundtrack, and publicity release are all the responsibility of the producer. 1

.. …… …

The director is selected by the producer, and Qin Zhong owns money and resources, so the position of a producer is actually more important than the director.

Simply put, the producer is the chief engineer and the director is the project manager.

The best film of the Oscars is actually the way to give the producer.

Even for many questions, the director has to ask Qin Zhong’s views.

And the right to edit is also in the hands of the producer.

Sometimes the shots that the director thinks are good, the producer thinks it’s not good, and the audience doesn’t like to watch them, so they can delete them all.

Unless it is at the level of Li An, the average director cannot challenge the producer.

This is the rule in the crew.

Of course, the producer is not just covering the sky, and there are people who are older than the producer.

That is the investor.

Of course, Qin Zhong is also an investor himself.

So, here, he is the biggest.

Everything is up to Qin Zhong, and the director has no way to refute it.

Qin Zhong looked at the members below and said, “First of all, you are welcome to join our “Langya Bang” crew!”

“I am honored to have you all joined!”

Speaking, Qin Zhong picked up the phone and played the phone call that Sun Qi had just called to the people.

But when I heard the last sentence: “The ratings have exceeded 36%!”.

The people underneath were all stunned.

What did they hear? Ding.

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