Chapter 450

It is estimated that this year will end with Monica’s “Resident Evil 4”, allowing Qin Zhong to pass this year steadily.

But the good times are not long. Qin Zhong wants to dominate this year’s box office champion, but other companies are not so happy.

They can admit that Wushuang’s movies are of good quality, but it is not that simple to make them easily admit defeat.

Take Disney, for example, this year one of their super IPs, “The Lion King”.

The “Lion King” animation series is a super IP among all the Disney IPs.

This time Disney chose to adapt “The Lion King” into a live-action version to fight for this year’s box office championship.

Before “The Lion King”, there was another “Mulan”, which also relied on the animation to be adapted into a real person to earn the box office.

However, the live-action 08 of “Mulan” failed miserably after colliding with “Interstellar”.

This time Disney brought out the live-action version of “The Lion King” again, and I don’t know if it’s the head iron.

Regarding this matter, many companies and media regard themselves as spectators.

After all, it was a fight between gods, and it was not a secret that Disney and Wushuang had always been at odds.

Only this time, I don’t know what kind of sparks the two companies will collide with.

The strength of Wushuang Company is obvious to all, and Disney’s “Lion King” series is also a super IP.

From the perspective of feelings alone, “The Lion King” can budget a super high box office.

Not to mention those who have watched the “Lion King” animation, have grown from children to adults.

Donating a movie ticket shouldn’t be difficult, right?

And Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company, what kind of movies it has on hand, is not a secret.

“The Pianist” has just been screened, “The Rescued Jiang Ge” is being edited, and “Resident Evil 4” starring Monica.

Now Wushuang has only these three movies on hand.

But no matter which one you watch, or even the total of all three, it is enough to compare with Disney’s “Lion King” series.

Unless Marvel can come up with another “Avengers” series, but this is not realistic.

Wanting to complete a brand new “Avengers” a year ago is totally joking.

Even if Marvel’s company doubles in size, it is impossible to have such a shooting speed.

The Disney Company also spent a lot of money in producing the live-action movie of “The Lion King”. I don’t know how many special effects companies it employs.

Even the voice actors, in order to appeal, chose Hollywood big-name stars.

As long as it is Disney’s IP, Disney will not feel sorry for any money in production and promotion.

But Qin Zhong’s Wushuang Company is different. When “The Rescued Jiang Ge” was being produced, there was hardly any movement.

There is no publicity and no hype, as if Wushuang was just trying to make this movie complete quickly.

No one even knows how much money was invested during the filming of this movie, everything seems like a secret.

In order to be able to promote the movie “The Lion King”, Disney did not spare any effort. At the beginning of production, it carried out large-scale publicity.

It is estimated that with Disney’s ability, “The Lion King” will be released globally in the fastest time after the production is completed, and won this year’s most popular box office championship.

Wushuang has many classic movies this year, and the highest-grossing movie is still “Interstellar” which caused a sensation.

Since the movie was released, it has been dominating the box office chart this year.

But the times make heroes. After the release of “Interstellar”, it is basically not seen in the cinema.

Moreover, when the film was released when the students were still in school and the workers were still at work, it would have an impact on the box office of the film.

But this year’s box office championships are all when everyone is free at the end of the year.

Such a time difference will naturally cause a difference in the box office.

Qin Zhong also knows the truth, this year’s box office champion, what Qin Zhong said must let Wushuang Company get it.

This is of great help to Wushuang’s publicity and market.

Qin Zhong still remembers his purpose. He wants Wushuang to become the largest film company in Hollywood, but he can’t always be suppressed by Disney.

And other well-known film companies in Hollywood are also ready to take off at the end of the year.

Although they don’t have much confidence in fighting for the box office championship, they can’t just watch others fighting and do nothing by themselves.

Students can take holidays, workers can take holidays, but film companies are the most intense and fierce competition period at this time.

Even companies that don’t have a few movies throughout the year will bring out their company’s most proud movies at the end of the year.

Even if they can’t get the box office champion, they will have to get a box office satisfactory to them at the end of this year.

In the fiercest competition, the happiest person is definitely not Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong feels a lot of pressure.

The happiest person is Nolan, this guy has never been afraid of big things.

What happened to Disney? What happened to other film companies? .

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