Bai Lu's petite body leaned against Su Chen's arms.

Her face was full of complex expressions.

There was the excitement of a flower just opening.

There was the distortion brought by pain.

It was also filled with shock and disbelief!

How could she be so possessed by the devil and be with Su Chen ?…………

The charm of her boss is so great that it is irresistible!

When Su Chen's eyes are fixed on her,

Bai Lu will fall involuntarily and lose consciousness completely. No matter what Su Chen says, she will say yes!

What's more, Su Chen also promised to give her a raise.

Which woman can resist such temptation?

So when Bai Lu has self-doubts, she can shout out: Yang Mi did it! Reba did it!

Then it is reasonable for me to do it too, right?

Bai Lu asked with a confused look on her face:"Boss, are all men like this, or is it because you are better?"

Su Chen just smiled and said nothing.

If she uses 100% of her strength as the Chakravartin, her little assistant will probably die!

Bai Lu grinned.

"So am I being taken advantage of by you? Can I get promoted now?"

Su Chen shrugged.

"I have always said that I value you very much and want you to be my assistant for two years."

"Accumulate some experience and exposure, then give you good resources and make you a top star"

"Do you think I'm just making empty promises for you?"

Bai Lu suddenly realized.

"In other words...I sleep with you, and you flatter me"

"If I don't sleep with you, you will still praise me! Then I slept for nothing?"

Su Chen nodded:"That's right."

"I'm just asking you if you like it?"

"I like it!" Bai Lu was secretly delighted.

The one who is close to the water gets the moon first.

As Su Chen's assistant,

Bai Lu had to stay by her side most of the time.

She stayed much longer than Yang Mi and the others.

She got a great advantage.

Of course, she would suffer.

She would have to walk with the help of the wall in the future.

Although Su Chen did not produce many works, the quality was too good.

One song"Nocturne" swept the country and even spread to the whole of Asia and even the Chinese areas of the world.

《The popularity of"Flowers" is also high.

Su Chen directly jumped from the third-tier to the top of the super first-tier.

Compared with Xiao Zhan, Wang Yabo, Yiyang Migration and other young fresh meats, his traffic is larger.

Traffic and fresh meat are not derogatory words.

Large traffic proves high popularity.

Fresh meat proves young and tender.

Mainly because the new generation of stars in the entertainment industry today have poor business capabilities.

This has led to the two words becoming derogatory!

Su Chen never minds being labeled as a traffic fresh meat.

His phenomenal popularity has attracted the attention of countless global brands.

Among them is the top luxury brand: Richard Miller.

It is regarded as a ticket for billionaires.

Any billionaire with a net worth of over 100 million.

It is difficult to refuse this brand.

Richard Miller has many spokespersons around the world. But not in China.

Considering that Su Chen is extremely popular.

And he is still very young, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

In addition, the domestic consumer market is booming and there are rich people everywhere.

That's why Richard Miller extended an olive branch to Su Chen.

He tried to further expand the domestic market through Su Chen.

Su Chen could refuse other endorsement brands, but not Richard Miller.

Not only because this brand is luxurious and high-end, but also because after Su Chen becomes the spokesperson,

Richard Miller will give him two watches for free.

One is worth several million, and the other is worth nearly 20 million!

Just right for Tang Yan.

In addition to watches,

Su Chen also endorsed Chow Tai Fook Gold, Audi, etc.

They are all well-known brands.

Holding these luxury endorsements in hand is enough to demonstrate Su Chen's super top-tier status.

Once Su Chen falls from the top, these brands will withdraw immediately. As long as they are still in his hands, he will still be a top-tier!

And the more luxury endorsements he has, the more he can show his face.


《"Go Where the Wind is" has entered the preparation stage.

The estimated investment is about 150 million. Most of the cost of TV series these days is spent on the actors' salaries. For example

, some TV series starring top-tier young actors and actresses cost 100 million.

It is possible that this top-tier traffic can take away 80 million.

It is not an exaggeration at all.

When Baby was at her most popular, she earned tens of millions for each drama.

The key is that she rarely went to the crew and used a stand-in throughout the whole process. She even cut out the pictures.

She just took the money but did nothing.

It's really great to earn this salary! (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Liu Tianxian's salary is 40 million.

Liu Shishi's is 30 million.

This accounts for half.

As one of the producers, Su Chen did not ask for a salary.

Instead, he took an extra 20% of the dividend ratio.

He didn't want to take the extra 20%.

But Yang Mi insisted on giving it to him.

Brothers should be clear about their accounts.

Su Chen helped Yang Mi write scripts and create film and television dramas.

Of course, it was out of their feelings.

But when it comes to money,

Yang Mi will not give Su Chen less. With

Su Chen's current status , his salary is almost equal to Liu Tianxian and Liu Shishi combined. If he also asks for a normal salary, then the investment in this play will not be less than 200 million! In addition to the salary, the rest will be spent on makeup, venue, group performance fees, food expenses, publicity fees, etc.


It's not too much, but it's enough.

Su Chen packed his luggage and booked a plane ticket a few days in advance.

He was going to fly to the south of the clouds with Bai Lu.

While filming, he could enjoy poetry and distant places.

Being a star is probably the happiest job in the world.

Ordinary people have to spend a lot of money to travel.

But stars not only don't have to spend money. They also get sky-high pay. They make a lot of money while enjoying traveling!

Even so, there are still many actors who complain every day. They are spoiled by Chun Chun.

Send these people to the booming entertainment industry in South Korea.

There is no place for them at all.

At this time.

Su Chen received a call from Liu Tianxian.

"Hello, Su Chen, where are you?"

"I'm at home." Su Chen replied calmly.

Liu Tianxian hesitated and said,"That's it.……"

"My mother wanted to introduce a Hollywood actor to me as a boyfriend."

"If we can get along, she even agrees that we can get married"

"But I said I have a boyfriend. She is coming here from New York by plane today."

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?"

"One day! Just send my mom away."

"Pretending to be a boyfriend... isn't that a good idea?"

"Fairy sister, how about I be Duan Yu for once and be your real boyfriend!" Su Chen smiled evilly.

Liu Tianxian vomited blood:"You wish! Do you want to make the fake become real and take the opportunity to seduce me?"

"I have no plans to date recently."

As the former ceiling of female stars in the entertainment industry, Liu Tianxian's private life is relatively clean.

Apart from dating a Korean, there are not many scandals.

The Liu Tianxian of this world has never had a boyfriend.

One reason is that she is too busy with work and has no time.

The other reason is that her mother Liu Xiaoli is very strict and does not allow her to date.

Until now when Liu Tianxian is 30 years old, she has given the green light.

But she still does not agree to her dating with domestic stars. She can only date Hollywood stars!

After all, both mother and daughter are Americans.

Even if her daughter wants to date,

Liu Xiaoli is inclined to leave her precious daughter to an American.

When she learned that Liu Tianxian had a partner,

Liu Xiaoli rushed over, intending to strangle this relationship in the cradle.

Then she forcibly dragged her back to New York and arranged a blind date.

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