Chapter 233

“Yes, we are both Chinese, shouldn’t you help us?”

“Everyone is not very rich, how can you make our money?”

“Isn’t it just some software?”

A group of people are clamoring around Qin Zhong, their faces are full of disdain, don’t you Qin Zhong just have some software and some patents? It is simply too dark to collect our money.

You make Lao Mei’s money, don’t make our money either!

We just point to the box office and pay the copyright fee. Is it easy?

However, Qin Zhong still didn’t respond, just glanced at the people around him faintly: “Could it be that you want to use my company’s patents for free?”

“Yes, it must be used by us free of charge!”

“Young people now only think about money!”

“No dedication at all!”

“We want to distance ourselves from Hollywood’s special effects, how can we do without paying?”

Several bosses saw Qin Zhong’s attitude and thought that Qin Zhong had been subdued, so their arrogance became even more arrogant.

“It’s not free, it’s sharing!”

Li Xiaotao is still very talkative.

08 “If our Tianyu develops such software. If the country needs it, I will not hide it, and I will definitely give it to my colleagues to share!”

“After all, everyone is a family, so what do you divide? Isn’t it better to make progress together? This is also the sense of responsibility that I should have as a generation of filmmakers!”

However, in the next moment, Qin Zhong’s aura suddenly changed, his eyes were sharp as swords, and people didn’t dare to look at him.

“Since this is the case!”

Qin Zhong came to Li Xiaotao.

“Li Xiaotao. What you say, can it represent Tianyu Entertainment?”

Li Xiaotao was taken aback by Qin Zhong, and after a few steps back, he suddenly remembered what the occasion was.

With so many film and television bigwigs gathered, how can Qin Zhong give himself to him like that day?

Thinking of this, Li Xiaotao sneered.

“Yes, what I said, of course, can represent Tianyu Entertainment!”

“Okay, I agree!”

Qin Zhong said coldly.

Suddenly, Li Xiaotao’s eyes lit up!

He thought it would take a lot of talking, but he didn’t expect Qin Zhong to agree so easily.

“I don’t know, when will you disclose those patented technologies?” Li Xiaotao asked excitedly.

“Anytime, as long as you follow my terms!” Qin Zhong glanced at Li Xiaotao and said lightly.

“I’ll give you a chance. I will sell you the patent of Weita, you only need to pay me, one billion dollars, how about it?”

After a pause, Qin Zhong smiled slightly: “However, I don’t think you have so much money. The company is all transferred to you!”

“At that time, you will contribute all of Hollywood’s technology to everyone who is doing it. In this case, wouldn’t you all be able to enjoy this great benefit?”

“Fifty percent of the shares?”

“Billion dollars?”

Li Xiaotao was shocked. He never expected that Qin Zhong would actually sell the special effects company to himself!

His face suddenly became very ugly.

You said that you want to make the technology public, that is, you sell the technology to me?

Then let me go public?

Li Xiaotao was a little speechless.

The bosses of several film and television companies suddenly laughed secretly.

“Mr. Li, what are you still hesitating? This is a rare opportunity! The country needs you, you decide quickly!” Qin Zhong said indifferently: “Don’t you want to use your only percentage of Tianyu Entertainment Fifty shares in exchange for the opportunity for everyone to make progress together?”

Even Peng Lixin’s face became very difficult to look.

Li Xiaotao’s expression was the same as eating a fly.

When he said Qin Zhong, it was a set, but when it was his turn…

He couldn’t bear it.

Not to mention 50% of the shares, even if it is 1% of the shares, he is reluctant to bear it.

Qin Zhong deliberately said again: “Why, Mr. Li, this is such a good opportunity for you, and my price is lower than the market price, you know, the valuation of Micro Tower has now exceeded 1.2 billion!”

“Such a good opportunity for you, don’t you still have to think about it? Could it be that the awe-inspiring remarks you said just now are just talking?”

Li Xiaotao’s face flushed, and could not speak.

Then, Qin Zhong looked at Zhang Yiming again,

Zhang Yiming trembled even more, his little net worth, if he changed the special effects company, it is estimated that there will be no scum left.

Zhang Yiming smiled stiffly, but his feet moved back several steps secretly.

Seeing Zhang Yiming and Li Xiaotao being ridiculed by Qin Zhong, many people in the room laughed without face.

You know that the reputation of these two people in the circle is inherently bad.

Li Xiaotao even relied on his father’s name, arrogant and domineering, and offended many people.

Seeing Li Xiaotao deflated now, those people felt like they had eaten honey, not knowing how beautiful it was.

Everyone looked at Li Xiaotao like a joke.

“Mr. Li, this is a good thing to benefit the country and the people. Our small companies don’t have this courage. It depends on whether you can sacrifice for the benefit of us all, Mr. Li!”

It was Zhou Wenhua, the boss of BD Television.

With a relieved expression on his face, he said very excitedly.

“That’s true. Tianyu Entertainment ranks among the best in China. It is really good to let Tianyu take the lead in doing this thing!”

The bottom is boiling.

Some people couldn’t help whispering even more.

“What I just said was awe-inspiring, but in the end it was my turn to keep silent!”

“Zhang Yiming just screamed the most!”

“It’s not a fool. Who wants to give the things he bought at a big price to others for free? To be honest, Li Xiaotao is a little shameless!”

People underneath began to talk.

“Qin Zhong!”

Director Peng’s expression was a bit ugly, and he couldn’t help interrupting those people’s discussion.

In his opinion, this was an opportunity for Qin Zhong to contribute to China’s film industry. However, Qin Zhong pushed back and forth, and immediately gave him a very slippery evaluation.

And Qin Zhong is also a bit aggressive.

This makes Director Peng very unhappy.

He frowned and said righteously: “The late development of special effects in China and the slow start are all because of Hollywood’s technical blockade, which has caused the technical disparity between our two sides!”

“Now that you have the technology in your hands, why not take it out, then your name will remain in the history of movies!”

Qin Zhong looked at the director indifferently, and uttered a word: “Thank you, the director for thinking about me, but I don’t want to go down in history so soon!”.

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