"Zhang Jinhuan, you are a gou author, and you said that you would not rob a tomb! Your golden charms have been exposed!"

  "It's sloppy, so the tomb robbery novel written by Zhang Jinhuan is not a novel, it's just a note!"

  "Haha, I said it earlier, how could it be that Zhang Xiaowei, two fingers to explore the tomb, is a false name?"

  "Water friends who live upside down and eat flying, please line up to enter, don't fight, everyone has a share, and it's hot!"

  "Are you the devil upstairs? I have a picture in my mind when I am eating!"

  "Real man is full of joy! There are no safety measures to fight in the water in such a dangerous weather condition. What kind of wilderness survival is far worse than this!"

  "Invincible! Niubi! I would like to call Zhang Jinhuan the strongest in gold!"

  From Zhang Jinhuan jumping into the river,

  Facing the shocking jump of the Iron-headed Dragon King,

  Completely conquered everyone!

  The assistant director in the director's group collapsed and said:

  "The number of people watching the live broadcast has now reached [-] million!

  This chapter is too fierce,

  It just jumped off like that.

  Will it be fatal? "

  Wang Zhengyu shook his head and said:

  "Absolutely not, Zhang Jinhuan is not trying to pretend to be someone who will take his life, he is really awesome!

  But just to be safe,

  Order rescue helicopters and rescue boats to stand by!

  Once Zhang Jinhuan asks for help, he will do his best to rescue and help! "

  "it is good!"

  The assistant director immediately issued the order of the chief director Wang Zhengyu.

  Wang Zhengyu stared at the live broadcast screen,

  Every minute and every second that followed,

  Since everyone thought they were going to see the show live,

  The most thrilling and exciting picture,


  The most bloody, tragic and helpless plot,

  But they never imagined that

  Things are going in such a bizarre direction!

  PS: The third update is delivered today!

  Code, code, code!

  Don't scold, don't scold!

  I want to spend flowers, tickets, rewards, reminders, months and months...

  Happy weekend readers! .

Chapter 24

  in the cab of a fishing boat,

  Looking eagerly at the people who jumped into the Dragon King River with Zhang Jinhuan's determination,

  Completely shocked like a terrestrial fairy who suffered the failure of the nine-layered dragon-like celestial robbery!

  "Fuck! Zhang Jinhuan jumped off?"

  The record that Mr. Huang Lei never spit fragrance in front of the public for half his life was shattered.

  I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

  "This unremarkable web novel writer,

  I'm afraid that from now on, there will be no need to update the code word again. "

  The captain of the boat sighed,

  He has been running boats on the Dragon King River for decades,

  No one knows the horror of the Iron-headed Dragon King better than him!

  This big guy has more power underwater than the average whale,

  Overturning a fishing boat is as easy as breathing,

  Ordinary people are as vulnerable as ants in front of it!

  "Tong Yan Wuji! Bah, Bah, Bah! Don't say these depressing words, I believe that Zhang Jinhuan will definitely come ashore alive!"

  It may be the second breath that is born with it,

  Sun Honglei was very disgusted by the words of the ship boss,

  Although he asked himself that he could not achieve Zhang Jinhuan's indomitable determination,

  But this did not affect his admiration for Zhang Jinhuan, just like the water of the Yellow River at this time.

  "Zhang Jinhuan has always given me the feeling that he is someone who makes plans and then moves.

  Although we have known each other for a short time,

  But my gut tells me that he would never do anything unsure! "

  "Then what I want to say is,

  We still want to find a way to help Zhang Jinhuan as much as possible!

  No matter what state of mind Zhang Jinhuan had taken the initiative to go into the water and singled out the iron-headed dragon king,

  In doing so he saved our lives from danger,

  If we still sit idly by now,

  Regardless of Zhang Jinhuan's dangerous situation,

  That's a real human being. I'm really sorry! "

  Huang Lei waved his hands at the people in the cockpit and said excitedly.

  "Huh! It's time to suppress the cloud? Hahaha, Mr. Huang said it well! I, Liu Huaqiang, have nothing, just a life-saving! I'll leave it to you, Xiaochu Huang!"

  Sun Honglei's eyes, which were always like small steamed buns, turned out to be exceptionally bright and large at this time!

  "I think what Huang Xiaochu said this time won my heart,

  The performance of Zhang Jinhuan along the way is obvious to all.

  Anyone can do without this quest variety show, except Zhang Jinhuan!

  As Huang Bo said, the iron-headed dragon king can't stop it! "

  Huang Bo also rolled up his sleeves and said excitedly.

  "Then how should we do our best? I'm a land duck, and I don't know how to help Zhang Jinhuan, but I listen to the arrangements of my brothers, and there is nothing to say!"

  Fat Di wiped the tears on his face and pointed his delicate head resolutely.

  "Dad Huang, you are the smartest. We can do whatever you want! As long as you can help my brother, I am willing to let me go into the water!

  Scary though!But I must not be afraid because my brother is in the water! "

  Zhang Zifeng, this well-behaved little girl, has changed from her shyness in the past, although she is so petite and weak while squatting in the corner crying,

  But at this moment, it gives everyone the illusion that the little girl has grown up in an instant!

  Although Damimi didn't say anything, from her brisk steps, she embraced Fat Di and Zhang Zifeng and stood together.

  He is also a Tie Hanhan who is willing to follow them together.

  "If that's the case, then listen to me!

  Didn't we buy rope?

  There should be a lifebuoy on the boat, right?

  Let's tie all the ropes to the lifebuoys and throw them down the river,

  In this way, Zhang Jinhuan, who is underwater, has the opportunity to grab the lifebuoy in the event of danger.

  We can work together to pull him onto the boat!

  As for what will happen to the ship after boarding?Just do your best to obey the destiny! "

  Huang Lei nodded his chin with one hand and thought for a moment, and slowly said this simple plan.

  "Then do it! Time waits for no one!"

  Sun Honglei jumped up and tried to urge.

  "Wait a moment,

  Let's contact the director team immediately,

  Tell them of our plans and deliberations,

  Once Zhang Jinhuan is in danger in the water and endangers his life,

  We all give up our individual variety show qualifications,

  The only requirement is for them to do their best to save Zhang Jinhuan! "

  Huang Lei glanced at Chuan Lao Avenue, who was squatting in the corner and drawing a circle:

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