Chapter 241

What about the content? What about showing social indifference?

Why is the whole movie just talking nonsense on the street, and those dialogues are nutritious.

This is the movie that claims to have invested 370 million yuan. Where have they been invested?

Traffic stars have seen a lot of them in movies, and they are all small meats from the recent fire.

But no acting skills, no facial expressions, standing on the road like a model and saying a few words, is this a movie?

“No wonder the investment of 370 million yuan, it turned out that it was all spent on the actors, what things are being shot!”

“I feel that the purest thing is that I am spending money to watch Xiaoxianrou talking. There is no interesting content in the whole movie.”

“Such rubbish, dare to say that the quality surpasses “Charlotte Annoyance”?”

“I see that the screenwriter known as the teacher of Beiying has a brain hole. Does he understand movies? I’m afraid he can’t even write essays for elementary school students~!”

The audience couldn’t help cursing after the movie ended.

“Damn, I feel like wasted more than an hour,-it’s really cheating!”

“Originally, I wanted to watch “Charlotte Annoyance”. After seeing the comments on the Internet, I only watched this “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon”. I admit that I regret it!”

“Let’s go, “Charlotte Annoyance” will be next, let’s buy tickets for “Charlotte Annoyance”!”

After these people went out cursingly, they began to buy movie tickets for “Charlotte Annoyance”.

The movie “Let’s talk about wind and moon” really disappointed them, and I felt that the whole day’s mood was ruined by this bad movie.

However, when they bought tickets for the movie “Charlotte Annoyance” and started watching, they were amused by the content in less than five minutes.

The jokes in it came one after another, and after the film ended, they found that “Charlotte Annoyance” had a unique depth.

“I gave this movie full marks. What “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon” is pure shit, it can’t be compared with this movie at all!”

“I also give full marks. Not only is it funny, but also has a unique interpretation of love. I have passed away a few streets in “Don’t Talk About Wind and Moon”!”


There is no harm if there is no comparison. They watched “Charlotte Troubles” just after watching “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon” and found that “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon” was just trying to cheat money.

The negative comments on “Charlotte’s Annoyance” on the Internet, they can think of, are all for the purpose of black “Charlott’s Annoyance”.

One night, the wind changed drastically, and many people began to rectify the name of “Charlotte Annoyance”.

The score of “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon” on the Internet is extremely low, only a pitiful 2.3.

“Charlotte’s Troubles” is divided.

You know, once the score of a movie exceeds 8 points, it is a good movie. If the score exceeds 9 points, it can become a classic that will not decline for more than ten years.

In just two or three days, “Charlotte Annoyance” can have such a high score, which is quite scary.

Half a month later, the scores of the two films were very different, and “Charlotte’s Annoyance” easily left “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon” behind.

Even the box office of “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon” is not as good as some small-cost movies.

“How could this happen? Do these audiences have problems with their eyes? Our film quality has long passed “Charlotte’s Annoyance” a few blocks away, but they didn’t even buy it, and they were all sick!”

In Li Xiaofeng’s office, Li Xiaofeng was scolded by box office performance.

In half a month, he had no chance to stand up.

The results of “Charlotte Annoyance” are obvious to all, and I believe there will be no other movie that can surpass its box office this year.

“Mr. Li, good movies are not popular, we will definitely succeed next time!” Zhang Chaoyang smiled flatly.

“What is good or bad? Look at the online comments and the score at two o’clock, who said it was good?” Li Xiaofeng’s face flushed with anger.

Zhang Chaoyang gave a dry laugh, but couldn’t find an excuse to comfort Li Xiaofeng.

It can only be said that Tianyu Company lost this time, and it lost thoroughly.

“Get Cao Kun for me, what kind of shit Teacher Cao made such a bad film? Laozi’s investment, all of them are in vain!” Li Xiaofeng shouted.

“President Li, wait a minute, I’ll find Teacher Cao right away.” Zhang Chaoyang hurriedly fled from this place of right and wrong.

Soon, Cao Kun was found by Zhang Chaoyang. After entering Li Xiaofeng’s office, Cao Kun said to Li Xiaofeng: “Mr. Li, I can understand your mood. I have tried my best to write the script. Okay, but these audiences don’t seem to pay for it… You know, the box office of the movie is not what I can say.”

0 ········Find flowers···

Cao Kun is starting to throw the pot, the box office of “Don’t Talk About Wind and Moon” is so rubbish, he doesn’t want to be dependent on him.

Li Xiaofeng said gloomily to him: “If you don’t blame you, who else can you blame? Are you not a teacher of Beiying? Are you at this level?”

“Mr. Li, I can’t say that. I said I did my best. But as I said before, I’m not sure about the box office of this movie, so I don’t want you to invite too expensive actors…” Cao Kun muttered.

“Don’t Talk About Fengyue” claims that the investment of 370 million yuan is of course an exaggeration.

However, the actual investment adds up to 100 million yuan, but more than 80% are given to those traffic stars.

.. ……… …….

Very little money is used in real movies, after all, the entire venue is on the street.

There is no extra cost at all.

“Do you think I don’t want to save money? I didn’t believe that your movie can bring a box office miracle, so I believed you. What happened?” Li Xiaofeng said coldly.

“Then I understand, the failure of this movie is entirely due to the actors’ problems, because their acting skills are too clumsy, so the audience won’t buy it. If their acting skills are superb, the box office will definitely not be so bad.” Cao Kun Said.

Li Xiaofeng said with a cold face, thinking for a while and saying: “Okay, you don’t need to worry about this problem, I will deal with it myself.”

Li Xiaofeng has already thought about it, and the failure of this one can only be blamed on the actor.

After all, the reputation of Tianyu Company cannot be stinky, and the movie failed, after all, there are people behind it.

If Cao Kun doesn’t plan to recite, let the actors recite.

Therefore, Li Xiaofeng began to arrange manpower to blame the actors for the failure of this movie.

Especially Zhang Han, who plays the protagonist, will definitely not be able to run away from him this time.

“The box office of “Let’s Talk About Wind Moon” is much worse than we thought. It took half a month before we discovered the problem.”

“The reason why the film failed was entirely due to improper use of people. I admit that the company did not do well at this point. So in order to express my apology, I will unite all the cooperating companies to block the starring Zhang Han this time, and give everyone a pure land of entertainment. !”Ding.

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