Chapter 483

“Monica has always wanted to see how this animation is made, and it can be regarded as fulfilling one of her wishes.”

“Also, let those friends see the level of animation produced by Weita.”

Qin Zhong called Yang Chaoyue and Reba and invited them to watch the animation at their home tonight.

After Yang Chaoyue and Reba received the call, they all had some novelties.

After all, in the past, they had something to find Qin Zhong.

But when Qin Zhong took the initiative to call them, this time it was a coincidence. Both had time, so they agreed-Qin Zhong.

Tonight, they will go to Qin Zhong’s house.

On Li Heyi’s side, Qin Zhong didn’t know what to say.

Qin Zhong was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to speak.

On the contrary, Li Heyi is very carefree. After receiving Qin Zhong’s call, he was originally very angry.

But when I heard that I was going to watch an animated movie, I became interested in an instant. I forgot the unhappiness in the morning and said to Qin Zhong: “Okay, as long as there is a movie to watch, everything is easy to say.”

“Then you can come to my house at night, and I will wait for you at home.” Qin Zhong said.

“no problem.”

Qin Zhong smiled and hung up.

In the evening, Yang Chaoyue, Reba and Li Heyi came to Qin Zhong’s house.

Qin Zhong did not invite them to the top of Wushuang Company.

It’s not too late for them to watch the movie again, this time I will mainly let my friends watch it.

Especially Qin Wushuang, Qin Zhong’s son, this animated film was mainly prepared for him.

Qin Wushuang is less than one year old now, and he probably can’t understand it, but it doesn’t matter, as long as he can understand it later.

Qin Zhong invited them here just to watch this animation.

After the screening started, they all felt a little weird when they saw the characters inside.

The main reason is that Weita’s animations are too sophisticated. Even if the toys are in 3D, they look like real ones.

If it weren’t for the animated characters and scenes, they might feel that this was shot with real toys.

“Completely passing the special effects.” Li Heyi said impatiently.

“Yes, I also think this animation is good, the special effects are very good.” Yang Chaoyue nodded.

“Let’s take a look first, it’s mainly the plot inside, you guys will analyze for me whether it is reasonable or not.” Qin Zhong said.

In terms of special effects, Qin Zhong is very confident.

After all, it is the animation produced by Weita, and Qin Zhong will not worry about the bad special effects.

The only thing that worries Qin Zhong is whether they made it according to the plot Qin Zhong gave them.

But don’t go wrong.

“Okay, let’s take a look at the contents first.”

Li Heyi rubbed his hands and said.

In terms of movies, Li Heyi has always been stricter.

But Yuhuashi Company has not produced any animation, and Li Heyi doesn’t know how the animation is made, so he can only take a look at it first.

If the movie is released and the box office is fine, Li Heyi can also ask Yuhuashi Company to make the animation.

In short, this matter depends on what results Qin Zhong can produce.

The animation begins, and the content inside is very interesting.

This animation is not completely made for children to watch, even if it is watched by adults, there is no problem.

The plot inside is not naive, it is completely suitable for all ages.

0 ········Find flowers···

When Qin Zhong watched this animation, he also put his mind into it.

In his previous life, Qin Zhong saw this animation and felt that the content inside was quite good.

It is also the reason why Qin Zhong was able to choose this animation and become the first animation produced by Wushuang Company.

I hope that this animation will have enough results after it is released.

Monica is watching this animation seriously. At other times, Monica also watches Wushuang’s movies.

After all, it was Qin Zhong’s painstaking effort, and she hoped that she would finish watching every one.

…. …. …

But this “Toy Story” is not a movie, but an animation. Monica’s heart is full of novelty.

The animation is not produced by Qin Zhong, but it is the script and creativity provided by Qin Zhong. Everything is related to Qin Zhong.

The movie is long enough for about two hours. They sit in the living room as if they are in a movie theater, and no one interrupts.

Their hearts are completely immersed in the content of this animation, and there is no sound except Qin Wushuang’s occasional sound.

Finally, the movie was over.

A few people seemed to be relieved, and Qin Zhong was the happiest person in it.

After watching the content of this movie, he felt very satisfied, but he felt a little stressed.

“This is the first part. It took so long to produce. I don’t know how long it will take to produce all the other remaining parts in the future.”

Qin Zhong sighed and said.

“Qin Zhong, you are a bit unkind. We all feel that this animation is good, but you are not satisfied.” Li Heyi muttered. Ding.

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