It finally came out after much anticipation.

Amidst the huge upsurge on the Internet

《"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" is finally going to be released!

Because Su Chen's personal attention is so high.

So even if the animated film is relatively unpopular.

This film still received a very high attention.

Especially some time ago, Su Chen and Yang Mi officially announced that they had a daughter.

This work was created for his daughter. It also established Su Chen's image as a good father. Pushing the popularity of this film to the forefront?

On Maoyan, the number of people who want to watch it has exceeded 12 million.

Various related posts and videos are also emerging in an endless stream.

"I am struggling with whether I should go to see this cartoon. To be honest, I have never thought that I would have the urge to spend money to go to the cinema to watch a cartoon."

"This is a masterpiece by Mr. Su! Not to mention that this is a movie for his daughter. I think it will be a great success, so I'm going to buy it first!"

"Teacher Su never lets me down. Hesitating for even a second is disrespectful to Teacher Su. Buy the tickets! Go!"

"I feel that the box office of this movie will probably not be low, probably around 700 million or 800 million, right?"

"Animated films get such high box office, Teacher Su will definitely be superb"

"Teacher Su is the ceiling of the baby-loving world. When can I be as arrogant as him and give my daughter a movie? I only hate myself for being incompetent."

"The guy above, don't blame yourself for being incompetent, give birth to a daughter first."

"Shrimp and pig heart?"


Some so-called authoritative institutions, experts, big Vs, and marketing accounts have made predictions about the content and final box office of"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World".

Some are more conservative.

They predict that this animated film will have a box office of about 600 million.

After all, the animation film market is too small.

Even if Su Chen is more amazing, he can greatly increase the box office ceiling.

The mainstream view is still that the box office ceiling of this movie is about 600 million.

Some people make bold predictions to attract attention.

They think that the box office of this movie can reach about 1 billion.

Once they guess right, it will have a high popularity on the Internet.

Some people pursue the other extreme.

They think that this movie will be the first Waterloo of Su Chen's career and will not exceed 300 million.

Various public opinions are making a lot of noise.

This movie was released on September 1st, which is one month before the National Day.

So there are not many competing works.

There is nothing to show.

After all, most good works are waiting for the National Day to make money.

No one will be released at this time.

The release time of the movie is very important.

If you are lucky and choose the right release time, you can increase the box office.

For example,"Hello, Li Huanying" in the previous life happened to be released at the end of the epidemic and people were eager to consume crazily. It directly won more than 5 billion box office. In fact, this movie is only worth 500 million, or even less.

There are also some movies that have made a lot of box office by taking advantage of the popularity of popular periods such as the Spring Festival and National Day.

And some movies, in order to avoid competition, deliberately avoid these popular periods.

On the contrary, because of the small competitive pressure, they have made a lot of money.

Generally speaking, the box office of a movie depends mainly on quality and reputation.

Then the box office appeal of the actors and directors.

Then the publicity, the choice of schedule, etc.

Su Chen now has the title of the godfather of domestic films, and his halo is too dazzling.

So any of his movies is destined to attract countless attention.

This led to the fact that"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World" was very popular before its release.

In addition, most of the works are ready to make money during the National Day.

There are no competitors.

This leads to the fact that there are no good movies for audiences across the country to watch.

We can only focus on this cartoon.

The most important thing is that before Su Chen got the system and created movies, there was a lack of entertainment in this world, and good works were rare.

The movie consumption market was quite bleak.

The audience did not have much confidence in movies.

The box office record was over 1 billion for"Monster Hunt".

Since Su Chen came out of nowhere, he launched blockbuster works such as"Detective Chinatown" and"Charlotte's Troubles".

It was as if a few blockbuster bombs were thrown into the bleak movie consumption market?

It was instantly hot.

More and more audiences are willing to believe in domestic movies.

They are willing to spend money to go to the cinema.

This has led to a lot of increases in the basic plate of the movie consumption market.

The stocks of many film companies are soaring.

Investors are also more and more confident in the film market.

There are more and more good works.

A virtuous circle has been formed.

This is the biggest reason why Su Chen can be named"Movie God".

If he only created a few high-grossing movies, he would not be worthy of the name of Godfather.

It is mainly because of Su Chen's existence that has changed the status quo of all chains in the film industry.

Let the film market be completely reborn from beginning to end.

This is the biggest credit.

The combined reasons of these aspects have led to the huge popularity and heat of"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" after its release.

On the first day of its release, it earned 190 million yuan in box office revenue, which is much more than all other competing works combined.

The box office performance of a movie cannot be completely determined by the first day, because there are many factors that determine the box office performance on the first day.

The most important ones are the subject matter of the work, the director, the cast, etc.

《As an animated film,"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" is definitely at a disadvantage in terms of subject matter.

But it was created by Su Chen himself and dedicated to his daughter Xiao Caihong.

The popularity is too high and the gimmick is too big.

Therefore, many viewers who are not interested in cartoons have chosen to spend money to buy tickets and go to the cinema to watch movies.

Therefore, it only won a horror box office of nearly 200 million on the first day.

At this time, Maoyan officially gave the first wave of predictions.

It is believed that"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" can reach a box office of 890 million after the finale.

Of course, this first wave of predictions is not very accurate.

Because what really determines the box office trend of a movie is the word of mouth in the next few days.

After the first day of release, the word of mouth of a movie will quickly ferment throughout the network.

Most of the audiences who are still waiting are waiting for the evaluation of the audience.

If a movie is highly rated, it will attract more and more audiences to rush into the cinema to consume. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The box office is getting more and more fierce, and even far exceeds expectations in the end.

And if a movie has a bad reputation. The audience who are waiting and watching will give up watching the movie.

The box office will naturally plummet, or even be forcibly cut in half.


Before it was released, it was highly praised.

It was said to be the masterpiece of domestic science fiction films.

However, it was only released for two days.

Due to the dismal box office and huge losses, it was forcibly removed by major theaters.

Investors lost so much money that they jumped off buildings.

Although Su Chen is very popular on the entire Internet, if the quality of his works is too poor and is suspected of being money-making, the box office will also collapse.

Take Xu Zheng in his previous life as an example.

He did produce many good works.

But the subsequent"Lost in Hong Kong" and"Lost in Russia" were pure money-making movies.

Although they all achieved super high box office, his reputation has been in a mess since then. He has never produced any outstanding movies since then.

Even if he has, the audience will no longer buy it.

《Not only did Nezha: The Devil Child Come into the World achieve amazing box office on the first day, but the critical word of mouth was also ridiculously high.

Except for those competing companies that hired Internet trolls to deliberately smear the film, the audiences who watched the film almost all gave positive reviews.

The bad reviews were quickly drowned in the overwhelming wave.

"I didn't have any expectations at first, I bought the ticket just because I'm a die-hard fan of Teacher Su. I didn't expect the quality to be so high? It's so exciting! After watching it, I didn't want to leave the cinema"

"Mr. Su has released so many good movies, I can allow him to have a chance to make money. I didn't expect this animated movie to be the best. It's so damn good."

"This movie is the pinnacle of domestic animation, and I will not accept any rebuttal"

"I strongly recommend everyone to go to the cinema to watch this movie. If I lie, I curse that I will never see the sun tomorrow!"

"500 million or 600 million box office? 700 million or 800 million box office? Which organizations make these decisions? Is Nezha: The Devil Child Descends into the World worth 2 billion?"

"Let's go watch the movie together, watch it twice and three times, and make this animated movie top three in the box office list"

"This movie can't break 2 billion box office, everyone is responsible"


For a time

《"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" has swept the entire Internet.

The box office and reputation have exploded.

On the basis of earning 190 million on the first day, the single-day box office on the second day exceeded 300 million.

In the following days, the highest single-day box office reached 470 million.

It broke countless records.

Only one week after its release, the box office of this movie reached an astonishing 1.98 billion.

At this time, Maoyan officials released a new round of box office forecasts.

《The final box office of"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" was 3.51 billion!

This means that

Su Chen has raised the box office ceiling of domestic films to 3.5 billion in one fell swoop. This completely shocked the entire network.

You know, the previous box office ceiling of domestic films was just over 1 billion.

Su Chen's debut work in his career has made 2 billion.

This is already a miracle.

It is enough to make Su Chen ascend to the altar.

Later, he created"Charlotte's Troubles" at the level of 2.5 billion, which made him sit more firmly on the throne.

Countless filmmakers have set Su Chen as their target and launched a fierce pursuit.

They hope that a movie with similar box office will be born in a few years, so as to keep up with Su Chen's footsteps.

As a result, before these filmmakers could catch up,

Su Chen drove the Bugatti again.

With one foot on the accelerator, he directly left them further behind.

3.5 billion

, an incredible number, shocked the entire network!

This time,

Su Chen's title of"Movie Godfather" is even more well-deserved.

Come and fight if you don't agree!

Animated movies have a natural disadvantage compared to live-action movies.

Even so, Su Chen still managed to create a 3.

5 billion-level super blockbuster.

If"Detective Chinatown" and"Charlotte's Troubles" are not enough to explain the problem.

Then this movie can make everyone shut up.

The popularity of this movie on the entire network is so high that Su Chen also has seven or eight hot searches every day.

Almost all stars come to take advantage of Su Chen's popularity.

At the end of the month, the official account of"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World" released a poster with a box office of over 3 billion.

It received blessings from all the stars on the Internet and various bigwigs in the film industry.

It is the first domestic film to break the 3 billion box office.

This is definitely a milestone production in the history of domestic films.

A monument!

Yu Dadong: Xiao Su is really amazing.

Every one of his movies is creating miracles, and he is only in his 20s.

He is a genius that appears once in a thousand years.

Xiao Su is really a god.

Lao Mouzi: The young are formidable!

Xiao Su's achievements at his age are a hundred times better than mine back then!

Congratulations on the box office reaching 3 billion, this is the greatest gift I can give to my daughter.

Brother Chen Kai: What else can I say except looking up to you? He Jiong: Xiao Su is amazing, you are going further and further on the road to becoming a god.

I hope that one day, I will be qualified to drink with you.

Huang Lei: I think the gift I gave to my daughter, (Zhao De Zhao) is quite arrogant.

Compared with you, it is simply rubbish.

Reba : My brother-in-law is my idol.

Zhao Liying: Director Su is awesome!

I hope that one day, I can work with you.

Xiao Ya: Salute to Director Su, salute to the greatness, salute to little Nezha!

I hope that Director Su can launch more series of movies, I will definitely chase them to the end.


Such a popular movie.

Various big Vs, marketing accounts, and even official accounts will certainly not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the popularity.

They have posted videos and made comments to attract traffic.

"Venomous movie":《The animation design of Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World is really of high standard and perfect.

I didn't expect that Su Chen actually has such a terrible artistic foundation.

The plot is also impeccable. It is innovative while following the tradition, which is very eye-catching.

I think it is the pinnacle of domestic animated films, and the second place can hardly compare to it.

At the same time, I boldly predict that Su Chen may launch a series of movies in the Fengshen series, not just this one. We just have to wait for good news.

"Lao Liu Watches Movies: There has never been any animated film that I can watch three times in a row.

Every time I watch it, I can see different content and have different feelings.

This movie is not only suitable for children, but also for adults. It is really an impeccable and perfect work.

I don’t know if there will be an animated work in the future that can surpass this peak.

If there is, it can only be Director Su himself.

"Let's watch the movie together": No way? There are still people who haven't seen"Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World"?

It will be out soon, so you must hurry to the cinema to watch it, it's so shocking!

Maybe one day in the future, Su Chen will launch an epic masterpiece of 5 billion level. Let's all look forward to it!


【I beg for a custom order!!! I beg for a monthly ticket!!!】

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