Chapter 236

Peng Lixin felt that his blood pressure was a little high.

He felt that the director of himself, in front of Qin Zhong, seemed to be nothing!

Is he getting old, or is the world changed?

Peng Lixin couldn’t help but looked at Li Chao~feng next to him in confusion.

Li Chaofeng’s heart was overwhelming, and there was no time to manage the emotions of the old leader. If it had been before, Li Chaofeng might have come over—to comfort Peng Lixin.

But now he is thinking about all these bosses who have instructed them to ruin their good deeds.

So naturally I didn’t bother to care about Peng Lixin’s affairs.

It was Liu Xinda who stood up and coughed.

Said: “Let me say a few words!”

As soon as he spoke, some of the bosses who were present stopped whispering.

Everyone knows that Liu Xinda is now the deputy director of film and television dramas. Although he has a relatively short working life, he has outstanding ability. Seeing that Director Peng will retire in half a year, he has become a popular candidate for director.

Liu Xinda said, “I know that your purpose today is actually for the special effects technology in Qin Zhong’s hands. You want people to share it free of charge, right?”

“However, I also want to make a statement. If you want to share, you must pay the patent fee. Otherwise, it is illegal!”

Zhang Yiming couldn’t help but said: “Illegal? Deputy Bureau Liu, you are too serious!”

“It’s just academic research, how can it be illegal?”

Liu Xinda sneered and said: “Academic research? I ask you, Director Zhang, you use special effects to better attract the audience. You sell movies to make money. You use other people’s things to make money, shouldn’t you? Is there a fee for use?”

Wang Jianlin from behind also nodded desperately.

This is very reasonable, and Zhang Yiming naturally cannot deny it.

After all, any big commercial movie now needs a lot of special effects support, let alone those science fiction blockbusters.

“What Deputy Bureau Liu said is reasonable. In China, we don’t really care about patents. We work hard to make things that they don’t spend a cent to use, so that talents with technology and patents can all run away. Went to a foreign country!”

“In the future, if we want to engage in technology, we can cooperate with Qin Zhong’s company, but the patent fee, I won’t lose a penny!” Wang Jianlin said, patting his chest.

Yu Dong followed behind and took the lead in applauding.

From time to time, I also inserted two sentences.


“Liu Ju, President Wang, I think so too!”

The audience was silent, and everyone was dumbfounded.

After all, even though the deputy director spoke, they still had a lot of discussions with the majority obeying the minority.

But now, Wang Jianlin can actually say such a thing, no one can say a rebuttal.

All the people were full of doubts. The deputy director suddenly jumped out to help Qin Zhong speak publicly. They were already very confused, and more people were whispering to each other, guessing why Wang Jianlin would suddenly change the direction of the wind!

However, Wang Jianlin was very excited, as if he had done an amazing thing, ignoring the surprised reaction of the people around him.

After Wang Jianlin received the call yesterday, he was directly excited and did not sleep well all night.

Can’t wait for performance today.

He looks like this, in the eyes of outsiders, they are very stressed!

Could it be that Pharaoh got inside information again?

Zhang Yiming was speechless, what can he do?

Two of the four major film and television companies have turned over. They have not given Qin Zhong this way, and they have begun to tear down the stage.

What Wang Jianlin said just now has made it clear that he is on Qin Zhong’s side!

In addition, Qin Zhong has actually received the support of some small and medium-sized companies!

The strength of both of them has long since changed.

Li Xiaotao trembled all over, he couldn’t stay here for a minute, turned around and left the meeting hurriedly.

Liu Xinda came to Peng Lixin respectfully.

Peng Lixin said exhaustedly: “In this case, everyone has reached a consensus, then let’s go back!”

Suddenly, Wang Jianlin and Yu Dong shouted: “Mr. Qin, wait for us, let’s talk about cooperation!” They ran outside quickly.

0 ········Find flowers···

Wang Jianlin is fat, but he runs very fast.

The bosses of the following companies also walked out of the restaurant.

Everyone’s faces are sad or lonely, some are fierce, some are gloating, and various expressions are wonderful.

The media did not expect that this banquet would end so soon.

When Zhang Yiming walked out, he let out a sigh of relief.

Qin Zhong put too much pressure on him just now.

“Director Zhang?” Several staff members came up one after another. Seeing that Zhang Yiming’s face was not very pretty, they asked carefully.

“Did Qin Zhong agree?”

“Agree?” Zhang Yiming shook his head feebly. He murmured, “Do you think that we are downcast, do you seem to have succeeded? Not only did we fail, but it seemed to offend Qin Zhong, he I even said before that Tianyu will never be allowed to use their special effects!”

.. ……… 0

“No way, so many bosses today, even the director is dispatched! He actually resisted by himself? He dare to offend everyone present?” A staff member asked with a puzzled look.

“Hey, even if it is the director of the China Film and Television Bureau, people may not take it seriously!”

Zhang Yiming said helplessly.

“The director doesn’t care about it?” Several staff members were suddenly shocked.

“Then he is so uncooperative, the draft we arranged?” one of them asked cautiously.

“Forget it, withdraw all the black Qin Zhong drafts!”

“The father and son Li Chaofeng offended Qin Zhong so badly. I don’t know what the end will be. Don’t mention anything today!” Zhang Yiming shrank again when he thought of Qin Zhong smashing the table with one hand.

“From now on, people in our company will not be allowed to conflict with Qin Zhong in the future!”

“Yes!” Several staff members answered while digesting the news they had just heard.

After Li Xiaotao returned to his villa, he was depressed to vomit blood.

He didn’t expect that such a big game he set up would be easily cracked by Qin Zhong!

His face was dull, and sometimes a fierce color appeared in his eyes.

On TV, an interview with Qin Zhong was being broadcasted by [Film and TV Express] at this time. Ding.

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