Chapter 297

“Don’t get excited, let’s talk about business first.” Qin Zhong smiled.

Qin Zhong can understand the mood of the small picture, but now is the time to discuss his work.

“Okay, well, editor-in-chief Qin Lin said that you have a novel that you want to serialize on the Internet, and it’s a work of Xianxia?” Xiaotu asked.

On the phone, Qin Lin explained the matter in detail, and all the small pictures were clear.

“Yes, it’s a piece of fairy tales.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s okay, I don’t know when it will be convenient for Mr. Qin Zhong to start serialization? As long as the number of words is enough for 30,000 characters, we can sign a contract, and we will give Mr. Qin Zhong a great god version of the contract in terms of treatment.” Xiaotu said.

Regardless of the quality of Qin Zhong’s works, the ability of Qin Zhong to serialize novels on Lvzhu Novel Network alone can increase the popularity of their website several times.

“The contract is just as given by the ordinary author. I now have more than 10,000 words and can upload it,” Qin Zhong said.

“Well, Mr. Qin Zhong, you can add my button, let’s say it on the Internet.” Xiaotu said.


After Qin Zhong added the deduction number of the small picture, he hung up the phone.

The small picture patiently guides Qin Zhong on how to register an account on their website and how to apply to be an author.

“This is the way to upload novels. After clicking upload, we can review it for you in the background,” said the small picture.

After all, there is one-to-one guidance from the editor-in-chief. After Qin Zhong uploaded, the small picture was directly approved by Qin Zhong.

Now you can find the book of Qin Zhong on the website.

In terms of pen names, Qin Zhong has no interest, just picking up his own name.

The pen name is also called Qin Zhong.

And his book, uploading is the “Zhu Xian” which can be called one of the three great sacred books on the Internet!

“Okay, the cover is produced by the American Art Association on our website. You just need to wait a while. By the way, Mr. Qin Zhong has so many fans on Weibo, you can also promote it on Weibo.” Xiaotu said with a smile. .

At this time, Xiaotu reveals his fox tail. As long as Qin Zhong can promote his novel on Weibo, their website will also benefit from it.

Qin Zhong didn’t care about this. His Weibo could indeed promote his novels.

So Qin Zhong edited a Weibo and sent it out.

“This is a novel I updated on the Lvzhu Novel website, a new book, I hope everyone can support me.”

At the end of this Weibo, Qin Zhong attached a link to the novel.

Just five minutes after Weibo was posted, the following comments and reposts have exceeded 100,000.

And Qin Zhong’s newly uploaded novel, collections and hits instantly became the number one in the new book list.

“Zhu Xian?”

People who follow Qin Zhong are not only fans of Qin Zhong.

There are editors or editors-in-chief of other websites who are also paying attention to this matter.

They knew about Qin Zhong’s ability to write books, so after seeing Qin Zhong’s propaganda, they logged into Lvzhu to see what type of novels Qin Zhong wrote.

Maybe, let the author of their website also write the same type, and get a wave of enthusiasm.

But when they saw this subject matter, they were immediately dumbfounded.

“Fictions on the theme of Xianxia? How old is this? Someone wrote this… No, even for Qin Zhong, writing science fiction novels is better than writing this type of novels…”

The editors of these websites are a little confused, and Xianxia novels are the most unpopular category.

Even if it is written by the great god-level author of their website, it is possible to hit the street.

I can only say that Qin Zhong is a layman, and he doesn’t know what kind of novels readers like.

It is estimated that even Qin Zhong will be on the street because of this novel.

A layman is always a layman.

But the introduction to this novel is quite attractive.

“There are no gods in this world, but since time immemorial, humans have seen the world around them, all kinds of strange things, lightning and thunder, violent storms, and natural disasters and man-made disasters. There are countless casualties and sorrows. It is by no means human beings can do. Can resist…”

“It’s interesting.”

The person who is reading this book is the editor-in-chief of Wasteland Novel Network.

Their website and Lvzhu Novel Network have always been in a competitive relationship.

Lvzhu dug a star like Qin Zhong to write a book on their website. As the editor-in-chief of Wasteland, of course, he should pay attention to this matter.

The introduction of this book seems to suit his appetite, mainly because he likes ancient novels.

He has read martial arts novels. There is nothing worth reading about Xianxia novels. I hope this book by Qin Zhong will not let him down. ……..

Although there are only 10,000 characters, I can barely see what Qin Zhong is.

Clicking on “Zhu Xian”, the editor-in-chief of Wasteland Chinese Net began to read it.

I have to say that the style of this book looks very comfortable.

The explanation is concise, but there is no sense of brilliance.

“The world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog. Isn’t this a sentence in the “Tao De Jing”? How to write a Zhu Xian, but also to the Tao Te Ching…”

Although he was talking, he still looked down patiently.

But as soon as I read it, I was attracted by the content inside.

Zhang Xiaofan and what happened to Lin Jingyu laid a big foreshadowing from the beginning.

Especially in the period of fighting, it seems to be staged in front of your eyes.

After reading Chapter 5, I thought about continuing to turn the page, but it showed that I had finished reading the updated content.

This is the most exciting place. He wondered what would happen after Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu joined Qingyunmen.

And looking at Zhang Xiaofan’s cheap master, Tian Buyi didn’t seem to like him.

It is estimated that there will be a lot of glaring and abuse in the future.

“Why haven’t I updated yet? I’m so anxious to death!”

The editor-in-chief of Wasteland Chinese Net refreshed the webpage several times, but it still showed that there was no update. Now he has accepted his fate.

There are many people who are in the same situation as the editor-in-chief of Wasteland Chinese. When they saw that Chapter 5 was exciting, the update was completed!

Anyone who can bear it will be reminded in the comment area that day.

At this time, the small picture of Lvzhu, after seeing the data of this book, was simply happy.

He never dreamed that the data of Qin Zhong’s “Zhu Xian” would be so good, and he also read the content. Based on his experience as an editor for several years, the content of the first five chapters has no shortcomings.

It is a perfect novel.

Whether it is a fan of Qin Zhong or a colleague with a lively mindset, after reading the first five chapters of this book, they all joined the ranks of reminders.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, if you are free now, you might as well update a few more chapters.”

“Mr. Qin Zhong, are you there?”

“Mr. Qin Zhong?”

The small picture has sent several messages to Qin Zhong, but has not received a reply, so I have to give up. .

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