Entertainment: With A Net Worth Of Hundreds Of Billions, He Signed Boss Yang At The Beginning

Chapter 62 Let The Americans Go Bankrupt! (14, Asking For Flower Evaluation Votes)

Qin Shou does not have the nationality of the United States. Before that, he always thought that he did not need to pay taxes in the United States.

But I found out later.

Even if you are not a resident of the United States, as long as you make money in other people's territory, you have to pay taxes.

This is no joke.

In the United States, maybe you are Tongtian and have a lot of contacts, and the police and the government can’t control you, but if you evade taxes, sorry, you will get into big trouble.

In the 1920s, there was a gangster Al Capone who became the gangster at the age of 26.

In Chicago, most of the casinos, bars, and nightclubs are covered by him. He is like a brother to many congressmen, and the police can't control him at all.

But Capone is very strict and has been involved in hundreds of murders, but the police and even the FBI can't find any direct evidence related to him.

She knew it was him, but she had no choice but to watch him enjoy himself happily.

Until one day, he evaded taxes...

The IRS was not happy when it learned that Capone had dared to evade taxes.

Do you dare to evade taxes?

Then I'll dig three feet to catch you!

Therefore, the IRS sent an agent, Mike Malone, to go undercover in Capone's property for three years and find evidence of Capone's tax evasion.

In 1931, this all-powerful gangster was prosecuted for tax evasion and sentenced to eleven years in prison.

A few years later, Capone was mentally disturbed in prison and died a few years after he was released from prison.

One of Capone's three famous quotes for his Mafia was: Pay your taxes to the federal government on time.

In three years, the boss of the nation's number one gangster was killed, and the IRS became famous in the first battle. It also planted the seeds in the hearts of all Americans, and they must pay taxes.

As an American, if you have to pay taxes to the IRS, many people think, if you are not an American, I can change my nationality. Sorry, I still have to pay taxes.

If you renounce your American citizenship, you will have to pay a high national tax to the IRS. This is not over. Within ten years of your renunciation of your American citizenship, any of your income related to the United States must also be taxed like an American citizen. , not a lot.

It's outrageous!

However, he felt that this was actually pretty good, at least the safety of his money was guaranteed.


The matter of the subprime mortgage crisis has John Paulson to pay attention.

Here is Qin Shou.

Instead, he paid more attention to things after the domestic Olympic Games.

Affected by the financial crisis, various industries in our country have also begun to appear sluggish.

The most obvious example is that the money in the hands of ordinary people wants to be deposited in the bank. Even if the central bank announces an interest rate cut, there is still no way to change this result.

Qin Shou watched the news on the Internet and understood in his heart.

The 4 trillion plan to stimulate domestic demand is about to be released!


After Qin Shou made this judgment, he directly issued an order to Guangming Real Estate Company.

"Strive to spend 10 billion before the end of the year!"

Facing the person in charge of the real estate company, Qin Shou said earnestly, "Get the land first, then use the land to get a loan from the bank, and then build shopping centers and movie theaters, understand?"

have to say.

Qin Shou was really in a hurry.

It is true that the subprime mortgage crisis can bankrupt Americans.

But if the four trillion yuan plan is released, the domestic land price will reach a terrifying level.

to be honest.

Qin Shou has no interest in the development of commercial housing. He just hopes to get more land within the normal price range.

After all, only he knows clearly.

In another year or two, the price of commercial land will rise to an outrageous state.

Nowadays, a piece of land can be won for 40,000 to 50,000,000 yuan, and a larger area is only 100,000,000 yuan.

Wait until another three or five years.

The value of these lands has increased by at least four or five times, and even ten times in some places.

This is simply unimaginable.

Qin Shou didn't want Guangming Real Estate Company to encounter such a thing.

His idea is very clear, take as much land as he can, and sell it later.


Qin Shou felt that maybe he could make a lot of money by himself.

After all, those famous real estate development companies in later generations were crazy in the ten years from 2008 to 2018.

They didn't know that they would usher in the liquidation of the market!

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