Chapter 300

It’s just that it is still too difficult for them to read the novel of “Zhu Xian”.

First of all, this is not a movie or a TV series, just look for subtitles that are constantly translated.

This is a novel of more than one million words, and the style is not suitable for translation.

Even if they want to watch, there is no way.

Can only be in a hurry.

But Qin Zhong won’t let this book be published in foreign countries, so I asked Tomorrow Publishing House to print it out in English first.

After receiving news from Qin Zhong, Tomorrow Publishing House began to look for a translator to translate the English version of “Zhu Xian”.

A total of 36 episodes of the TV series have been filmed, and the production of subtitles is simpler than that of translated novels.

After Qin Zhong arranged things, he left China and rushed to Hollywood.

Qin Zhong and Monica have not seen each other for more than four months, and they usually contact each other by phone.

And the shooting of “Resident Evil 4” is also a problem.

When Qin Zhong was away, the company crew from Hollywood came to shoot this film, and Qin Zhong also went back to check the results of their shooting.

Qin Zhong arrived at Hollywood, and just after getting off the plane, he called Monica.

“I’m in Hollywood, where are you?” Qin Zhong asked on the phone.

“You came back to Hollywood? Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Monica asked in surprise.

She thought that Qin Zhong would be back in a month or two, but she did not expect Qin Zhong would be back today, and Qin Zhong did not say a word to Monica in advance.

“I came back to give you a surprise. Where are you? I just got off the plane and will see you right away.” Qin Zhong asked.

“I’m with the crew of “Resident Evil 4″ and I’m busy filming today.” Monica said.

It’s noon, and the crew is taking a lunch break.

“Okay, I will go to the crew now and wait for me.” Qin Zhong said.

Even if Monica is not on the crew, Qin Zhong plans to go there and watch it.

Since Monica is there, it just saves Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong and his assistants drove to the crew, which had already started work at this time.

Monica is playing the protagonist Alice, fighting with the group of zombies.

Seeing Qin Zhong coming to the crew, the people and staff in the crew were a little nervous.

After all, when Qin Zhong was away, they didn’t report to Qin Zhong how to shoot. If Qin Zhong came here and was not satisfied with the situation here, they might have to be trained.

“Hi boss.”

The staff say hello to Qin Zhong.

“It’s okay, continue shooting.” Qin Zhong smiled.

For the employees of his company, Qin Zhong is more at ease.

In terms of quality requirements, these people are also very strict, and they are not inferior to Qin Zhong at all.

After seeing Qin Zhong here, Monica wanted to say hello to Qin Zhong, but when she saw that Qin Zhong was more concerned about the shooting, she proceeded with the shooting as usual.

Monica’s acting skills are not low in itself. Among the actresses Qin Zhong has seen, Monica’s acting skills can definitely rank above the middle.

After getting acquainted with Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong often discussed acting with her, so Monica made great progress.

At the very least, there is nothing wrong with Qin Zhong’s view of the footage I shot now.

“Okay, pause!”

The director in charge of “Resident Evil 4” stopped filming after finishing the filming.

Then he walked in front of Qin Zhong and said with a smile to Qin Zhong: “Boss, are you satisfied with the scene you just filmed?”

“Yes, I’m quite satisfied.” Qin Zhong smiled: “Let me see the samples I took during the time I left.”


Qin Zhong nodded, then walked to Monica.

“It’s been hard recently.” Qin Zhong smiled.

Although Monica and Monica can often call Qin Zhong, after all, they haven’t seen each other for nearly half a year.

“You are ashamed to say that you can’t take the time to come to Hollywood to see me. It’s been months.” Monica complained.

“The shooting over there is quite busy, there is no way.” Qin Zhong shrugged.

Of course he knows that Monica is joking with him, and Monica makes Qin Zhong work well when she talks.

“Is that TV series finished?”

“Yes, I plan to promote and broadcast on Hollywood,” Qin Zhong said.

In Hollywood, there is no market for Xianxia TV series.

At the very least, in history, no film and television works on the theme of Xianxia can be played in Hollywood.

Hollywood is a place where commercial films gather. Although Qin Zhong surpassed Paramount and became one of Hollywood’s six major entertainment companies, it was not enough for Qin Zhong.

His pressure is still relatively large, in addition to Disney, there is another opponent who is also more difficult to deal with.

That is Warner Corporation. Their Harry Potter series of films are very typical commercial films.

Qin Zhong’s movies have never collided with Warner’s Harry Potter before, but it doesn’t mean they have no strength.

“How many shots have you not finished shooting today?” Qin Zhong asked Monica.

“It’s almost finished, if you want to continue shooting,” Monica said.

“Let’s take a break first.” Qin Zhong waved his hand and said, “Let’s go, find a place to eat, I just happened to have something to do with Stan Lee.”


After Qin Zhong came to Hollywood, of course he would pay a visit to his old friend Stan Lee.

The main thing is the release of “Zhu Xian” in Hollywood. I want to ask Stan Lee if he has any good suggestions.

Qin Zhong and Monica found a hotel, and after booking a private room, they called Stan Lee.

“Hey, why did you think of contacting me?”

After receiving Qin Zhong’s call, Stan Lee asked with a smile.

“I’m back to Hollywood, are you free now? Come out for a meal.” Qin Zhong said.

“Oh, of course I will be free if you are a guest. Where are you?” Stan Lee asked.

Qin Zhong told Stan Lee the address of the hotel, and Stan Lee said he would be there soon.

The food was served, and Qin Zhong and Monica were waiting in the box.

In less than half an hour, Stan Lee arrived in a hurry.

“Qin Zhong, long time no see.”

Stan Lee shook hands with Qin Zhong warmly after entering the door.

“Sit down first, let’s eat some food first.”

Qin Zhong was already hungry. After seeing Stan Lee coming in, he gobbled up food.

“Qin Zhong, are you going back to Hollywood, do you have any plans for film and television?”

Stan Lee understood Qin Zhong’s character and couldn’t help asking.

“Of course.” As if thinking of something, Qin Zhong said to Stan Lee: “Did you know about the filming of “Zhu Xian” during my time in China?”.

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