"By the way, do you have any new dramas to be broadcast this month?"Wang Liao, who was holding a pillow, asked Guan Xiaotong

"Youth Chronicles of the Song Dynasty."This is her new drama to be aired this month

"This month is your"Youth Chronicles of the Song Dynasty", next month will it be"East Palace" by Hani?"

Cheng Chen also thought about this drama. Next month will be Hanikezi~'s TV drama.

"Yes, this month is my costume drama, and next month is Hani-’s costume drama."

"Then November will be Reba's"Hotel of the Moon". My husband said that this drama has a very high chance of being a hit and its popularity should be no worse than your sister's"Dear - Beloved"."

Guan Xiaotong still remembers it. After all, Liang Lin said so.

"It seems that Reba's modern dramas have basically exploded, right?"

"Carat Lover, My Love from the Star, W Worlds, these three are all popular"

"This time"Moon Hotel" has a high probability of being a hit."Cheng Chen thinks this is quite right.

Liang Lin has said before that Di Lieba is more suitable for modern dramas. This is really true.

"My play is not until December."Wang Liuhe, who was holding a pillow, said that his baby will be delivered in December.

"Haha~ Your drama will be aired for two months, or three months, right?"Guan Xiaotong looked at Wang Liaohe next to him.

"Yes, if the content of 100 episodes is broadcast consecutively, it will take two months to broadcast."

"Two episodes are broadcast every day, which is 60 episodes in a month, but this drama has 100 episodes"

"If two episodes are broadcast every day, it will take 50 days to broadcast"

"But if it is broadcast five days a week, then there are ten episodes a week, so there are 40 episodes a month, which means it will be broadcast for two and a half months."

Wang Lianhe still doesn't know the broadcast mode of this drama.

"But if it is broadcast in two seasons, it may be about 50 episodes first."

"It's up to my husband to make arrangements."In Wang Liang's view, this still needs to be arranged by Liang Lin.

Also, they feel that this kind of thing really needs to be arranged by Liang Lin.

Next year, each of them will have their works broadcast.

"So in the next few months, does everyone have a work to shoot?"

Cheng Chen looked down at his phone and asked his sister next to him.

"Yes, Sister Zeng is going to Taiguo to film the movie"Manslaughter 1", which was also written by her husband."

"Sister Qin Lan will specially star in the suspense drama"The Silent Truth"》"

"Sister Mi is going to co-operate with Liu Shishi in the double-heroine TV series"Golden Years", and it will start filming this month"

"Sister Feifei is the thriller science fiction movie"Jurassic World 3", which has already started shooting"

"Sister Liying is going to collaborate with Sister Reba in the double-heroine TV series"Amazing Girls"》"

"As for Hani, he will be cooperating with Lu Han and Wu Lei in the e-sports drama"Crossfire", which has also started filming."

"My words are what I just said"Hello, my opponent's debate friend 2"》"

"Then there’s Nai Xiao, which is my first part of this drama."

"Next is Beyond Sister. She is going to film the costume drama"Liu Li", which has already started filming."

"By the way, what kind of drama will you be working on in the second half of the year?"

"Ordinary Glory, workplace drama."Wang Liuguan said very happily:"I can finally film an urban drama. This is really difficult. Let me tell you."

"Although in this drama, I am not the lead female lead, not even the second lead."

"But it would be nice to be in a modern workplace drama."Wang Li'an doesn't care so much about the role.

Instead, she likes to watch the character setting of the drama"Ordinary Glory"

"That's it, and then it's yours,"The Sky of the Wind Dog Boy"》"

"Next, we both have jobs in the past few months, and my husband also said,"

"Each of us must complete our work in the second half of the year before New Year’s Eve."

As for why, she doesn't know, but it seems that Liang Lin is very worried and concerned. But since he has arranged it like this, then they must have no objection.

Anyway, the scenes in the second half of the year are basically easy to film for them. End, it’s not very difficult.

It’s already September, and Liang Lin is already very concerned about the situation abroad.

Especially in the United States, Liang Lin is very concerned and concerned.

He doesn’t want his confidante to be there this time He was infected during the incident.

In order to protect them, he tried his best not to let them rest due to scheduling issues. He tried to finish the filming before New Year's Eve, and then go back to the Magic City and be ready.

"In this case, it is indeed true. After filming this movie, we will have a rest before the Spring Festival."

"Next year's Valentine's Day, there will definitely be no concert, just go to school and have a good rest."

Wang Liuhe stretched as he spoke, then fell down and rested his head on Cheng Chen's lap.


The school season starts in September. It’s time to go back to school and work.

《The box office of"The Devil Boy Comes to the World" is expected to exceed 5 billion at the box office.

An animation movie can also achieve such a high box office, which has led many companies to start investing in animation movies, just thinking that when they are released next year, they can also eat the last piece of cake of this theme in the box office market. ,

Now that Liang Lin has bitten off a large piece of this cake, they will eat the rest.

It is worth mentioning that the science fiction film"Fortress" starring Lu Han was criticized miserably.

It is said that Liang Lin and Rebirth Entertainment finally established the banner of loyal science fiction films.

As a result, Teng Huatao and Lu Han chopped down the flagpole.

Forget it, Teng Huatao still blamed Lu Han, saying that he should not choose a popular actor. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is precisely because of Teng Huatao's blaming that Lu Han got into the center of public opinion.

"Can you be like Liang Lin and have a sense of responsibility? If the script is not good, just admit it is the script and blame it on the actors."

"It is true that Lu Han's acting skills and performance are not good, but there are problems in the script setting itself. Lu Han should not be left alone to take the blame!"

"From Teng Huatao's behavior, we can see how responsible Liang Lin is."

"Liang Lin is both a screenwriter and a producer. When the show becomes popular and the movie becomes a hit, it is all due to the director and actors. When the show fails and the movie is criticized, Liang Lin stands up to take responsibility and says that the work he wrote is not good enough. He is not rigorous enough and admits that it is his fault as a producer; this is enough to explain Liang Lin’s pattern."

"Liang Lin's work became a hit, and that's everyone's credit. If his work failed, it was his problem alone. If Teng Hua's work failed, it was Lu Han's problem. This is the gap. No wonder Liang Lin has 12 confidantees. The net worth is already 500 billion"

"There is really no harm if there is no comparison; such a comparison makes Liang Lin a better character."

Now that Teng Huatao has been scolded like this, it makes him very aggrieved. He doesn't know how to explain it.

But anyone who has watched this movie knows that Lu Han's acting skills are indeed not impressive, and it can even be said that he is He has no acting skills; but the biggest problem is actually the script.

The script is the biggest reason why this movie failed.

Liang Lin was even asked about this matter, but he did not answer. After all, it had nothing to do with him..

Now his company also has a movie that will be released before the National Day.

In early September,"Heroes of Fire" was released.

This movie has been released for more than 20 days now, and the box office has exceeded 14[]

This box office is already very good and it is also a successful work.

But on September 30th, Respawn Entertainment will have two movies released.

It just so happens that these two movies are both starring Wu Jing.

Both of them are movies adapted from real events, but only one was written by Liang Lin.

《"The Climber" is not adapted by Liang Lin, but it is a film invested by Liang Lin and Rebirth Entertainment

《The movie"Captain Chunguo" is actually the most anticipated work for many people on this National Day. After the movie was released, the two movies of Respawn Entertainment had polar opposites in reputation.

The movie"The Climber", which was originally praised very well, was criticized for its plot setting after its release, and the emotional scenes in it were also criticized.

On the contrary, the movie"Captain Loyalty" is a collaboration between actors with the best box office appeal in the Chinese film industry. The male actors include Wu Jing and Zhang Yi, the actresses include Yang Mi, and four post-95s buddies.

The crew configuration of Yang Mi, Hanikezi, Guan Xiaotong, Cheng Xiao, and Wang Liang can be said to be top-notch, so after the movie is released, whether it is the plot, post-production, or the actors' performances, It can be said to be quite outstanding

"The production of Climber is fine, and the post-production is indeed very good, but the plot setting is unstable."

"I read the script and it was not written by Liang Lin."

"Liang Lin is not a screenwriter, but he is a producer. No wonder the script setting is not rigorous enough."

Seeing the movie being scolded like this, the screenwriter now regrets it very much.

After Liang Lin read the script, he raised the issues in the script. Now after it was released, the audience and fans have indeed complained about it. At this time, The screenwriter also realized that Liang Lin was right when he asked him to change the script.

Now it seems that 500 million has been invested in this movie. However, due to word-of-mouth, it is obvious that there is no way to make money at the box office of this movie. The money is back, because it needs a box office of 1.5 billion to make it back.

But the current reputation of the movie, as well as the box office forecast for the movie, are at least a loss.

The forecast is a box office of 1.1 billion, and if divided, it will be 4.4.

This means that Liang Lin invested 500 million in this movie and ended up losing 60 million.

Now, the screenwriter was embarrassed and didn't know how to respond to the doubts on the Internet.

As a producer, Liang Lin I stood up to respond to this incident amid the abuse on the Internet.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you all. It's because my supervision was not rigorous enough, which caused such a good subject to be so disappointed by my production. I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone here; and please don't attack others. It was written by the screenwriter. The work was a script reviewed by me, the producer, so I didn’t discuss it with the screenwriter in time."Liang Lin responded to this matter, and the scolding gradually disappeared.

It was precisely because of Liang Lin's response that the screenwriter became even more embarrassed. It was his own problem, but he did not have the courage to bear the scolding. In the end, it was the person who advised him The producer Liang Lin came to bear the blame for the problematic script setting.

Because of this, he felt particularly ashamed.

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