Chapter 71

Science fiction movies burn money.

Not for the actors, but for post-production.

Guo Fan has already saved the pay for the actors in the early stage.

The money in this area is really not saved, the special effects are poor, and the design can’t be produced, then it is not a science fiction film.

However, a large number of special effects, bizarre and magnificent scenes, are the selling points of science fiction films.

Qin Zhong frowned.

Earlier, when Guo Fan said that the investment amounted to 300 million yuan, he just calculated it in his heart at that time, it should not be enough.

Now when I ask, this is really the case.

The investment money is all used up, but this is almost at the end, and it is not realistic to put the crew here again to increase investment.

After all, the studio, the props, and the staff, every day is delayed, this is all money.

Guo Fan is really anxious to get angry these days, and his mouth has been soaked.

If there is no funding, this first-class movie will face this anticlimactic situation.

“No, 60 million…I voted!” Qin Zhong said firmly.

He also didn’t want to see such a good film, and ended up having a miscarriage because of funds.

And he believes that the film finally presented to the big 08 must be a very good film.

Guo Fan: “Ah, I know you Qin Zhong… I really don’t know how to thank you!”

Guo Fan looked at Qin Zhong very gratefully, and said nothing more.

Qin Zhong smiled. “Director Guo, I am also very optimistic about this film. Besides, I also hope that everyone’s efforts will not be wasted!”

Guo Fan has been a director for so many years. Naturally, he knows that most of the people in the crew are watching money. If you say that you have no money today, maybe others will clean up tomorrow.

However, it is really rare for Qin Zhong to not only take the initiative not to pay the salary, but also to make additional investments.

Finally, as an investor, Qin Zhong added an additional 60 million yuan in investment.

If it weren’t for Qin Zhong, this movie might not have been finished.

Guo Fan understood that he had to fight his back.

The scene was finally finished after thirty-one days of filming.


As Guo Fan yelled out, he finished.

Everyone screamed in excitement.

Although the filming time of this movie is not long. But everyone feels like a year has passed.

Qin Zhong took off nearly 80 kilograms of protective clothing.

Guo Fan came over and said, “Qin Zhong, thanks to you this time, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know if this movie will be released yet!”

“Thank you so much!”

Qin Zhong said quickly: “Guo, I should be thankful to you, you let us see the hope of science fiction movies again!”

Guo Fan said, “Qin Zhong, this time you have taken a great shot. You must be there for the celebration party tonight!”

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely go!”

Qin Zhong was removing makeup, but suddenly the makeup artist was not there, but Wu Mengda was inside.

Wu Mengda seemed to have been waiting for a while and was dozing off inside.

“Uncle Da, why are you here?”

“Xiao Qin, you are finally here!” Wu Mengda said happily: “Hurry up and remove your makeup. Someone is looking for you, you come with me!”

Qin Zhong is a bit inexplicable. This final banquet has already been imported, so how come Uncle Da takes himself wherever he goes?

“Uncle Da, slow down, don’t be so excited!”

Wu Mengda took Qin Zhong’s hand and took it away.

Wu Mengda took Qin Zhong into his room.

Qin Zhong didn’t know what Wu Mengda meant, so he had to follow Wu Mengda. After arriving in the room, Wu Mengda said to Qin Zhong:

“Someone wants to visit your class!”

Qin Zhong is strange, so let’s visit the class, why is it so mysterious?

Could it be that some big man is here?

“Wait here, let me tell them!” Wu Mengda didn’t care about Qin Zhong’s inexplicable expression, so he threw him here and went out by himself.

Qin Zhong looked at Wu Mengda’s uncharacteristic appearance, a little strange.

Before long, the door opened, and Wu Mengda brought a middle-aged man with glasses.

This middle-aged man looks gentle, probably in his fifties.

“Look, this is what I told you Qin Zhong!”

As soon as one of them saw that person, two words popped into his mind: Ye Wen.

Yes, this person is the director of “Ye Wen”: Ye Weixin.

“Leader Ye?” Qin Zhong stood up.

“Qin Zhong! Let me introduce to you, this is my friend, Ye Weixin, Director Ye!” Wu Mengda said to Qin Zhong.

Then he gave a brief introduction to Ye Weixin.

Ye Weixin took off his sunglasses. The up and down looked at Qin Zhong carefully, and then nodded slightly, expressing that he was very satisfied.

Then he stretched out his hand to Qin Zhong, “Hello, Qin Zhong, from my point of view, your figure is very good! If you take off your clothes at that time, you will definitely be worth seeing!”


Qin Zhong’s brain suddenly got bigger,

What’s happening here?

Although Qin Zhong had heard of Ye Weixin’s name, he didn’t expect this guy to be so direct!

Speaking of director Ye Weixin, when he was in Xiangjiang in his early years, he used to shoot a batch of heavy-tasting films, but now the market has long been different, but Qin Zhong still feels weird. This Ye Weixin is not familiar to him, and there is nothing special. Your hobby.

But even though Qin Zhong thought so, out of politeness, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Ye Weixin.

“Hello, Dao Ye!”

Wu Mengda seemed to see what Qin Zhong meant. Otherwise, if ordinary people saw Ye Weixin, they would have been excited for a long time, but Qin Zhong’s expression at this time was awkward.

“Qin Zhong, have you seen “Ye Wen”?”

Wu Mengda raised his head.

“I have seen it, I have seen it!”

Ye Weixin’s “Ye Wen” directly pushed Zheng Zidan into the position of Kung Fu superstar in Chinese film, becoming a well-known Kung Fu star in Xiangjiang after Van Loon.

“Ip Man” is very exciting, the action design inside is also very good, I like to watch it!” Facing Ye Weixin, Qin Zhong made no secret of expressing his love for Ip Man.

“Hahaha,” Ye Weixin said very heartily, “Mr. Qin, I plan to make a movie next. I don’t know if Mr. Qin has time to try a shot!”

Qin Zhong thought for a while, and then solemnly asked, “Should you take off your clothes?”

Ye Weixin immediately realized that he said that when he saw Qin Zhong on the first side, which might have caused a little ambiguity.

“Oh, that’s the case. I want to give a fight between the two leading actors. Oh, this scene will be very exciting! After seeing you, I just can’t help but want the two leading actors to fight shirtlessly. shelf!”

“So this is ah!”

Qin Zhong thought, the director of Xiangjiang was too direct.

Qin Zhong nodded, being able to participate in this famous action director’s movie, Qin Zhong is also eager to try.

PS: Please first order…Various support…Kneel and thank you guys…

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