Chapter 90: Four Songs for a Spring Festival Gala! Court jade liquor, one hundred and eighty-one glasses!!

In the face of those singers running to their dressing room to mix their faces, Fang Yin was really painful and happy!

But Fang Yin also knows!

This group of singers came to visit themselves.

It’s all about my ability to ‘write songs’! And I want to invite songs from myself.

But Fang Yin, who has long been an old oil, did not refuse or accept this group of singers.

It’s also well handled!

After all, in the previous life in the earth entertainment circle, he was not a fool! Seeing people talking about people, hell talking about ghosts, he still mastered a bit of the essence! But……

This also can’t hide the fact that he doesn’t like this occasion very much! After all, I crossed it all!

I still have to tell you some scenes, so why don’t I cross in vain?! Therefore, it is compared to being vain with this group of singers.

Fang Yin still likes to play with Li Yi and them! But……

In the eyes of others!

A young man in his early twenties who does not like to play with his peers.

On the contrary, he likes to get together with Li Yi and his group of middle-aged people… It’s still quite contradictory!

That group of singers paid a visit to Fang Cain!

It lasted until the Spring Festival Gala program began rehearsals immediately! Say it’s a dress rehearsal.

In fact, it is no different from the official live broadcast!

A little bit of dress rehearsal exactly as it would normally be live! And such a dress rehearsal…

It will last until December 29! Almost once a day!

Make sure that on the night of the official live broadcast, there will be no errors! And Fang Yin played an important role as the finale at 00:00.

In the beginning, it is natural to only sit under the stage and enjoy.

When it was almost his turn, he would return to the makeup room and wait! And rehearsed for days in a row!

Fang Yin, who also watched all the programs of the Spring Festival Gala in advance, had to say that the Spring Festival Gala in this world was not inferior to the Spring Festival Gala in the previous life at all!

Even a little better than the Spring Festival Gala in the previous life! Well……

Especially those Spring Festival Galas in recent years in the past life! I don’t know when it started.

The Spring Festival Gala in the previous life, unconsciously, turned out to be a little more preachy!

And that kind of forced sensationalism!

In the years before Fang Yin’s crossing, Min Min frowned when he saw some programs!

And at that time, everyone seemed to have a consensus: the Spring Festival Gala is getting worse and worse!

And in this world…

Although there are also positive energy, leading people to good programs.

But not so deliberately!

There is not so much preaching either!

Fang Yin was also very happy to watch! But……

Fang Yin still couldn’t help but think of those wonderful programs in the Spring Festival Gala in his previous life!

“Auspicious Three Treasures”! “Thousand Hands Kannon”! “Selling Kidnapping Trilogy”!

There are also works that have created many famous scenes!

“Sledgehammer eighty, small hammer forty!”

“Court jade liquor, one hundred and eighty-one glasses!”

“Captain don’t shoot, own people!”

“What bike do you want?”

“Your uncle will always be your uncle!”

“The imperial army asked me to bring you a word!”

“I want to kill you!”

“My name is Baiyun, my name is Black Earth, I am 71, I am 75, I belong to chickens, I belong to tigers, this is my husband, this is my mother…”

“People die, money is not spent.”

And so on, the list goes on! It’s a classic one by one! And the classics in this world… No less too!


Fang Yin thought about it more than once.

If you can move the classic programs of the Spring Festival Gala in the previous life to the Spring Festival Gala stage of this world…

It was as if after he found Zhao Yue, a little girl, he gave her the song “Legend” without hesitation.

Even planning to give her another representative song “Red Beans” next year!


Right now, it’s just a thought! Maybe next year it will be possible!

After all, at this moment, the Spring Festival Gala program in this world has been almost prepared!

Not even to mention that something happened temporarily… And Fang Yin had to save the scene!

It simply can’t be!

If there is such a scene…

The chief director of the Spring Festival Gala can retire early! To know!

The upcoming Spring Festival Gala, according to the normal process, has a total of 36 programs!

But now there are 75 programs in rehearsal! The prevention is the rollover scene caused by various sudden accidents! Even Fang Yin…

The chief director has arranged a substitute for him!

If you wait until the live broadcast, Fang Yin has some accidents.

The program team can immediately arrange someone else to take Fang Yin’s place! So……

Everything is in order! And Fang Yin…

It was also according to the normal process, and I sang “Celadon” on the stage several times almost every time.

Fang Yin will receive full applause!……

But it was precisely because Fang Yin wanted to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

This also led Fang Yin to change his previous plan to return to his hometown for the New Year!

He originally wanted to take the two old people in the family here to celebrate the New Year together, but the two old people in the family resigned.

Let him not worry, and let Fang Yin come back after attending the Spring Festival Gala by the way.

Then tell Fang to hide outside and take good care of himself…

Don’t learn bad!

By the way, if you can, try to talk about a girlfriend… Well……

No matter which world the parents are.

It seems to be the same thing! That’s it……

Things at home are also arranged! The next time.

Fang Yin is quietly in Kyoto, waiting for the official arrival of the Spring Festival Gala! It’s just that in the meantime…

Fang Yin can be regarded as having made a few good friends! There are film and television actors.

There are drama actors.

There are also singers.

Even the backstage staff of the Spring Festival Gala, Fang Yin also knew a few! It’s okay to talk!


With the passage of time!

It’s finally time for the Spring Festival Gala to begin! The evening of December 31, 2022 in the Dragon Calendar.

The entire Dragon Country, almost all TV stations, all tuned to Channel 1 –

Including many foreign countries, there are also many TV stations that have transferred to the first channel of the dragon country!

Well…… In this world after all.

The Dragon Kingdom is also a unique overlord!

The leader of the world!

Countless people yearn for the country!……

And in the waiting of thousands of households.

Backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, the voice of the chief director in the walkie-talkie also sounded!

10! 9! 8!…… 1! Start streaming! In a flash!

In the TV sets of thousands of households.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala appeared! A big red! A festive scene!

And along with the movement of the lens.

A middle-aged man appeared in the camera! No New Year’s greetings, no opening remarks…

It’s a rather festive and cheerful singing!

【I congratulate you on your fortune】【I congratulate you on your wonderful】

【The best please come】

【If you are not good, please go away】

【Li Duo is not to blame】


That’s right! The opening song of the Spring Festival Gala.

It was the “Wishing you prosperity” that Fang Yin helped write as early as early December! He had just handed the song over to the head of the composition department, who discussed it with the company.

Directly took this song and delivered it to the Spring Festival Gala program group! And the Spring Festival Gala program group heard it.

One by one, it is very festive and in line with the style of the Spring Festival Gala!

So the chief changed the previous opening song to the song “Wishing you prosperity”!

And the previous show became a spare tire! Well……

Of course!

And the song “Good Luck” was also chosen! As the last song of the entire Spring Festival Gala!

If you do the math… This year’s Spring Festival Gala.

Fang Yin has a total of four songs selected!

“Legend”, “Blue and White Porcelain”, “Wishing you prosperity”, “Good Luck”! The high-ranking people in Xinghai are all about to smile crookedly!

Equally excited…

Naturally, there are friends from the national audience who are in front of the TV at the moment!

Some people, while listening to the song, picked up their mobile phones and posted comments in the live broadcast room!

After all, it is a live broadcast, in addition to the TV, mobile phones and computers can also be seen!

You can even publish a barrage all the time!


“This song is good!”

“Very straightforward, but very festive, with the taste of the New Year!”

“I announce!”

“All year, the stereo in my house has to play this song on a loop all the time!”

“Hahaha! Then I think you may be thinking too much! ”

“In a few days, I think you’ll listen!”


“It won’t even take a few days, maybe two or three days, and you will find that whether it is the streets or the shopping mall cinema, this song will be played!”

“Even if it is festive, it has the taste of the year…”

“You’ll listen too!”

“It’s like big fish and meat, aren’t you tired of eating too much?!”

“Hahaha… It seems to be true! ”


“Did you just find out?”

“This song… It seems that it was also written by Fang Yin?! ”



“Really fake?!”

“Why would Fang Yin write such an earthy song?”

“Hmm… I specifically went to check it, but I didn’t find anything…”

“After the singing, it is estimated that there will be a newspaper screen, and you can take a look at it when the time comes!”

“I saw it, it was really written by Fang Yin.”

“Crouch! Shocked! ”

“I always thought that the songs written by Fang Yin should be the kind of “Blue and White Porcelain”, “Daoxiang”, or songs in the style of “Nocturne”!”

“This kind of song…”


Accompanied by a song “Wishing you prosperity”.

The year of the Dragon Kingdom has finally slowly pulled the curtain!

It also pushed the atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala stage to a small climax!

And the song “Wishing you prosperity” has a huge impact! Many people pick up their mobile phones at this time to send New Year’s greeting text messages.

Many people chose four words: Wishing you prosperity! And on the web!

In the barrage of the live broadcast room! In a group chat! Even on the phone! Home!

It also has these four words!

Wishing you prosperity!

【Sixth more! 】 】。

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