Chapter 286

But after being blocked for three years, there is no news. After three years, the world will not know who belongs to it.

Lu Han is obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter. He just wants to put on airs in front of Qin Zhong and let Qin Zhong know that he is also a self-respecting person.

But I didn’t expect the matter to be so serious that if he didn’t apologize to Qin Zhong, the company would block him?

Looks like this is a bit of a big game.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you angry.” Lu Han said.

At this time, Lu Han’s tone of speaking was still a little unconvinced.

The apology is not because of sincerity, but because of being forced by his economic company.

“You don’t have to apologize, because no matter how you apologize, I don’t plan to use you.” Qin Zhong said.

At this time, Qin Zhong also told the truth, no matter what Lu Han’s attitude was after he entered, Qin Zhong did not intend to let him be the leading role of “Grave Notes”, or even a supporting role.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, you can think about it. Although he is not very good in acting, but the number of fans is still a lot, can increase the popularity of “Tomb Notes”!” said the agent.

In addition to some advantages in appearance and fans, Luhan seems to have nothing to note.

What the agent said made Qin Zhong amused, and asked him: “His fans? Do you think I care about his fans?”

Regarding the number of fans, whether at home or abroad, Qin Zhong can kill him in seconds.

Starring in “Tomb Notes” will increase the popularity of “Tomb Notes”? Qin Zhong doesn’t think so. With deer in it, it’s hard for this movie to turn into a bad one.

“Please come back, I don’t need any little fresh meat without acting skills, he is still more suitable for his mother fan.” Qin Zhong said.

“Qin Zhong, don’t give up your face!”

Lu Han finally couldn’t help it, and cursed at Qin Zhong: “Do you think you are very strong? If it wasn’t for your luck, who would remember you? I think your acting skills may not be better than mine, shameful thing!”

“you shut up!”

The agent rushed to Lu Han’s face and slapped Lu Han’s face: “You said acting? Mr. Qin Zhong can throw you a few blocks away! I’ll just say, why your acting skills have not increased, so you even I don’t know what acting is!”

Now the agent knows why Lu Han’s acting skills have not improved, the reason is that he has no idea what acting skills are!

If this continues, it will be weird that he can play his role well.

“You dare to hit me? You wait for the lawsuit!”

Lu Han touched his face, knowing that he spends a lot of time on his face every day.

The time spent looking in the mirror every day adds up to more time than eating.

And his agent, dare to slap his face?

Now Lu Hanke doesn’t care who his agent is, and whether or not the brokerage company will block him.

As long as you dare to slap him in the face, just wait for the lawsuit!

“What’s wrong with me just hitting you? Are you unhappy?”

The agent sighed two years ago.

If it weren’t for the flow now, and Luhan’s flow is good, why would he look at the face of this waste every day?

“Hey, hey, I said you don’t make trouble in my office, I’m still waiting for the actors to audition.”

Qin Zhong looked at his watch and said.

After Lu Han and his agent came in, Qin Zhong had already wasted more than ten minutes.

At this time, Qin Zhong may have already interviewed several outstanding actors.

“Hehe, don’t pretend to me anymore. You actually said that I am a person without acting skills. Wait, you will feel better!” Lu Han threatened.

Qin Zhong snorted: “Why, do you want to bite me?”

“You wait, I’m not over with you! Not only the brokerage company, I want to terminate the contract, I also have to sue you for a crime of libel!” Lu Han gritted his teeth.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” Qin Zhong said.

Luhan snorted coldly, slammed the door and left.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I’m really sorry. Actually, there are some excellent actors in our company. Why don’t I find them for you?” The agent vented his anger and realized that he was in front of Qin Zhong at this time.

A Luhan, if you don’t have it, you won’t have it, and he can still afford it.

Anyway, seeing Lu Han look like this, it won’t last long, and he dared to offend Qin Zhong.

It doesn’t matter if Luhan is a short-sighted thing, and their company can’t offend Qin Zhong.

According to the development speed of Qin Zhong, they will spend more time on Qin Zhong in the future.

0 ········Find flowers···

“I’m not interested, if you’re okay, just leave, don’t come again in the future.” Qin Zhong said.

This brokerage company Qin Zhong will need to check in the future. All actors recommended by this company will not be used by Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong’s attitude made this agent very desperate.

What are you guys guilty of? What are you doing to find Lu Han?

At this time, not only can’t cooperate with Qin Zhong, but it is tantamount to offending Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I will take care of Luhan’s affairs after I go back. Please don’t take it to heart.” The agent bowed to Qin Zhong.

“Well, if you’re okay, you can leave. I have to audition for other actors.” Qin Zhong said.

… .. 0

The agent apologized to Qin Zhong for a long time before leaving. Qin Zhong rubbed his temples. This Lu Han really made Qin Zhong a headache.

But this guy is just a jumping clown to Qin Zhong, and his emotional intelligence is low and touching.

He has offended his own brokerage company, what good fruit can he have?

Especially when he is in a trough, he just waits for it to be finished.

Qin Zhong continued to audition for “Tomb Notes”, but did not expect that on that day, Lu Han would post Qin Zhong on his Weibo.

“Today, my agent and I went to Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company to audition for “Tomb Notes”. I haven’t started the audition yet. Qin Zhong said that I am a non-acting person and personally attacked me! My reputation has been compromised. Damaged, I need his compensation and an apology!”

“I thought my agent would be on my side. I didn’t expect that he was also afraid of Qin Zhong’s reputation and slapped me in front of Qin Zhong. I grew up and even my mother was reluctant to fight. Me, what is he? I want to terminate the contract with my company and file a lawsuit with them!”

Lu Han published a long Weibo with hundreds of words, all accusing Qin Zhong and the brokerage company.

And he became a victimized white lotus.

Because of the movie “Business Sea Fortress”, Lu Han has gained a lot of fans, but most of them are black fans.

Lu Han didn’t know this problem, but felt that his reputation was constantly growing.

But just after his Weibo was posted, he was faced with a lot of ridicule. Ding.

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