Chapter 341

But this is good, it saved him a lot of things, and it happened to be able to bring his students to watch this movie.

After the reporter interviewed the teacher, he felt a little bit weird.

As a reporter, he has a very busy life every day. He may appear in Hollywood today, but he does not know which city he will appear in tomorrow.

But the more this happened, the more he wanted to know what was going on in this movie that would cause such a big battle.

“One last question, are you a college teacher or a high school teacher?”

“Middle school teacher, what’s wrong?”


The reporter chuckled and went to find the next interviewee.

Still a teacher.

After he interviewed five teachers in a row, the reporter felt he was refreshed~Sanguan.

Teachers from junior high school to university,-they all have them.

And among those waiting to buy tickets, there are still some masters and doctors.

What the hell is this movie up to?

“No, I also have to buy a ticket to go in and see, maybe I can make this news bigger!”

The reporter couldn’t help it, and quickly asked the photographer to buy movie tickets.

He also wants to go in and see what the movie is about.

In less than ten minutes, the photographer ran back in sweat.

“Sorry, the movie tickets were all sold out just now, we didn’t have to watch…”

“It’s sold out? This is the morning, and all the tickets for the first movie in the morning are sold out?” the reporter asked with open mouth.

“Of course, you can go and see if you don’t believe it, it’s really all sold out!” the photographer said helplessly.

“Okay, then let’s wait for the next one.” The reporter said.

But in fact, want to watch a movie, how can it be so simple.

No matter how long they wait, it is difficult for them to buy movie tickets.

The students and teachers are waiting to watch this movie. When will it be the reporter’s turn?

The scene being staged now takes place in several cities.

Teachers take students or college students to watch movies spontaneously.

There are also those who are waiting for academic discussions on the Internet forums to buy tickets to watch the movie.

This is only the second day of “Interstellar Crossing”, which caused such a sensation in Country M.

It is estimated that there is no publicity, and it is more persuasive than the teacher taking the students to watch the movie.

“I want to see how this movie uses science to explain family affection!”

Entering the movie theater, a person who was assaulted on the forum yesterday sat down.

He wants to see what the quality of this movie really is.

If the content does not meet his tastes, he will not only go back to the people who watched the movie, but also the distribution company of the movie.

There are many people who are in the same mood as him, most of them come here with doubts, wanting to see how the quality of this movie is.

Is this movie really as good-looking as said, or is it because those people are lying to themselves.

The movie began, and the first thing that appeared was a plain plot, as if a few people were chatting about everyday life.

“What the hell, this is a hardcore sci-fi movie, isn’t it too earthy? Why not go home and watch Iron Man is interesting.”

“I admit that I regret coming to the cinema in minutes. There is no interest at all. There are no well-known actors and no beautiful beauties, so the picture quality is barely acceptable.”

“I admit that I had a gamble. Indeed, I lost the bet. This movie is not even as interesting as Inception.”

The beginning part of “Interstellar” is indeed not as exciting as “Inception”.

But is “Interstellar” important not the front part, but after entering the middle stage, it gradually becomes brain-burning.

In the movie “Interstellar”, there is no need to be attractive at the beginning of the plot. The first few minutes are purely for the purpose of setting the stage.

And these impatient people, even if they don’t even want to watch the first few minutes, how can they enjoy excellent movies?

Scolded scolded, but the movie tickets cost money, and it seemed a bit of a loss to leave directly.

No matter what you think, you still have to continue watching this movie.

But as time passed, their minds were also attracted by this movie.

Once the early stage has passed, and then gradually developed into outer space, the plot of this movie can be regarded as the real beginning.

With the tension of one plot after another, their minds were completely attracted.

My eyes didn’t dare to leave the screen for fear of missing the wonderful plot.

After all, they have seen tips on the forum, if you watch this movie, don’t be distracted.

Because once you are distracted, you may not know what story to tell next.

There was no sound in the cinema, and all the audience watched the movie patiently.

Even the students who just started to complain about this movie, junior high school students or high school students, their eyes widened, and they looked at the screen seriously and nervously.

I’m afraid I missed the plot of this movie.

And those teachers who took students to watch the film, how can they still have time to take care of their students at this time?

All staring at the screen, the appeal of this movie to them is not at all lost to the appeal of the movie to the students.

In the nearly three-hour movie, there was no voice in the audience except for complaints from the beginning.

… ….. …….

Only the ongoing plot on the screen.

It was not until the end of the movie that there was warm applause in the cinema.

“This movie is really great!”

“My God, I didn’t expect that they were right. This movie is simply the best science fiction movie in history!”

“I believe this movie will be recorded in the annals of history, and all future science fiction movies will use this movie as a template for innovation!”

“I give full marks to this movie! And I admit that the people on the forum are right. This movie does use science to explain the family relationship, and there are even more things they didn’t mention. I will definitely give it back. They added!”

Whether it was a student or a teacher, or those who watched the movie because of a bet, they were all convinced at this time.

This movie can no longer be called a movie, it should be called art!

“I like this movie, thank you teacher for showing us to it!”

“Thank you, teacher!”

The students’ satisfaction with this film is not bad at all. If they hadn’t had their teacher to show them this film, they might have missed it.

“It’s okay. I am also very happy to watch this movie. This movie is really great.”

A teacher looked at the black screen, still full of aftertaste for the wonderful plot.

“Okay, the movie is over, let’s go, there are other teachers and students waiting to watch it outside.” Ding.

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