Chapter 466

For example, Qin Zhong is good enough, but Qin Zhong is already married, which is a pity.

“Let’s do whatever it takes.”

Hot bar is really afraid of talking and talks away. When it comes to finding a boyfriend, Hot bar feels a headache.

“Stop talking to her, I think she is starting to have a headache.” Qin Zhong smiled at Monica.

“Okay, don’t tell me.” Monica said.

“But find a boyfriend as soon as possible. You are still young, so finding a boyfriend is easier.” Qin Zhong said to Reba.

“I see.”

Reba sighed, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

“By the way, Qin Zhong will you also appear in the movie you are going to make?”

Monica asked Qin Zhong.

“Of course, this movie was produced by Yuhuashi Company. Of course Li Heyi wants Reba to be the heroine.” Qin Zhong laughed.

“I have read the script. There are no so-called heroines, it’s all between men.” Reba said.

The movie “Chasing the Dragon” is indeed a matter of male characters.

Although there are female characters, there are really not many scenes in it. No matter if you play the heroine in it, hot, she doesn’t have many scenes.

“Where is Yang Chaoyue, isn’t she playing a role in it?” Monica asked.

In normal times, Yang Chaoyue is the restless master.

As long as it is filming, I will definitely see her.

But this time, Yang Chaoyue did not move, making Monica still a little uncomfortable.

“Don’t mention her anymore. ¨.”

Hot, Yang Chaoyue and Yang Chaoyue have never been at peace, this matter is no secret.

But both of them wanted to be by Qin Zhong’s side, which resulted in the two enemies always seeing each other.

This time, the filming of the film was arranged very quickly. It is estimated that Yang Chaoyue still does not know that she naturally cannot become a female character in this film.

It’s hot and don’t want Yang Chaoyue to know, she’s still looking for trouble when the time comes.

This situation is very good. It is possible to shoot a movie with Qin Zhong without Yang Chaoyue to bother. This is the life that Hot Bar wants.

“Well, let’s not mention her.”

Monica also thought of the relationship between the two people, so don’t mention it at this time.

Don’t be hot, come to the house and be a guest, and accidentally offend her.

“After you read the script, is there anything you don’t understand? You can tell me now so I can explain it to you.”

Qin Zhong didn’t see anything wrong, so he said to Hot Bar.

“There is nothing I don’t understand.”

“The script of this movie is easy to understand, and it’s not as complicated as “Kill Bill”.” Reba said.

“You can understand it.” Qin Zhong yawned and said, “Actually, the last movie was completely because Li Heyi didn’t understand the script. If I can direct that movie, I can guarantee that nothing will happen.”

“It’s too late to say this now, why didn’t you say it earlier.” Reba sighed.

“I’m going to be the leading actor in this movie. It’s okay to have me in there. You can shoot it well and wait for a good harvest at the box office,” Qin Zhong said.

“I hope so, as long as this movie can get a good box office, anything will do.” Reba said.

After so many things, now the hot bar only values ​​the box office.

At the end of the year, as long as the box office of the movie can pass, it is enough for Yuhuashi to have a movie that can be sold at the end of the year.

“Have you eaten? I’ll let the nanny cook, and everyone will eat together.”

Seeing it was almost noon, Monica naturally couldn’t make these people hungry.

As the hostess of the family, Monica naturally has to arrange things.

“`” I’m not hungry, you can eat, I just have something to do at home. ”

Hot bar ready to go at this time.

Qin Zhong and Monica stayed a bit, but Hot Bar insisted on leaving, and there was no way.

After Reba left, Monica said to Qin Zhong with a faint smile, “You and Reba seem to have a very good relationship.”

“We are friends, don’t get me wrong.”

Qin Zhong explained quickly.

I usually have more contact with these friends, and I am really afraid that Monica will misunderstand.

“No misunderstanding, don’t be nervous.”

Monica smiled at Qin Zhong and said, “I’m scared to see you.”

“I’m not afraid of you thinking about it? We are all ordinary friends.” Qin Zhong said.

“I know, (good) I didn’t talk nonsense about killing.”

“Hurry up and eat lunch, I’m already hungry.”

That day, nothing happened. In the morning of the next day, Qin Zhong came to Yuhuashi Company.

As the person who most wants to finish the filming of this film, Li Heyi was ready for the filming of the film as early as yesterday.

After Qin Zhong came to the company, Li Heyi said to Qin Zhong: “I have arranged everything yesterday. I can start shooting today. Let’s go to the shooting venue with the crew first.”

“Okay, let’s go now.” Qin Zhong said.

The hot bar is already here, waiting for Qin Zhong in the company.

After Qin Zhong arrived, they went to the shooting venue together. .

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