Nanny on the car.

Fang Yin smiled very happily!


His mood is finally a little better!


When facing this group of paparazzi.

You still have to use magic to defeat magic!


When Fang Yin came to the company in the nanny car.

He had just been in a commotion at a barbecue restaurant.

It was also posted online by the group of paparazzi!

This immediately attracted a large number of netizens!

Netizens are about to laugh crazy!


“Sure enough, it has to be Fang Yin!”

“Crouch! Dream back a month ago! ”

“How long have we not seen this commotion?”

“It’s been a month!”

“Dog head to save life, I said how this month seems to be so much less fun!”

“The relationship is less Fang Yin and the paparazzi love and kill!”


“Fang Yin: Hehe! You paparazzi think I’m just a singer? Wrong! Actually, I’m still a master tactician! ”

“Laugh to death!”

“Fang Yin’s brain circuit is really strange, first invite this group of paparazzi to eat barbecue, and then persuade wine.”

“As a result, he finally got in the car and ran away, and let his classmates stare at the group of paparazzi, dare to catch up and report them for drunk driving?!”

“Can’t laugh anymore!”

“Hahahaha… As far as Fang Yin and the paparazzi are fighting wits and courage, I don’t feel strange even if Fang Yin writes a movie script in the future! ”

“These thoughts of his…”

“It’s not that ordinary people can’t think of it at all!”

“Then I remembered a news a few days ago, a member of a boy band went out to dinner with friends late at night, but was secretly photographed by paparazzi all the way, and finally started angrily!”

“If he can come up with such a commotion as Fang Yin…”


“How is that possible?”

“Do you really think everyone is Fang Yin?”

“Not to mention anything else, just look at Fang Yin’s previous commotion, walking the paparazzi as dogs late at night, and letting the driver take them on a tour…”

“I even think he even fooled this group of paparazzi back to his hometown to help him break corn!”

“Hahahaha! I can’t do it, my stomach hurts from laughing! ”

“Me too, my tears of laughter are coming out!”

“I’m about the same, my laughing aunt is coming out soon!”

“Huh??? Hahahaha… Laugh to death! ”


When Fang Yin came to the company’s lounge.

Wang Jing is already waiting here!

Because back when the owner of the barbecue restaurant went to call the paparazzi to come in for a barbecue.

Fang Yin had already sent Wang Jing a positioning, asking Wang Jing to send a driver to pick him up!

And Wang Jing……

Naturally, I also knew Fang Yin’s routines for this group of paparazzi!

After seeing Fang Yin in the lounge.

Wang Jing was also a little crying and laughing!

But now she…

It’s barely a habit!

For so many years, she doesn’t know how many artists she has brought with her!

There are big names!

There are bad tempers!

There are drunkards!

There are smokers!

There are even hungry ghosts!

But like Fang Yin…

Love to “tease” paparazzi!

She really saw it for the first time!

However, after Wang Jing saw Fang Yin, she did not talk about Fang Yin’s commotion in the barbecue restaurant just now.

Instead, we talked about something else.

“Xiao Fang, just before you came, the company looked for me.”

“The company means…”

“Let’s see if I can persuade you not to release a new song next month!”


Heard Wang Jing’s voice.

Fang Yin, who had just sat on the sofa in the lounge, suddenly became puzzled!

This operation….

It shouldn’t be something that the company can do!

Last month, when he was about to release a Dao song, Sun Zhengting released a new song to fight with himself, wanting to teach himself to be a man!

At that time, the company also found Sun Zhengting and symbolically persuaded two words!

How when it’s your turn….

The company just…

It seemed to have sensed Fang Yin’s doubts.

Wang Jing hurriedly explained.

“Not what you think!”

“It’s the company that thinks that the quality of your two songs is too good!”

“As long as it is not published in December, it can basically win the championship for a whole month!”

“All for next month…”

“It’s a bit too much of a loss!”

“What the company means is that you can also sing songs…”

“But can those two songs “Wind and Wheat Waves” and “Sunny Day” be developed separately?”

“After all, if you can have a month more of new song chart champions, the company doesn’t want to give up!”


Hear Wang Jing’s explanation.

Fang Yin understood!

Is this the feeling?

It turned out that the company was only symbolically persuaded.

The main purpose is to divide the two songs into two months!

After all, both songs are of good quality!

At the same time, it will be released next month, which is inevitably a bit too much of a loss!

Of course!

Fang Yin also knew that the company did not know behind his back… Works with an entire earth!

But Fang Yin didn’t explain too much!

Think about it a little!

Fang Yin said with a smile.


“I agree!”


Hear Fang Yin’s voice.

Wang Jing’s face suddenly showed a smile!

Let’s be honest!

She has the same attitude as the company.

How can such two good songs be released in the same month?

Wouldn’t that be a loss?!

Wang Jing smiled and asked Fang Yin.

“Then Xiaofang, which of the two songs will you release next month?”

“Is it “The Wind and Wheat Waves” or “Sunny Day”?”


However, facing Wang Jing’s inquiry.

Fang Yin smiled and shook his head!


Wang Jing was suddenly confused!


So what song are you going to post?

Not one of these two….

What about next month’s champion?!

Looking at Wang Jing, a dazed economic man.

Fang Yin said with a smile.

“Who said I only had these two songs?”

“Can’t I write any other songs?”


Hear Fang Yin’s voice.

Wang Jing was immediately happy!

“You’ve written a new song again?”


But immediately, a hint of worry appeared on Wang Jing’s face.

“But your new song…”

“Can it be better than “The Wind and Wheat Waves” and “Sunny Day”?”

“Next month…”


Fang Yin shook his head and said with a smile.

“Next month, my own idea is to completely crush Sun Zhengting to death!”

“Instead of being like Sister Jing, you and the company think, as long as you get a championship!”

“What I think is…”

“Next month’s new song list!”

“First place!”

“Second place!”

“Third place!”

“I want them all!”

“Instead of what you and the company think, you just need to get a championship!”


Wang Jing was suddenly shocked!


According to Wang Jinghe’s company’s ideas.

Although it is said that when Fang Yin issued the notice, he said that he would take over the first three of next month.

But in fact, everyone knows how difficult it is for a singer to win the top three!

So in theory.

Fang Yin only needs to get one championship!

There are two songs left, and as long as the ranking is not too bad, there is no problem!

After all, in the entertainment industry….

It is not uncommon to exaggerate Haikou!

But Wang Jing didn’t think…

Fang Yin actually came for real!

He really wants to take the top three next month!

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