Chapter 253

When Qin Zhong released the news, there was an uproar immediately.

A reward of one million dollars? No matter where it is placed, it is a huge sum of money.

Before the movie was released, many people started with the trailer first.

Although it is not clear who will fall into the hands of this million, is it possible that he is the lucky one?

One million is not much for Qin Zhong, but it has brought good results for the promotion of the film.

When the publishing company of “Memories” learned of this news, it also wanted to organize a similar event.

At the very least, Qin Zhong cannot be allowed to stand alone.

But their “Memories” is not an open ending at all, and there is no way to come up with rewards in this respect.

This is a bit of a headache for the publisher of “Memory Fragment”. Seeing that it hasn’t been released yet, the popularity of “Inception” has left “Memory Fragment” behind, but they can’t help but feel annoyed.

“Memory Fragment” was released two days earlier than “Inception”. When the audience went to see “Memory Fragment”, they found that the quality of this movie was also good.

The plot is brain-burning, and you can’t guess the development of the plot before you see the ending.

And the final 08 ending, although not amazing, but with the content of the whole movie, it is already considered a masterpiece.

The movie consists of two timelines, one in color, using flashback description, and the other in black and white, using sequential methods. But towards the end of the film, the two timelines overlap cleverly. This is the most exciting setting for this film!

But they didn’t know that this setting was completely designed by Nolan.

Originally, the plot of this movie could be more exciting, but some of the content was tampered with by the distributor.

As a result, the film was rated only points on the Internet on the day it was released.

But for them, the quality of this movie is pretty good.

At least this year, or even the first two years, they have not seen such a brain-burning movie.

Although the plot of “Reaper is Coming” is unpredictable, I don’t know who will die in the next second.

But this movie involves the role of “Reaper”, no matter who will die in the next second, you can use “Reaper” to explain.

But “Memories” is different. The whole movie is driven entirely by the memory of the protagonist, constantly looking for the murderer who killed his wife.

In general, “Memories” surpassed the last box office champion “Reaper Is Coming” in terms of quality and praise.

At the same time, viewers are even more looking forward to the upcoming “Inception” in two days.

Director Nolan participated in “Shards of Memory”, which made people see Nolan’s talent in the script.

“Inception” is directed by Nolan throughout the whole process, which is even more exciting.

Moreover, the one million reward for “Inception” is also very desirable.

Finally, it’s the day when “Inception” is released.

This day’s movie tickets can be described as the audience’s wild grabbing. Whoever can correctly interpret the ending of “Inception” will be the first to receive Qin Zhong’s reward.

Those who are looking forward to getting the money, not only audiences who like to watch movies, but even some people who are not interested in movies, have also snapped up movie tickets.

Including private investigators, police officers, forensic doctors, and even experts specializing in dreams…

The movie begins. Cobb, the protagonist played by Xiao Lizi, wakes up on the beach and is taken into a luxurious room.

A late old man asked Cobb: “Are you here to kill me?”

Cobb gobbled up the rice in the bowl. As the picture turned, there was a pistol and a spinning top on the table.

The old man picked up the spinning top: “I know what it is.”

“A long, long time ago, I saw it in a man. We met in a dream, and I can’t remember that dream.”

“That man is full of radical ideas…”

Just as Cobb raised his head and looked directly at the old man, the picture changed.

“What is the most powerful parasite?”

“Is it a bacteria, a virus, or an intestinal worm?”

An Asian man was eating, Cobb asked lightly.

At this time, the screen turns to Qin Zhong’s face, and the character played by Qin Zhong is Arthur.

“What does Mr. Cobb mean?”

“It’s an idea.”

“Incomparably tenacious and extremely infectious.”

“Once an idea is formed in your mind, it is almost impossible to erase…”

With the development of the plot, the term “Pirate Dream” appeared in just three minutes.

“It turns out that “Inception” in “Inception” means this!”

When the movie just started, they were fascinated by the plot, and quickly continued to watch with patience.

As the plot deepens step by step, Arthur played by Qin Zhong, in the face of various threats, Xiao Li resolutely shot Arthur to death.

Then Arthur woke up, and a man next to him shouted: “What the hell, you woke up too early!”

“I know, but the dream collapsed. I tried to let Saito stay a little longer.”

“We’re almost done!”

The plot of more than ten minutes was handled very tightly.

These people who watched the movie, no matter what they thought, their thoughts were brought into the movie at this time.

It was not until the search for a new dream builder and the plot gradually eased that they recovered from the tense plot.

“My God, it’s so good-looking, I really look forward to what will happen next! 300”

“It turns out that it is not only as simple as dreaming, but the dream is divided into several layers, which is really amazing!”

After half an hour of screening, they fully believed that the quality of this film was definitely a few blocks away from “Memories”.

Until the second half of the movie, the plot went deeper, and many people were stunned by the plot.

Until Lost Field, Kebu met Saito who had died before, let the aging Saito shoot and kill him, and Saito shot suicide, the two of them returned to the real world.

In the real world, Saito knew that Cobb had completed the task and dropped all charges against Cobb. Cobb returned home and hugged his child.

The spinning top on the table kept turning, and the movie ended.

“Is it over?”

When the movie was over, these audiences were still not satisfied.

During the two and a half hours of the movie, there was no peeing in the whole process. After the movie ended, they still had no idea.

At this time, many people think of their mission, isn’t it to interpret the ending of this movie?

But from the beginning of the movie, they fell into the plot and completely forgot their mission here.

Even if they recall the whole movie now, they still feel dizzy.

Some people don’t even know how many levels of dreams the protagonist has experienced.

How do they interpret the end in this way? .

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