Chapter 303

Fortunately, Qin Zhong has returned to Hollywood, and the company’s affairs can be handled by Qin Zhong.

After Qin Zhong returned to Hollywood, he went directly to Wushuang Company to see if there were any major incidents in the company this week.

“Boss, you are finally back.”

In Qin Zhong’s office, when the assistants saw Qin Zhong coming back, tears of excitement almost fell.

“Calm down, show me the company report for the next week.”

Qin Zhong rubbed his forehead and said.

After a week, Qin Zhong’s mood is much better than before.

When he returned to the company at this time, he was not under as much pressure as before.

Qin Zhong’s assistants told Qin Zhong about the company’s development this week. For Qin Zhong, the company is running normally, and they don’t expect these assistants to do anything big for themselves.

“Boss, I want to ask, do you have any plans after “Zhu Xian” is finished playing?”

An assistant of Qin Zhong asked.

In the past, Qin Zhong would have another shooting plan every time a movie or a TV series was about to be finished.

But this “Zhu Xian” was almost over, and Qin Zhong didn’t tell them about their recent plans.

As Qin Zhong’s assistants, they should help Qin Zhong solve their work problems.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “Of course I have plans.”

After all, after a week of rest, Qin Zhong has new ideas for filming.

Since it is an innovation, then shoot a movie that no one else has ever filmed.

“I have already thought about the script, and I will write it out today.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s great.”

Assistants are not afraid of trouble. As long as the company can make profits, as assistants, they can get bonuses.

Qin Zhong is very generous to employees.

Qin Zhong looked at the time and said to them: “You can get off work at this time. I can just write the script in the company.”

It was already five o’clock in the afternoon, and Monica did not come to the company with Qin Zhong.

After getting off the plane, Monica went home to clean up the house.

“Well, let’s go first, goodbye boss!”

These assistants don’t dare to disturb Qin Zhong’s creation. Since Qin Zhong has said that he will write scripts in the company, it is better for them to leave as soon as possible.

When the assistants left, Qin Zhong took out a script from the system.

This script, Qin Zhong, was chosen after a lot of selection.

“Savage Story”, this is a combination of six different horror stories, each of which makes people feel frantic.

Combining several different short stories into a movie is something that many directors have done.

The more famous one is the old movie “Ghost Man”, which was more than 30 years ago, and it can be regarded as a relatively classic.

Later, there were several such horror movies, but the results were average.

However, Qin Zhong’s “Barbarian Story” did not appear to have any ghosts, it was the discovery of human nature that made this movie.

Qin Zhong carefully read the script twice, and according to Qin Zhong’s eyes, he found no problems in it.

There is no problem with this script.

After entering the script on the computer and printing out a few copies, Qin Zhong left the company.

The next day, Monica went to Weita to check the special effects production of “Resident Evil 4” for Qin Zhong, and Qin Zhong came to the company and announced the start of filming of “Savage Story”.

In this film, Qin Zhong did not want to play a role, so he found some actors he knew to shoot.

This movie can basically be calculated at a small cost, and more complex scenes can be replaced with special effects.

It only took one day to select the role, and Qin Zhong settled the matter.

Then the next step is the shooting of the movie.

It was divided into six stories. Under the guidance of Qin Zhong, three were filmed in only one week.

Qin Zhong’s filming speed on the film is not superlative. When other companies knew about this, the filming of “Savage Story” was half done.

Anyway, for Qin Zhong, it doesn’t matter to Qin Zhong whether other companies know about this or not.

Stan Lee didn’t know that Qin Zhong was filming so fast. When he wanted to congratulate Qin Zhong for starting a new movie, he got a message.

Qin Zhong’s movie has been filmed.

“Qin Zhong, what are you doing, didn’t you tell me about such an important thing as making a movie?”

Stan Lee came to Qin Zhong’s company and sat down on the sofa and said.

Anyway, they are also friends. If Qin Zhong has anything, of course he has to help Qin Zhong share it.

But Qin Zhong didn’t tell him about the new movie.

This makes Stan Lee feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Zhong shrugged and smiled at Stan Lee: “This matter is not important, what matters is the quality of this movie.”

“I didn’t look at it again, how do I know the quality?” Stan Lee complained.

“You can read the script first.”

Qin Zhong gave the script to Stan Lee, and the script is not used at this time anyway.

“The Barbaric Story”, a small-cost movie, was all shot in less than three weeks.

However, the editing and special effects production in the later stage is also a very time-consuming task for them.

Of course, Qin Zhong doesn’t need to worry about such things.

“Let me see.”

After Stan Lee took over Qin Zhong’s script, he read it seriously.

“Oh, my God, you kid!”

After Stan Lee read the script, he didn’t know how to express his thoughts.

This Qin Zhong is really capable.

In the script, Stan Lee couldn’t fault it.

Moreover, the control of human nature in this script really surprised Stan Lee.

“Weita has rushed to produce it, and even put the production of this movie in front of “Resident Evil 4″.” Qin Zhong said.

Anyway, for Qin Zhong, it does not matter if the “Resident Evil” series of movies are released later.

The important thing is that Qin Zhong wants to see if this innovative type of film will be welcomed by the market.

“Savage Story” is a low-cost movie after all. According to Qin Zhong’s idea, judging from the reputation of Wushuang, those who lose money will never lose money.

As for how much you can earn, it depends on whether the audience can buy it.

After all, this is just an attempt by Qin Zhong.

“Yes, I think this movie will be liked by many audiences,” Stan Lee said.

Now ordinary commercial movies have already made the audience feel boring.

At least those superman-type movies, the stalk of heroes saving the world has been used up.

If Qin Zhong’s movie is successful, it will open up new themes and innovative types of movies to the movie market! .

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