Xilin did not always be overly affectionate with him. She sat next to him gracefully and gracefully, with a just right smile on her face, and chatted with him very gently.。

“Xiaofeng, auntie remembers that you started out as an idol, right? Isn’t it very hard?”

“This…it’s okay, auntie, it’s not very hard. My life was quite fulfilling before, but now I’m basically free every day and don’t have much work.。”

“Oh, I watched the show when you debuted, hehe, she even voted for you at that time, she is also a fan of yours!”

“Haha, thank you Auntie for your support. Your vote was so important to me at that time!”

“Damn, what are you saying thank you for?……”


It seemed like an ordinary chat, but the more Ye Feng chatted, the more he felt something was wrong.

The woman in front of him always intentionally or unintentionally turns the topic around what happened to the original owner before he traveled through time.

I asked him about his previous debut and his time as a trainee before his debut. The questions were all detailed and not very detailed, but the angle was very tricky.

Fortunately, Ye Feng inherited all the memories of the original owner when he came here. Faced with all her seemingly random questions, he could also answer her questions fluently and explain everything in detail.。

“Reba’s mother…could she have discovered that I and the original owner are not the same person? ”

He couldn’t help but secretly doubt in his heart, and his whole body couldn’t help but become a little nervous.

However, he quickly used his god-level acting skills to relax the muscles in his body, and Xilin did not notice anything abnormal.。

“Oh, that was the situation at that time. It was auntie, I misunderstood! ”

After asking a few more details, Xilin nodded, with a flash of doubt in her eyes.

As Dilimu’s strongest female deputy, she has a lot to worry about on a daily basis, especially in the past few years when she was busiest. How could it be possible? Are you a fan of Ye Feng?

The reason why she seems to know Ye Feng so well and is so interested in Ye Feng is actually because she took the time to read all of Ye Feng’s interviews, performances and news over the past few years at once, combined with her private interviews with Ye Feng.

According to her, this young man named Ye Feng has an innocent background. Although his strength is not great, he does have a good appearance and is quite upright. He does not engage in those messy things and has always been modest . He is a good boy with a respectful image.

However, when this boy participated in the program “Suddenly Like You”, he suddenly seemed like a different person, completely subverting the image of a humble and respectful good boy that he had maintained before. His character changed

. He is extremely indifferent to straight men, and even the entertainment industry, which he has always regarded as his goal, has quit without any nostalgia. That’s all. What has also changed is the strength

of this boy.

She put Ye Feng before I have watched all the performances over and over again. Although I am not a fan of Ye Feng, I still know how much Ye Feng weighs.

This boy’s musical talent is not very high. According to his previous employer, Blue Sign Company, The staff of the show said that he was only in the introductory stage of playing musical instruments. How come he became a music master and a master of arranging and singing as soon as he entered the show? Could it be that this man has been hiding his stupidity? Or is this man simply not the same person as he once was

? Ye Feng, just look similar?

Or is this a hype carefully designed by him?

She i

s very curious about the reason and can’t wait to understand the truth of all this.

If Ye Feng knew what she was thinking at this time, They probably all jumped up in fright.

The contrast between his behavior before and after the time travel was so huge that everyone subconsciously ignored it. Only Xilin noticed it and tested him with the idea of finding out. If

this was really the case Xilin found out that he was not only a time traveler, but also possessed the body of the original owner in a majestic way. He also had memories of past lives in his mind and a system that could not be explained by science. Who knows how many envious people would covet him. , it’s not impossible that he might be sent to a research institute to be sectioned.

After all, the ancients have long said that ordinary people are not guilty, but they are guilty of carrying a treasure. If you have something worth spying on, there are bound to be people who come one after another and want to take it for themselves. .

After several questions, Ye Feng’s answers were all quite satisfactory. Even Xilin deliberately made mistakes on some very small things to guide Ye Feng, but Ye Feng corrected her, and Xilin did not successfully discover any doubts. However

, The temporary defeat did not make Xilin give up. On the contrary, it aroused her curiosity even more. She couldn’t wait to find out what secrets the boy in front of her had.

She was racking her brains to think about what questions to ask next. A strange sound suddenly sounded at an inappropriate time.

Gugu –

Xilin and Ye Feng both subconsciously looked towards the place where the sound came from – Reba.

Being stared at by the two, Reba smiled sheepishly and touched My stomach whispered: “Um…Mom, when are we going to have dinner? I’m so hungry.”……”

When talking to her mother, she couldn’t help but act coquettishly, which made people feel itchy.

Hearing this, Xilin was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to her senses and shook her head in amusement.。

“Right, right, look at my memory, I was so excited when I saw Xiaofeng, and just chatting, I forgot that you haven’t had lunch yet!”

“I’m going to prepare it for you right now. You guys should eat some fruit first to cushion it! ”

As she said that, she stood up and made a gesture to walk towards the kitchen.

Halfway there, she suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and waved to Reba, saying: “Girl, come here and help mother!”

“okay! ”

Reba nodded blankly, with some doubts in his heart.

Doesn’t his mother know the level of his cooking skills?

He only knows simple knife skills!

Call her when cooking?

How can she help?

He stood confused. After getting up, she followed her into the kitchen.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw that more than ten dishes had been prepared and placed neatly in the large warming cabinet. She looked at Xilin with some confusion and said doubtfully: “Mom , what do you need my help with? Help with the dishes?”

“Shh, don’t talk! Xilin

stretched out her index finger and tapped her lips, shook her head, and said, “Let’s see if your father listens to me!” ”

As she said that, she pointed outside with her chin.

Reba immediately understood.

Now that she and her mother are not here, apart from the program staff, there are only two people in the living room, father and Ye Feng.

If father does not listen to mother, he will be in trouble. Ye Feng, they can detect this sign in time and nip the threat from their father in the bud!

Thinking of this, she hugged Xilin’s arm, rubbed her chubby face on Xilin’s face, and She said gratefully: “Mom, you are so good and so smart! “

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