Chapter 258


Monica couldn’t believe that Qin Zhong went to see this movie in person.

In Monica’s heart, Qin Zhong is not only an excellent actor and director, but also her idol.

It is a kind of pride for Monica that Qin Zhong can go to the cinema to watch the movie she starred in.

“Yes, I went to see it. The movie is good.” Qin Zhong said.

However, this version of “The Beautiful Legend of Sicily” is too conservative, and this alone makes Qin Zhong a little disappointed.

Of course, Qin Zhong would not tell Monica about this, but just said to her: “I feel that your acting skills are very good, whether it is solemn or desperate, you have performed very well.”

“Thank you for your compliment. Compared with Mr. Qin Zhong, there is still a gap.” Monica said modestly.

Qin Zhong waved his hand: “I just practiced more. Over time, your acting skills will get better and better.”

“I hope so, let’s eat first.”

When Qin Zhong arrived, the steak had been on the table for a long time.

The two were eating steak and chatting about their views on the movie in 08. The process was quite enjoyable.

After the meal, the two drank red wine. Monica asked Qin Zhong, “I don’t know which movie Mr. Qin Zhong would like to shoot after “Spider-Man”?”

“Iron Man, this is no secret anymore. All Marvel employees know it, but they haven’t asked the media to promote it.” Qin Zhong said.

Monica nodded. Monica really didn’t understand Marvel and what the Marvel universe was.

Even because of the movie “Spider-Man”, I learned about Marvel on the Internet.

“Then I wish Mr. Qin Zhong’s next movie a big hit.” Monica toasted.

Although Monica starred in “The Beautiful Legend of Sicily” and “Spider-Man” were released together, they can be regarded as rivals at the box office.

But this has nothing to do with Monica, just a game between the two film companies.


Qin Zhong clinked glasses with Monica and drank the red wine in one fell swoop.

“Do you have any plans after making this movie? Do you want to pick up a new movie?” Qin Zhong asked.

Monica smiled bitterly: “Some small companies have contacted me, but I’m not satisfied.”

This is mainly related to Monica’s temper. Some small companies contacted Monica, not necessarily a good idea.

Some so-called unspoken rules even talked to Monica on the face.

But Monica has always refused this kind of thing, probably with the character of the protagonist she played in “The Beautiful Legend of Sicily”.

At this time, when Monica met the idol Qin Zhong, she talked a little bit more.

Usually Monica has always been a noble and glamorous image, dismissive of hidden rules.

For small companies, Monica doesn’t care, but some big companies don’t necessarily look for Monica when shooting movies.

After making this movie, Monica really had no plans.

There are no movies available at the moment.

“Monica, you should have signed a brokerage company, right?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Yes, but it’s only a medium-sized company. It’s still a little difficult to rely on them to receive a better movie.” Monica said.

“No, Monica, you understand what I mean wrong. My company is recruiting contracted actors, and I want to hire you.” Qin Zhong said.

“My God, Mr. Qin Zhong, are you serious?” Monica lost her voice.

Of course Monica wants to go to Qin Zhong’s company, after all, Qin Zhong is her idol.

Coupled with Qin Zhong’s outstanding performance in movies all the time, following Qin Zhong will certainly not suffer.

“But I have three years before the contract expires.” Monica thought of this, her tone inevitably disappointed.

If a lawsuit is filed, it will be a lot of money.

Qin Zhong saw Monica’s concerns and said to Monica: “I will find a lawyer to fight the lawsuit. Even if it is the liquidated damages, I can pay for you, so it’s okay for you to sign with my company?”

“Of course it’s okay.” Monica said, “but the liquidated damages don’t seem to be cheap.”

“Well, I’m not short of money anyway.” Qin Zhong shrugged: “If you sign up, I will tailor a movie for you and make you one of the hottest actors in Hollywood.”

Qin Zhong wants to develop the company, so the company must have talented actors.

Downey and “Iron Man” will be the focus of Qin Zhong’s training, of course, it doesn’t matter if you have one more Monica.

Qin Zhong has already decided which movie Monica will shoot.

What Qin Zhong said was a bit arrogant, but Monica knew well that Qin Zhong’s previous style would definitely not lie about this matter.

Today, Monica just wanted to meet her idol, and she didn’t even give any hope.

But the final result made Monica too satisfied.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, to toast you again.”

Monica poured herself a glass of red wine and drank it all in one go.

In order to meet Qin Zhong tonight, Monica dressed up her makeup carefully. Under the influence of alcohol, Monica’s mature charm made Qin Zhong amazed.

Monica noticed Qin Zhong’s eyes, and she was a little bit happy in her heart.

Monica is definitely not amorous, she is a mature and serious woman, which is even more seductive for men.

If other men showed amazing eyes, Monica certainly wouldn’t take it to heart.

At this time, this man is her idol Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, let’s have another drink.”

Monica pours Qin Zhong another glass of red wine.

“No, drinking is a mistake, one cup is enough.” Qin Zhong waved his hand.

“If Mr. Qin Zhong doesn’t drink well, I can take you home.” Monica smiled.


“If Mr. Qin Zhong is comfortable with my driving skills.” Monica said.

Upon hearing Monica’s words, Qin Zhong was relieved.

Monica not only wants to take him home, but also wants to drive…

Well, Qin Zhong can drink with confidence in this way.

A glass of red wine was drunk by two people. In fact, Qin Zhong absolutely drank two-thirds.

At this time, Hollywood still had an indifferent attitude towards drunk driving. With Monica’s alcohol intake, it would be no problem to send Qin Zhong home.

“Monica, our company has absolutely no hidden rules.”

Back to Qin Zhong’s villa, Qin Zhong said while sitting on the sofa.

“Of course, we are just friends, where is your bathing place?” Monica asked.


The next morning, in order not to be discovered by others, Monica left Qin Zhong’s house just after dawn.

Today, Qin Zhong will take someone to Monica’s contracted company to dig Monica over.

Since it is a medium-sized company, Qin Zhong can just throw in the money.

But when the people of this company knew that it was Qin Zhong who came, they directly tore up Monica’s contract on the spot. .

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