Time flies.

More than a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Late autumn has arrived.

It was quite hot when we were filming in suits and coats before.

The weather is just right now.

For more than a month

, the entire crew has been working at a high intensity.

There are many acting talents in this drama.

Everyone knows the personality and positioning of their roles thoroughly.

The shooting efficiency is already very high.

In addition, Su Chen's acting skills are so explosive.

More than 80% of his shots are shot in one shot.

It has become a benchmark in the crew.

It has driven other actors and even staff to get involved.

Everyone is working hard!

In about a month and a half, more than one-third of the scenes have been completed.

At this speed, it will be completed in the twelfth lunar month.

It will be broadcast on satellite TV before the New Year!

At the beginning, even if the King of Sunglasses was determined to give it a try, he did not dare to expect it to be broadcast on satellite TV before the New Year.

This shooting speed is not his style.

He can delay a movie for two to three years, or even more than ten years.

Because of Su Chen's existence.

The nightmare of investors, King of Sunglasses, has turned around.

As the male lead, Su Chen has the most scenes.

The extremely high intensity of filming will make people exhausted physically and mentally.

But Su Chen has the body of Nine Suns, and his spirit is strong.

He can stand it completely.

Not only is he not tired, but he is also living a comfortable life.

He has fought with Xin Zhilei at least forty or fifty times.

He did not miss any posture that could be unlocked.

She completely became the shape of Su Chen.

Adults have physiological needs.

Those with strong needs.

If they are not released for two or three days, they will be very uncomfortable.

That's why many stars will change their partners after filming a movie.

They are not in love.

They just cooperate with each other to solve physiological problems.

After the filming, they say goodbye.

Aim for the next movie!

Sister Xin Zhilei is very smooth.

Su Chen is still very satisfied.

However, his progress with Tang Yan is at a standstill.

Because Tang Yan's scenes are relatively concentrated during this period.

She has been filming non-stop most of the time.

Sometimes she is not in the same filming location with Su Chen.

After filming, she will sleep like crazy.

There is not much free time.

Even if it was free, there were few opportunities to be alone.

But Tang Yan still found time to take Su Chen to a large recording studio and recorded all three songs he sang.

The three most important parts of a song: lyrics, music score, and arrangement.

They were all ready-made.

After handing it over to a professional company, the production was completed in a month.

In addition, Tang Yan contacted the official platform of Penguin Music through his own connections and signed an exclusive contract with Su Chen for three songs.

The price given by Penguin Music was 2 million per song.

A total of 6 million!

Buy out the copyrights of the three songs.

However, Su Chen still chose to sign a dividend contract.

He only took 15% of the sales as dividends.

This means that the three songs need to sell more than 40 million.

Su Chen's dividends will exceed the buyout fee.

The current Chinese music scene is very sluggish.

It is almost monopolized by traffic singers.

Don't look at those traffic singers who sell millions or tens of millions of albums as soon as they release an album.

In fact, it is all a false prosperity created by the capital operation behind the scenes.

Tang Yan was also puzzled by Su Chen's choice.

After all, Su Chen is an actor, not a singer.

The reason why he agreed to release these three songs was purely because of Tang Yan's instigation.

To put it bluntly, it was just for fun and to make some pocket money!

He chose to take the risk instead of taking the stable 6 million.

What if the sales were dismal and everything went to waste? Su Chen's savings, added up to less than 10 million.

If he lost several million, he would be in pain for a year!

One hour after Su Chen's single was released, Tang Yan posted the video of Su Chen singing that he had filmed before on his Weibo and Douyin accounts to help promote Su Chen and attract popularity.

One hour, 50,000!

6 hours, 250,000!

12 hours after it was released, the total sales were only 600,000.

For Su Chen, a novice in the music industry, this result is quite good.

But if it continues to develop in this way, it will take ten or eight years for these three singles to accumulate sales of 40 million.

However, in today's era, the Internet is extremely developed.

Any work as long as it is of high quality.

Once word of mouth spreads on the Internet, sales data will explode instantly.

Many movies have pitifully low box office in the early stage of release, but the quality is very high.

When word of mouth spreads little by little on the Internet, it is likely to attract huge public attention, thus forming a trend, attracting countless netizens to watch, and completely explode.

Therefore, after getting 1.

3 million in sales on the first day.

Penguin Music officials thought that the sales would drop like an avalanche every day.

Surprisingly, these three songs were spread by word of mouth on the Internet.

They soon attracted enthusiastic attention.

They were even pushed to the top of the hot search list of major platforms.

Many netizens were willing to give it a try.

After listening to these three songs, they felt very good.

They recommended them to their relatives and friends.

Like a pyramid scheme, it spread throughout the entire network in an instant.

The next day, the single-day sales directly exceeded 7 million.

On the third day, it exceeded 10 million!

Because many rich people will buy tens of thousands of copies at the same time.

Give them to netizens for free.

This situation is very common among traffic singers.

Some wealthy fans of traffic singers.

After they release new albums, they directly spend millions or tens of millions to buy many albums and give them to netizens for free.

Help traffic singers promote and improve their performance.

Maybe they won’t even listen to them themselves.

The popularity of the three singles also pushed the video shot by Tang Yan to the hot search list.

Many viewers who listened to the songs.

Seeing Su Chen’s stunning appearance, they instantly became his loyal fans.

Su Chen's fans who like his looks were also impressed by his talent after listening to his songs, forming a virtuous circle.


Tang Yan got a rough estimate from Penguin Music officials. The total sales of

Su Chen's song in the next six months may exceed 150 million!

Su Chen can get more than 20 million from it.

It's a lot of money!

And driven by this trend,

Su Chen's fans on Douyin directly exceeded 25 million, and

Weibo exceeded 35 million.

Even Tang Yan and the"Flower" crew gained a lot of fans, and the popularity soared.

"I played these three songs on repeat all day, they are so good"

"Su Chen is not only handsome, but also very talented. The songs he writes are of very high quality. The key is that he has a good voice and great singing skills. He is so strong!"

"Is it possible that singing is just his sideline? Acting is the real path. He has even collaborated with Wong Kar Wai, so cool!"

"If you just have a side job and it becomes the ceiling of the music industry, how can that be tolerated?"

"I want to see if there is still anyone who criticizes Su Chen for snatching the male lead role from Brother Hu?"

"If he doesn't have the skills, can the King of Sunglasses use him?"


【New book uploaded, begging for flowers and monthly tickets" comment! Begging for all support]

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