Chapter 198

After Qin Zhong handed over “Langya List” to the Film and Television Bureau for review, he explained the preparatory matters of preparing for the filming of “A Good Show”.

And he himself boarded the plane to Los Angeles!

The news that Qin Zhong was going to film “Pirates of the Caribbean” spread quickly on the Internet.

“The cast is strong!”

“Not only Qin Zhong, but also the Fairy Prince Orlando!”

“Veteran movie star Jeffrey is in there too!”

“I look forward to, no matter what role Qin Zhong plays in it, I will definitely go to the theater to support it!”

“But the news they gave is very vague, and I still don’t know what role Qin Zhong plays!”

Although the official Weibo of “Pirates of the Caribbean” only updated a news about the upcoming filming, it has become a movie that everyone is looking forward to.

And a large part of this is because Qin Zhong is about to star in it.

Qin Zhong’s acting skills in “Youth School” are obvious to all, so fans of both China and M are looking forward to it.

This news is a hot search twice in three days.

This makes other celebrities who want to make 08 hot searches very envious.

“Have you heard? Qin Zhong is about to star in “Pirates of the Caribbean”!

“Qin Zhong is too low-key!”

“Now we can’t find any photos of Qin Zhong on the Internet. Fortunately, the official website of “Pirates of the Caribbean” released a very clear frontal look of Qin Zhong!”

But none of these can solve the hungry fans,

“The only point is that Qin’s economic company is too lazy, why can’t we update more information about Qin Zhong?”

So far, they can only get some information about Qin Zhong’s height and weight on IMBD!

These are some of the most basic information.

And the gossip media did not announce more details about Qin Zhong’s upcoming appearance in Pirates of the Caribbean.

In his previous life, Qin Zhong also liked this movie very much.

He watched it back and forth no less than twenty.

The day before filming started, Gore sent the script to Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I’m sorry to send you the script just now, but you have to know that in Hollywood this is the rule, and every big movie is like this!”

Gore said with a smile.

Fear of leaking the script of the movie.

Hollywood’s protection of scripts has reached a very strict level.

Qin Zhong expressed understanding.

“I have seen your performance in “Youth School” and I feel it is really great! Your eyes there are so gentle and sad, I really like your performance!”

“You won the Oscar for Best Actor at such a young age. I dare say that there are no more than ten acting skills similar to yours in the world. Don’t underestimate our movie. Maybe our movie will be popular. Globally, it will bring you huge popularity!”

“Pirates of the Caribbean” is one of the most profitable films in the world, and Qin Zhong naturally knows that this film will have a huge impact on him in the future.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “I still have a question, what role am I playing?”

“Hahaha, Mr. Qin Zhong, will I give you a small role for your role? Don’t worry, as the Oscar actor, if I dare to let you play a supporting role, your fans will not give me to Max. !”

Director Gore said with a smile.

Qin Zhong smiled and said: “I hope I still have time to read the script!”

Normal actors are very restrained in front of Gore, but Qin Zhong is completely different. Although Gore and Qin Zhong are not too familiar, the strange feeling between the two has gradually disappeared. .

Qin Zhong’s acting skills are to attract Al Gore to make Qin Zhong star in this drama. He now finds that Qin Zhong’s temper is also very attractive, giving Gore a feeling of sympathy.

“Haha, Qin Zhong, Li An has been complimenting you with me before, saying that you are a very good actor, now it seems that you are really outstanding!”

Gore patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder and said, “You can play with good looks, have such good acting skills, and have such a good personality. I believe you will be able to make your own world in Hollywood!”

“Director, I’m embarrassed to praise you so much!”

Qin Zhong said with a smile.

It took Qin Zhong two hours to read all the scripts, and he found that compared with the previous life, the scripts had slightly changed.

For example, Captain Jack has a little more fighting scene in it.

But these are all small details, and the main line of the story has not changed much.

The arrangement of the Gore crew will be very tight. Sure enough, as soon as Qin Zhong arrived in Los Angeles, he had not had time to catch the jet lag, and Gore took him directly to the shooting location by plane!

“Pirates of the Caribbean” started low-key shooting on a small island in Hawaii.

As a movie that Disney has spent more than ten years preparing for, the budget of “Pirates of the Caribbean” is still very sufficient.

The investment amount of “Pirates of the Caribbean” is as high as 300 million.

Even if the rival Captain Barbosa, his salary has reached three million dollars!

As the most important Captain Jack, his salary has reached 25 million U.S. dollars! And it also includes the late commission!

A “Youth School” directly put Qin Zhong into the ten million yuan camp of Hollywood’s top actors!

Qin Zhong also came to Hawaii for the first time. He thought it was a small island with beautiful scenery. Who knew that after arriving at that island, he discovered that besides the scenery is beautiful and unexpected, the others are almost very backward. NS.

Electric equipment often loses power, and sometimes even cell phone signals are intermittent.

At the opening ceremony, Qin Zhong, the leading actor, naturally stood in the C position!

The fairy prince Orlando is standing on Qin Zhong on the left, while the English Rose Cara Knightley is on his right!

Qin Zhong posted the photos of the opening ceremony on the Internet with a paragraph of text!

“Pirates of the Caribbean started off well. In order to match my identity as a pirate captain, I decided to wear a blindfold. Do you think I am taking the left side or the right side?”

The news of “Pirates of the Caribbean” had been silent for a while,

But as soon as Qin Zhong’s Weibo was posted, those fans immediately appeared in the comment area.

“My Brother Qin is actually the captain!”

“Captain Jack, haha, Brother Qin, do you really want an opinion? Let me help you PS a blindfold manually!”

“Don’t say anything, just look at the picture!”

Many netizens below have put out their own housekeeping stunts one after another.

Put a blindfold on the photo of Qin Zhong to PS.

It’s just that some eye masks are black, and some are northeast large floral cloth.

Even more powerful, the top is actually studded with huge diamond jewels by their PS!


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