Just as he was about to make fun of Cai Xukun, he saw that he also had a complicated look on his face.

Ye Feng turned his head and looked in the direction of the phone, and it was his phone that rang again.。

“Isn’t it said that one person only has one chance? Three people are looking for me? Why am I so popular? ”

Muttering secretly in his heart, Ye Feng stepped forward and picked up the phone.。

“Hello, is this brother Ye Feng? ”

A somewhat harsh clipping sound came from the other end of the phone.。

“……Liu Haocun? ”

Ye Feng swallowed and subconsciously glanced at Cai Xukun beside him, only to see him staring at this side with a dumbfounded expression. The

voice on the other end of the phone rang again, “It’s me, Brother Ye Feng, no. I’m so happy to think that you can recognize my voice right away, hehehe……”


Ye Feng was suddenly speechless.

Cai Xukun was standing next to him at some point, listening to the voice on the phone with a serious face.

Ye Feng knew that he couldn’t hide it from him, so he simply turned on the speakerphone so that he could listen more easily.。

“Ahem! ”

Coughing awkwardly, Ye Feng said: “Um… Liu Haocun.……”

“Just call me Cuncun, Brother Ye Feng, can I call you Brother Fengfeng? ”

Her sharp voice made Ye Feng get goosebumps.。

“Um… let’s call her Ye Feng. ”

Ye Feng raised his head and glanced at Cai Xukun with a complicated expression.

There was something wrong with Cai Xukun’s face.。

“Did you call the wrong number? Do you want me to call Cai Xukun for you? ”

Ye Feng said bravely, secretly giving Liu Haocun a step down.

As long as she said it was a wrong call, the atmosphere would not be too embarrassing.

Who knew that Liu Haocun did not accept his hint at all, and said with a sweet smile: “What are you talking about? Yeah, brother Fengfeng, I’m looking for you specifically.~”

“Brother Fengfeng~ I want to date you, is that okay?”

“ah! ”

Hearing this, before Ye Feng could say anything, Cai Xukun suddenly covered his chest with pain on his face.。

“Are you OK? ”

Ye Feng was shocked by his appearance.

Cai Xukun was afraid that Liu Haocun would hear him, so he didn’t dare to say anything, and shook his head with a painful look on his face.

Ye Feng patted his shoulder sympathetically, sighed, and said : “What a save. Sorry, forget about the date. I’m going to take my roommate to see a doctor!””

“Hey, who is your roommate? Liu

Haocun said curiously。

“Cai Xukun, he seemed to feel a little uncomfortable with his heart, and he didn’t know what was going on. ”

Ye Feng was speechless.

After hearing this, the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent.。

“Ah, so that’s it, then I’ll hang up first, Ye Feng, please remember to ask Brother Kunkun to protect your body~”


This is the first time for Ye Feng to see such a scumbag and stupid woman. I have gained experience。

“Chicken, I think this kind of woman you……”

Ye Feng was about to persuade Cai Xukun to stop at the brink. When he turned around, he saw that his face was rosy and full of smiles. How could there be any trace of pain?

“Brother Ye, did you hear that? She was concerned about me just now, and she asked me to protect my body!”

He said to Ye Feng excitedly。


After a moment of silence, Ye Feng’s expression gradually became serious.

Looking at Cai Xukun solemnly, Ye Feng said solemnly: “Little chicken, I have identified Liu Haocun. She is indeed a good woman. You must grasp it. I wish you a long life together!” Ye Feng has already understood that these

two One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. They are a perfect match made in heaven.

Hearing this, Cai Xukun became even more excited and nodded repeatedly, “I know, Brother Ye, thank you for your blessing, I will definitely catch Cuncun!”

“Ah That’s good! ”

Ye Feng nodded happily.

As long as they take good care of each other and don’t come out to harm others, this pair of weirdos will be fine!


In the live broadcast room.

Because there were no CVs arranged in the girls’ rooms, all the shots were on the male guests’ side.

However, for the sake of program effectiveness, the program team has specially made targeted arrangements.

After the guest enters the room, the audience in the live broadcast room can only see the picture, but cannot hear the sound inside.

This arrangement worked extremely well. The audience could only see the male guest answering the phone. They could only guess who made the call and what was said, which whetted their appetite.。

【Damn it, Ye Feng answered three calls? So brutal on the first day?】

【There should be two, the last one seems to be for Cai Xukun~】

【Did Wang Hedi not receive the call? ‘Brother New Gravity’ has broken up?】

【Why hasn’t anyone called him in our Huahua family? Do these female guests have such low expectations?】

【Oops, why don’t you announce the results soon? I’m so curious!】


ten minutes later.

After the invitation session ended, everyone followed the program team’s guidance to the hall again.

Compared to just now, it was obvious that several people’s expressions were not quite right.

After everyone was seated, Zhang Shaogang glanced across the audience and said in a deep voice: “Now, I will announce the elimination of the first date of this issue!” The

guests all knew their results and did not panic. The water friends in the live broadcast room were looking forward to it very much, and they all waited in front of the screen with their ears pricked up.

Zhang Shaogang deliberately paused for a moment to create suspense and said loudly: “Cai Xukun, Wang Hedi, Liu Haocun are out!”

This loud voice startled everyone.

After saying that, without waiting for everyone’s reaction, Zhang Shaogang continued: “Now, the guests who have successfully matched are asked to stand up and hold hands with the one you like!” After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and stood up


Ye Feng was still curious about Wang Hedi’s elimination when he saw Reba walking up to him, with a shy face and a pair of big watery eyes, looking at him timidly.

A pair of small hands rubbed each other, ready to move but didn’t dare.

Seeing her like this, Ye Feng smiled helplessly and stretched out his hand to her。

“What are you doing standing there?”


Reba suddenly smiled and quickly stretched out her hand to hold Ye Feng together.

Feeling the warmth from Ye Feng’s palm, she suddenly felt that all this was a little unreal.

So simple?

She and Ye Feng… were together like this Is

this a dream?

If it is a dream…can you wake up a little later?

At least…let her hold your hand for a while longer……

“Don’t be silly, you’re still recording the show, don’t you want the character anymore? ”

Ye Feng chuckled and looked at Reba with a softer look.

Knowing that this girl also likes him, to be honest, Ye Feng felt relieved.

He came to this world alone, with no worries and no need to worry about anything. , just want to live a life of his own free will.

But the world is destined not to revolve around him, and he does not have the ability to make everything develop as he wants.

He wants to be free and easy, but he is attracted by money again and again;

he wants to quit the entertainment industry , but accidentally became a shareholder of Jiahang;

everything seemed to have been arranged, and it was not his decision at all.

Then at least, let him make the decision emotionally!


“Um? ”

Reba raised his head and blinked at Ye Feng in confusion.

Ye Feng smiled softly and said softly: “Tell you something.。”

“I like……”

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