Being treated like this by Qiubai, Teacher Huang, and Teacher He, Dahua didn't even care about Reba anymore and sat directly at the table. Teacher Huang took a sip of water and he immediately added it. He was extra sensible.

"Oh, I didn't expect that our Dahua family would still be so sensible."

"Yes! Our family! I will always be our family from now on."

Teacher He said with a smile:

"He was just pretending, unlike our Qiu Bai, who took the initiative without even saying anything.

"What you said seems right."

"Teacher He! I am really sad when you are like this. I am also very proactive!"

After Dahua said this, he immediately gave Teacher He a leg beating.

Qiu Bai smiled and drank tea, herbal tea, something to drink.

"By the way, Teacher He, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while, and I've been holding it back for a long time."

"You ask."

"How did you guess that the person who called just now was me? Also, you even guessed my movements?"

Qiu Bai must ask clearly, otherwise he will feel upset.

Teacher He immediately laughed when he heard Qiubai's words, and Reba couldn't help but ask:

"Have you met Teacher He before?"

"No, not even once."

"Then how do you know Qiubai? We were both shocked when we were in the car just now."

"Didn't Qiubai participate in Real Man? I narrated that program, and I had to watch their program before I could make the introduction.

So I can probably guess Qiubai’s voice and little habits. "

Qiu Bai's eyes widened when he heard this:

307 "Teacher He, you are really amazing, you can remember it like this.

Teacher Huang said with a smile:

"Teacher He is very good at this. He can remember people's names after meeting them once, as well as friends' birthdays and so on. As long as you ask, he will definitely know."

"No, there's a lot I don't know. Don't say that. If I remember it wrong in the future, it would be so embarrassing."

"Wow, it's really a good deal."

Qiubai's character is a bit selfish. Except for information about himself and those close to him, he doesn't care about anything else.

So he actually had no way of understanding why Teacher He remembered so much information about outsiders, but this did not hinder his admiration for Teacher He.

"Speaking of which, Qiubai and our Fruit Channel are quite destined. His debut variety show was a program on our Fruit Channel. He is in the first grade, right?"

"Yes, not only my debut in variety shows, all the variety shows I have participated in so far are from our Fruit Channel."

"The first TV series, the beautiful Li Huizhen, was also broadcast on our Fruit Channel. So you are really a child raised by our Fruit Channel."

"I also feel that the fruit stand is like my mother's home to me now."

"Me, the first variety show I did when I returned to China was also on the Fruit Channel!"

Dahua couldn't help it when he heard that Qiubai had such a deep connection with Fruit Terrace. He found that this guy seemed to be able to really replace him.

Dahua's petty thoughts were immediately seen through. Everyone saw through it but didn't tell them, just to amuse their children.

"In this way, even though Qiu Bai and Reba brought the ingredients, we can't just eat mutton. Let's go talk to Party A and get some food.

Reba can’t eat pork, right?”


"Then let's get some more beef and prepare some ingredients."

"Wow! It's beef and roasted lamb legs. We celebrate the New Year today."

"I think Teacher He is right, it's time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new."

"Quiting the old and welcoming the new? What do you mean?"

Qiubai looked at Dahua and said with a smile:

"Isn't the old one going away soon? Isn't the new one coming? Isn't it just saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new?

Teacher He, how many more episodes of this program do we have to record?"

"It's coming soon, there won't be much time left."

"Brother Dahua, it's almost time."

"Oh, don't talk about this again, I won't leave!"

"It doesn't matter what you said."

Everyone was talking and laughing and had already walked out of the mushroom house. Teacher Huang stood in the yard and shouted:

"Party A? Party A? Come out and have a chat."

Soon Wang Jiafang, who was staring at the indifferent face, appeared in the yard.

"That's right, we need a piece of beef, two vegetarian dishes, and best of all (babj) some drinks. What do you think?"

"Old rules, just follow the corn."

"Did we still owe you corn before?"

"Six hundred cents, the rent hasn't been paid yet."

"Okay, six hundred sticks, please give us the ingredients."

Upon hearing this, Party A's indifferent face instantly turned into a frightened face:

"No, the six hundred corns are the rent, which you owe. If you still want these ingredients, you can get me another thousand corns.

"How many??? How many did you say??? A thousand roots??? Do you have that much corn in your cornfield?"


"Let's discuss it again. One thousand is a bit too much. Less, how about two hundred?"

"That won't work, it must be a thousand."

"Just give me a discount."

"This is already discounted, otherwise you would have to give me at least 1,300 pieces."

"Okay, Teacher Huang, stop talking and get your hands on me!"

Qiu Bai directly delivered a slipper to Teacher Huang.

Teacher Huang immediately laughed when he saw it:

"Qiu Bai has watched our show, Party A, how about you talk to the slippers in my hand?"

The frightened face turned into a trembling face again, but Party A still didn’t let go:

"Just a thousand!"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Bai said:

"Director, how about this? We will perform a show for you and you will lose some weight."

When the director heard this, he hesitated. Qiu Baikan immediately pulled Reba out and said:

"Director, my senior sister can dance the whirlpool dance. This was something that only emperors could see before. Don't you want to experience the feeling of being an emperor?"

Teacher He glanced at Qiubai, then at Reba, and immediately understood what Qiubai was thinking. From the time Reba entered the house until now, there have been almost no shots.

"Director, there is no shop like this after passing this village. Our Baba's dance is not something you can just watch if you want."

"Okay, if Reba's dance can be recognized by everyone, I will give you three hundred cuts."

"Okay, Reba give them a section."

"Sister, come on."

"Come on Baba!"

Reba also understood that Qiubai was trying to get the camera for her, so she didn't refuse and walked to the center of the yard and said:

"I don't dance well, I hope you don't mind."


Such a beautiful girl is so pleasing to the eye, how could it be bad?

Everyone applauded.

After the applause ended, Reba started dancing. Every prairie girl is good at singing and dancing.

Twisting the waist, shaking the shoulders, shaking the neck, it is very moving.

At this time, a melodious violin sound suddenly came out. Everyone turned their heads and saw Dahua taking out the violin at some point.

If Dahua is just a rookie in variety shows, then he is definitely a genius on the violin, and he is a talented music troupe member.

Even without any discussion, Dahua's piano sound can still accurately catch Reba's every dance move, adding luster to Reba's dance.

After dancing to the song, everyone applauded!

Whether it's Reba's dancing or Dahua's violin, they are both very beautiful.

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