Want to ride something!

  Please come to my chapter with joy!

  Whoever resists is the grandson!

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  Thanks to the flowers of unknown readers, votes!

  Good morning! .

Chapter 32

  As everyone knows,

  To ride it,

  Give it first!

  So the end result is,

  Zhang Zifeng, Fat Di and Da Mimi are three female stars,

  Being hugged by Zhang Jinhuan one by one, jumped onto Xiaodouding's head,


  Real knowledge comes out of practice,

  Big honey is the biggest!

  Zhang Jinhuan actually refused at first.

  How can the dignified two-fingered tomb Zhang Xiaowei be a casual person?

  But I can't stand the begging of the three beauties.

  Because the iron-headed dragon king is too big and tall,

  Naturally, they will never be able to climb up by themselves.

  don't dare to climb,

  Therefore, I can only reluctantly make it difficult for me to do it all.

  Just give it a hug and do a good deed on that day.

  This situation and situation,

  Jiang Feng Xi Xi,

  Suddenly bursts of singing came from out of nowhere:

  Sister, she doesn't speak, just looks at me and laughs

  I know she's waiting for me to hug

  hug that hug

  Holding the moon, it smiled and bent over

  hug that hug

  Hold my sister and get on the sedan chair...

  Zhang Jinhuan and the three beauties on the Iron-headed Dragon King followed the song and looked,

  Just saw Sun Honglei, this iron Hanhan,

  coming out of the cockpit of the fishing boat,

  while breaking dance,

  While winking at Zhang Jinhuan,

  It turned out that this guy turned on the loudspeaker on the fishing boat,

  Songs played with mobile phone bluetooth,

  Everyone was infected by the cheerful atmosphere,

  Sing and dance together on the fishing boat and Xiaodouding's big head,

  That or joy or hearty or crisp laughter,

  With the rippling waters of the Dragon King River,

  But surrounded by Zhang Zifeng, Fat Di, and Da Mimi,

  touch by touch,

  The happiest chapter in life is full of joy,

  There is nothing more.


  The crowd roared for a while,

  The three beauties have had enough of Xiaodouding,

  I just remembered to go back to the cabin to change clothes, wash and rest,

  Zhang Jinhuan was carried away by three female stars.

  Said to take good care of the hero who hit the numbness,

  Zhang Jinhuan thought about women's mouths, they are all liars!

  It is true that they want to satisfy their curiosity and gossip about asking Xiaodouding.

  However, although,

  What can turn into steel is to wrap your fingers softly,

  Lao Tzu, a writer of online novels, came to the Dragon King River to fight to death,

  Enjoy, enjoy, what's wrong,

  Then play music,

  Then dance!


  Office of the Department of Archaeology, Fudan University, Modu,

  An old man with gray hair and thin body,

  He stared blankly at the multimedia screen on the wall.

  What is being broadcast live on the screen is "National Quest: The Secret of the Ancient Tomb"!

  When he saw three popular female stars,

  Zhang Zifeng is boiling brown sugar and ginger water for Zhang Jinhuan to ward off cold,

  She drinks it every month anyway.

  Da Mi Mi was pressing Zhang Jinhuan's leg and said that she would be able to treat thirty-six Sanshou with ancestral numbness.

  Zhang Jinhuan doesn't know if he is from his ancestors or not. Anyway, he just feels that the more he is pressed, the more numb he becomes and the harder he gets!

  As for Fat Di, he stood behind Zhang Jinhuan and took a large towel to wipe his hair.

  You said that you should be professional when you wipe your hair, but hitting the back of his head all the time is too much.

  What a pity if it gets swollen!

  The old man watched,

  Suddenly he sighed,

  Holding a cup of tea with the fragrance curling,

  Walking to the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the office,

  Looking downstairs at the bustling traffic and the brightly lit urban fireworks,

  lost in thought.

  His name is Chen Qingzhi.

  He is a professor of archaeology at Fudan University.

  He was also invited to participate in the program group of the original "National Quest: The Secret of Ancient Tombs".

  But he felt that he was too old and could not bear the harsh environment in the wild and the many crises of going to the tomb.

  The second is that the program at that time has not passed the inspection, and it is still a problem whether it can be opened or not.

  That's why I recommended my friend Professor Wang Qinian to ask the chief director Wang Zhengyu to contact and negotiate.

  And Chen Qingzhi himself is also an expert in the ancient culture of Qin and Han Dynasties.

  Knowing that there must be countless ancient tombs hidden in the continuous mountains of the Qinling Mountains,

  His lifelong hope is that one day,

  It can make those rare cultural relics buried underground for thousands of years and never see the light of day,

  Can reproduce the world!

  It's just that he always thought that archaeological digging was no child's play.

  You must be cautious, steady and endure loneliness to proceed!

  And in the planning book of the first season of the program "Exploration of the People: The Secret of Ancient Tombs",

  He even chose the Qinling Mountains, the birthplace of the Qin culture,

  He will make an exception to help with Professor Wang during the program review process,

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