Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 50 Yang Mi Disappeared

"Yes, yes, thank you, senior sister, for your teaching. I will definitely keep it in mind. Not nervous, not nervous, I call it not nervous."

"Hahahaha, you are so cold."

"If it's cold, please wear more clothes."

Reba curled his lips, then took off the mask and came to Qiubai's side and said:

"Qiu Bai, has Sister Mi contacted you? I called her many times, but she never answered."

Speaking of Yang Mi, Qiu Bai sighed helplessly.

Since he accidentally let it slip during the filming of Real Man, Yang Mi immediately found him as soon as the show ended and asked him what he knew.

Qiu Bai didn't think about hiding it anymore, and directly handed the photos of Liu Kaiwei and Wang Ou that he had someone take to Yang Mi.

There was no yelling or crying, and even in Qiu Bai's eyes, Yang Mi didn't even have red circles.

However, that night, Yang Mi sat in Qiu Bai's room all night, without sleeping or saying a word.

Then he took Qiubai's portfolio and left the next day, and he has never been seen again until now.

During this period, Qiubai called her, and Reba even called her several times a day, but they all refused to answer! She has been missing for almost two weeks.

"By the way, Qiubai, what exactly did you and Sister Mi say that day?"

"Okay, this is the boss's matter. You can ask her yourself when the boss comes back. I don't have the habit of talking trivially about people behind their backs."

After Qiubai finished speaking, Reba immediately said:

"Why are you so stingy? I've already apologized to you. It's been so long, why do you still hold grudges?"

Qiu Bai glanced at Reba and said:

"Okay, just let me take a look and I promise I won't hold a grudge."

Reba immediately tightened her clothes and said with a flattering look:

"In your dreams."

"Senior sister, I remember there was a kissing scene between the two of us in this movie, right?"

"You, why are you talking about this? Don't mess around, I will really be angry."

"Humph! I will definitely eat a lot of garlic when that day comes. Just wait."

Reba burst out laughing and said:

"So this is what you were talking about. I thought you wanted to..."

Before Reba finished speaking, she saw Qiubai staring at her and saying:

"What do you think I'm going to do?"

After saying that, Qiubai stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. Reba's cheeks suddenly turned red and then he said:

"I'm going to bed. I hope you get scolded by the director tomorrow!"

After speaking, Reba turned and left.

After Reba left, Qiubai thought of Yang Mi again. She didn't know how she would handle this matter if she knew it in advance in this life.

Thinking about it, he probably won't be hit as hard as he was in his last life.

After taking a look at the time, Qiu Bai turned off the light and prepared to rest.

The reason why he admired Yang Mi was because Yang Mi was very independent and could handle everything on her own. He believed in his future partner.

On the other hand, he is just starting out now, so it won't help him to think so much. The most important thing for him now is to grow up as quickly as possible.

At that time, he could think of doing it, instead of just thinking about it like now!

Idol dramas, who said idol dramas can’t prove acting skills?

On the third day, Qiu Bai joined the group early and found the director first.

"Good morning, director."

Director Zhao also had a smile on his face when he saw Qiu Bai.

Although he is the director of this play, this play has become an in-house production of Jiaxing.

The heroine, the heroine, and the second male lead are all good people, so even if Qiubai is just a newcomer, Director Zhao does not lose face.

"Qiubai, today is your first scene, perform well."

"Thank you, director, I will try my best."

"Okay, let's go put on makeup."

After Qiu Bai left, the assistant director on the side said:

"Director, I heard that Qiubai is good at acting. Why don't you give him some advice?"

"Acting? Isn't this his first play?"

"He was on a variety show before, and his acting skills were blown away."

"You also said that it was a variety show. Can a variety show be the same as a formal film and television drama? Besides, this is an idol drama with a leading female lead. How do you expect her to perform well?"

Idol drama, what kind of acting skills are required! Not acting is the best acting.

The assistant director smiled and said nothing:

"At least he's quite handsome. His face is worthy of the male protagonist of an idol drama."

Director Zhao nodded, this is true, acting skills in idol dramas are not important, the most important thing is the face.

The dressing room was shared by Qiu Bai and Reba. When Qiu Bai was putting on makeup, Reba also came in a hurry.

"Qiu Bai, why didn't you call me when you left?"

"Ask Sister Liu, I shouted, but you didn't open the door. Breakfast."

"Thank you. By the way, which show is this for you?"

"First round."

"Huh? It's you in the first game, so you have to perform well and try not to be NG more than three times."

"Haha, I'll lend you some good advice."

Not long after Qiu Bai put on her makeup, the steward ran over and said:

"Teacher Qiubai, it's time to start filming."

"Okay, come right away."

"Wait a minute, I want to go see it."

Reba immediately stood up and followed Qiu Bai out of the dressing room.

When Qiu Bai entered the filming location, she found that not only Reba, but also the second female lead Li Ruixi and the second male lead Zhang Bingbing were there.

"Come on Qiubai!"

"Qiubai's first scene, well done."

The artists in Jiaxing are actually pretty good, just like Zhang Yunlong and Zhang Bingbing, they know full well that Qiubai is here to steal the position of their number one brother, and they even become the resources of the leading male lead right from the start.

Not only did the two of them not get angry, but they also got along well with Qiu Bai.

"The actors are ready, everyone clears the place!"

Qiu Bai immediately entered the shooting scene, and everyone else fell silent.

After Director Zhao put on the headphones, he shouted loudly:

"Prepare, act!"

The camera immediately focused on Qiu Bai.

This is Bai Haoyu's first scene at home.

Because Bai Haoyu was always taken care of by Li Huizhen when he was a child, the seeds of Li Huizhen were planted in his heart since he was a child.

Even though he has grown up, not only has he not forgotten Li Huizhen, but the seed has gradually sprouted.

The scene is very simple, it is the scene where Bai Haoyu saw Li Huizhen's name on the penguin, hesitated for a moment, and took the initiative to send a message to Li Huizhen wanting to meet.

In the shot, the camera first focused on Bai Haoyu's room, which is spacious, bright, with bookcases and a desk. This lens language can highlight the daily living environment and personality of the owner of the room.

Then the camera continued to operate, the computer, pen holder, and ornaments gradually moved up, and a person's back appeared in the camera.

Tall, straight, wearing slippers and white shirt.

Qiu Bai took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, then poured it into a water glass on the side. After putting the mineral water away, he turned around while holding the water glass.

With straight facial features and deep eyes, he is handsome but not domineering, handsome but not cold.

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