Early the next morning, Qiu Bai knocked on the door, and Yang Mi came out soon after.

"Don't go in yet. Reba is resting inside. Just wait in the lounge for a while."

"Okay, then help me take out the toiletries. I'll go to the bathroom to wash up."

"wait for me a while."

Not long after Yang Mi entered, she took out all Qiu Bai's toiletries and handed them to Qiu Bai.

"Thank you for yesterday, and don't take what I said yesterday to heart. I don't need to rely on anyone for my own affairs."

Qiu Bai looked at Yang Mi and smiled slightly and said:

"It's too late. Now that the words have been spoken, it's hard to take them back."

Yang Mi crossed her hands across her chest and said with a smile:

"I'm looking for a step for you, do you know? Do you know how much money is involved in my gambling agreement? I can buy your ten villas."

"That should be what I have to worry about."

"I really don't know where you got such confidence. Hey, seriously Qiubai, are you the second generation of rich people? Or are you the second generation of officials?"

"Boss, go wash your face and wake up the bar. Don't keep talking nonsense."

After Qiu Bai finished speaking, he walked towards the bathroom, and Yang Mi followed him step by step:

"I'm getting really curious about you."

“Curiosity killed the cat, and when a woman becomes curious about a man, it is often the beginning of her downfall.”

"Qiubai, do you really want me so much?"

"It's not easy to find someone with a compatible personality in this life. Now that I've met him, I don't want to miss it."

"Do you want to marry me?"

"We are not suitable as a couple. We are both stubborn, need companionship, and are unwilling to compromise when doing things. As a couple, we will most likely get separated."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Work hard together and comfort each other when needed. I think this is the most suitable way for the two of us to get along."

Yang Mi chuckled lightly, as if she was very dismissive of Qiu Bai's words. Then he stretched and said:

"Okay, now I'm also looking forward to how you can make me willing to be your lover.

But before that, if you make me lose money, I will definitely arrange ten or eight rich women for you to squeeze you dry! "

Qiu Bai rinsed her mouth, then hugged Yang Mi and kissed her.

Yang Mi pushed Qiu Bai away with force and said sharply:

"Qiu Bai, don't go too far."

"Boss, this is your punishment for last night. I will tell you this seriously. If there is another time, I will not let you go."

After saying that, Qiu Bai turned around and walked towards the lounge.

Yang Mi looked at Qiu Bai's back, touched her lips and said softly:

"This bastard, I will ban you sooner or later!"

At this point, Yang Mi already regretted signing the gambling agreement. She knew clearly that she was a little too hasty in taking this step.

That agreement was like a sword hanging over her head that could fall at any time, making her unable to do anything.

Qiu Bai sat in the lounge and smiled. He knew that if he wanted to conquer Yang Mi, he had to take advantage of this moment.

Otherwise, after she has experienced betrayal in love, friendship, and career, and has completely darkened, no one will be able to conquer her at that time.

Qiu Bai didn't wait long. Sister Liu and the others arrived before seven o'clock, and then the group set off to start the official photo shooting.

The shooting lasted for five days in total, with one scene every day. In addition to the necessary suit photos, thousands of photos were taken in sports, classical, sexual, and sensual styles.

Among them, two scenes were used for gender and style. In Ada's words, it would be a pity not to take more photos of such a good figure and lines.

On May 1st, Qiubai's photo album preview officially started, and Jiaxing Media updated the scarf:

As a bonus, I would like to send you @秋白's handsome photos. At 10 o'clock on May 13th, Qiubai's first photo album Bai Bi Wuxia will be officially released. Come and take a sneak peek!

Along with the pictures, there are two photos of Qiu Bai. One shows Qiu Bai wearing an exquisite suit, but without a shirt underneath, and her half-covered and half-exposed chest muscles are particularly conspicuous.

The second picture is even more revealing. Qiu Bai is wearing a nightgown, sitting in front of the window with her legs crossed and reading a newspaper. The nightgown is open, not only the chest muscles, but also the abdominal muscles and calves can be seen.

At the same time, Qiubai also forwarded this scarf and wrote:

My first photo album will be released on May 13th. I hope you will like it.

Originally, this was just a warm-up to tell Qiubai's fans that there was such a thing.

However, the outcome of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations. Twenty minutes after the scarf was updated, the downloads of the two pictures exceeded one million. An hour later, it exceeded five million. Twenty-three hours later, the downloads of the two pictures actually reached A staggering thirty-six million.

Seventeen hours after the scarf was updated, Qiubai’s photo album and Qiubai’s body figure directly hit the fourth and ninth hot searches.

The comments under Qiubai's scarf were constantly being refreshed at a rate of hundreds per second.

"Ah!!!!!!! It's so handsome!!!!"

"Oh my God! Is this Qiubai? So handsome!!!"

"I admit, I am completely fascinated by Qiu Bai. Yes, I am fascinated by his body!"

"Oh my god, Qiu Bai really knows what women like to see? Sisters, who can cover this!!!"

"Lick the screen! Lick the screen! I want to lick the phone to pieces!!!"

"It's over. I won't be able to sleep at night. This is too great."

"I must go to bed early tonight, because I want to find Qiu Bai in my dream."

"Let me go, are these girls so crazy?"

"Holy shit! Is this Qiubai who is very good at acting? Is this the one with such a great figure?"

"Fuck me, how can a photo be taken like this? As a man, I am drooling just looking at it."

"Sisters, I admit it, I am Qiubai's flesh and body powder!!!"

"Okay, I admit I'm wet!"

"I can't wait to see Qiubai's photo album."

"I won't say anything else, just focus on these two photos. I want to collect this photo album."

"Hurry up and release it, I can't wait."

Qiubai's two photos instantly attracted countless tough ladies, and the entire Internet became a carnival for the ladies because of these two photos.

No one thought that a man who took two such revealing photos would cause so many girls to riot.

Just because of these two photos, Qiubai's fans directly exceeded the 10 million mark.

Such a sensation was completely beyond Qiu Bai's expectation. For the first time, he knew that not only men were so astringent in this world, but women were even more terrifying than men when they really broke out.

Yang Mi reacted very quickly. After the news of the photo became a hot search topic, she made a decisive decision and immediately ordered to work overtime to produce the photo album.

Soon the time came to May 13th. On this day, Qiu Bai's first photo album was officially released. The online price is 98.8 and the offline price is 168.8. It comes with a signed photo of Qiu Bai.

PS: The new book is uploaded. Please support me with flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes. Thank you!

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