Imperial capital.

Outside a big hotel.

A Rolls-Royce slowly drove into the parking lot.

Su Chen was sitting in the car and replying to messages.

Before getting off the plane.

Su Chen asked the driver to wait for him at the airport.

After getting off the plane.

Su Chen drove to this hotel without stopping.

He met with the teams of several music companies.

Because Su Chen is preparing to organize a concert in Hong Kong.

He needs to discuss cooperation matters with the teams of these organizers.

Generally speaking, when a singer discusses cooperation with the organizer for a concert, the singer himself does not need to show up in person.

His agency or team can handle it.

Occasionally, the singer needs to show up in person.

But Su Chen hasn't had much to do recently, so he came here to discuss it in person.

Before Su Chen got out of the car, he saw a long string of messages from Zhang Ruonan.

Zhang Ruonan:"My male god, have you got off the plane?"

"My idol, have you arrived home yet? Please let me know you are safe!"

"I miss you so much after just a few hours of not seeing you. What should I do?"

"I just realized that every second with my idol is so precious. I really don't want to be separated from you."

Su Chen smiled bitterly.

Little girls are clingy.

Yang Mi, Reba, Zhao Liying, Xiao Ya and other older sisters and wives are also very clingy to Su Chen.

But they don't say these mushy words.

This is the advantage of being a wife.

These words are exclusive to little girls.

Su Chen replied helplessly.

"I got off the plane and I'm going to talk business with someone."

Su Chen guessed.

Zhang Ruonan probably kept watching her phone, waiting for Su Chen to reply.

This girl replied almost immediately.

"Really? The male god is amazing"

"The big boss always talks about projects worth hundreds of millions."

Su Chen replied:"When I have time, I will also talk to you about projects worth hundreds of millions, so that you can make more money." The naive Zhang Ruonan really didn't hear the hidden meaning.

She made a series of grinning expressions.

"Thank you, God. I'm waiting."

"I want to make hundreds of millions from you."

Su Chen almost laughed out loud.

These days, there are not many girls as innocent as Zhang Ruonan.

Wait for her to stay in the entertainment industry for two more years. She will see the viciousness of human nature and understand some dirty inside stories.

She will understand everything.

Society is a person's best teacher.

Learning knowledge in school is certainly important.

But you can't learn the ways of the world and the viciousness of the world.

There were many people waiting for Su Chen in the hotel's box.

They were mainly the Penguin Music team, the Hong Kong Baohui Entertainment team, and the Hong Kong PolyGram team.

They are several important organizers of this concert.

The concert of the top singer is very grand.

There will be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans on the scene.

It is not easy to prepare.

The support of top organizers is required.

Since Su Chen is going to hold a concert at the Hong Kong Hong Kong Stadium, it is definitely inseparable from the support of local music companies in Hong Kong.

At the same time, as Su Chen's largest cooperative music platform in the mainland, Penguin Music will naturally participate in it.

In addition, the Douyin team also intervened strongly.

Although Douyin is not Musicians.

But they have a super large scale.

So they want to discuss with Su Chen and several organizers.

Let Su Chen's concert be live-streamed on Douyin for a fee.

50 yuan per show.

Su Chen has tens of millions of fans on Douyin.

And Douyin's user base is huge, needless to say.

The ticket price is 50 yuan per person.

If 100,000 people pay to watch.

That's 5 million.

If 1 million people pay to watch.

That's 50 million!

This income is not much worse than the concert ticket.

After all, this is the Internet age, the self-media age.

The speed of making money online is much faster than offline.

For example, those top anchors.

The female internet celebrity feeding ducks before.

On the day of Double Eleven.

One person can sell billions of goods in a day.

I can get nearly 1 billion in dividends from it.

Make 1 billion a day!

The top tycoons shed tears when they see it.

Countless merchants in hundreds of Wanda Plazas offline.

Added together, it is impossible to make so much in a day.

After some negotiations.

Several teams have almost reached an agreement.

On December 15th, at 7:00 pm, Su Chen held a concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum on time and sang until 12:00 am.

In 5 hours, the concert will be in vibrato.

At the same time , they also discuss detailed song lists.

The team's team made them familiar.

After all , no one had been released.

Buy money.

Su Chen did not sell to them at a time.

If it weren't for this spirited little devil from the colony, Su Chen wouldn't have come for such a big job.

Of course, this is not a good thing.

The concert can indeed make Su Chen earn a fortune.

At least a few million, at most 10 or 20 million.

But this amount of money is not even enough to fill Su Chen's teeth.

He can easily get a script from the system and make it into a movie.

He can earn dozens or even hundreds of 10 million.

But since he promised the fans in Hong Kong, Su Chen can't break his promise.

Otherwise, he will be scolded to death.

After all, Yoshi has stood him up once.

If Su Chen stands him up again , he will be scolded even more miserably than Yoshi.

If he goes to hold a concert and it ends successfully, then Su Chen will be a god-like existence in the eyes of Hong Kong fans.

If he stands him up, he will be thrown into the abyss in an instant.

He still knows this clearly.

It is winter.

The temperature in the capital is getting lower and lower.

However, Su Chen's villa has turned on the floor heating early.

The temperature is around 30 degrees.

Just wear a vest and shorts in the house.

Before, Little Rainbow could only walk crookedly with the help of adults.

After a month of practice, the little guy's leg muscles became firmer and stronger.

His body control ability was also greatly enhanced.

In the first few steps, she still needed the support of an adult.

But as she walked, the adult let go of her hand and she was able to walk forward on her own, taking one deep step and one shallow step.[]

I haven't seen my dad for a long time.

Little Rainbow seemed to want to show off her skills.

She walked faster and faster.

Just like Arita driving downhill, she couldn't stop.

She fell to the ground.

But the ground was covered with a thick and soft cushion.

It didn't hurt after falling.

But little Rainbow didn't care about that?

As long as she fell, she would cry.

Everyone had to come around to comfort this princess.

"Woo ah……"

"Woo ah……"

Little Rainbow was crying loudly.

Her nose was full of snot and tears.

Su Chen quickly hugged her in his arms.

The little girl might have cried too hard.

She raised her arm and slapped Su Chen unconsciously.

Su Chen was stunned.

Is she so angry?

Yang Mi almost laughed out loud.

"I'm asking you, if your daughter hits you, what can you do?"

Su Chen raised his big hand and made a gesture of fighting back.

Then he put his hand back.

As a daughter slave, he was beaten by his precious daughter.

What else can he do?

He can only bear it!

If it was a son,

Su Chen would have kicked him twice.

Yang Mi sighed.

"I still remember that I kept pestering you to give birth to a child for me, but you were not willing"

"In the blink of an eye, Little Rainbow is almost one year old"

"How does time go by so fast?"

"I still often recall the time when I filmed my first TV series."

"It's so fast, too fast!"

Su Chen hurriedly called for a stop.

"Don't say the word fast in front of a man."

"Unless he is on the runway.

Yang Mi chuckled.

"Why are you so impatient? I didn't say you"

"Don’t you know whether you are fast or not?"

"There may be no man slower than you."

Su Chen grunted awkwardly.

"If you change it to the word"persistent", would it be better than"slow"?"

"So what do you want to express with this feeling?"

Yang Mi smiled

"You've seen through me! I want to... have a second child"

"My first child has grown so big. When I get pregnant again and give birth to my second child, little Rainbow will be two years old."

"The two sisters are two years apart, this age difference is normal"

"You don’t know, many women just gave birth���I didn't rest for two months, and I'm pregnant again"


The difference between the two children is only one year, which is terrible.

"Didn’t you say that you would be free for a long time to spend time with your family?"

"I won't be filming for the time being. I'll just record a variety show occasionally, take on a few advertising endorsements, and do some film and television and financial investment."

"This shouldn't take long, right?"

"Since you have nothing to do anyway, why don't you fulfill our wish of having a child?"

"Sister Mi, you quit."

If a man is not strong enough, he is a waste in the eyes of women.

It is a luxury to want them to glance at you more.

If a man is strong enough, even those fairies who use childbirth as a deadly weapon will beg you to have a second or third child.

This is a very realistic problem.

Su Chen's energy is too strong now.

He is not even 30 years old. He has already stood at the top of the food chain in the entertainment industry.

And his super business talent and investment ability are destined to make Su Chen's assets exceed 10 billion, 50 billion, 100 billion, or even hundreds of billions in the future.

As long as he is willing, the throne of the richest man is his. Who doesn't want to give birth to a child for such a man

, and be deeply bound to him?

Just like the emperors in ancient times, which concubine didn't want to give birth to a prince for him to succeed the throne?

Su Chen is not an emperor who can give birth to children indefinitely.

Even if he gives birth to ten... He can afford to raise eight children.

But as for children, too many are a burden.

The number he can bear most psychologically is four. After having four children,

Su Chen will never have another one.

Now the goddess group is clamoring to give him a second child.

This is what everyone wants.

Considering that he will not be too busy for a long time in the future, he plans to try his best to meet the wish of the goddess group.

But then again, there is only one candidate for a second child after all.

But the size of the goddess group is too large.

Su Chen screened them all.

Those who are not qualified to give birth to a child for him, or who do not want to give birth for the time being, were all filtered out.

The remaining ones are Yang Mi, Reba, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, Xiao Ya and Zhao Liying.

Yang Mi has already given birth to Little Rainbow.

So she automatically withdrew.

It's a choice between five.

Two days later, all five girls came home.

Su Chen warmed up with them first.

Then he got to the point.

"Since you all want to give me a second child"

"Then let me pick one from among the five of you."

"After we determine who it is, we can discuss when to give birth. Is that okay?"

Reba nodded obediently.

"No problem! I'm still waiting to give birth to a mixed-blood baby for you, hehe……"

Tang Yan opened his mouth wide and smiled sweetly

"It's still difficult to choose one out of five. But I think it will definitely be me."

Liu Shishi was more rational:"What method will be used to choose? You tell me."

Xiao Ya speculated:"It shouldn't be a draw, right?"

"If we use this method to decide who will have the second child, wouldn't that be too hasty?"

Zhao Liying chuckled and said,"The most delicious meals are often cooked in the simplest way."

Su Chen calmly brought five boxes of the same size.

He wrote the names of the five girls on slips of paper and stuffed them inside.

Then he shuffled the order of the boxes.

"You are right, we must use the lottery method"

"But if you only draw once, you will definitely feel it is unfair."

"How about this, draw 50 times in a row!"

"Every time you draw a stroke, write a correct stroke under her name."

"Does this method sound familiar to you?"

Yang Mi burst into laughter.

"As expected! The bigger the matter, the simpler and more plain the method of deciding it is."

"When I was in school, we chose class leaders like this."

"Although I am not good at studying, I have strong management ability"

"So I was elected as the monitor!"

Yang Mi said this, Su Chen had no doubt.

This woman was born to be a good manager.

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