The village chief is also kind-hearted,

  Until everyone saw the dog's appearance and expression,

  Just suddenly realized,

  All laughing till my stomach hurts!

  "Hahaha... I'll just say, why are you so angry all of a sudden! It turned out to be a bump in the face again!"

  Huang Bo laughed until his waist could not straighten up.

  The stalk that was originally in the extreme challenge was turned out again.

  The confused village chief,

  I don't know why I did something wrong by sending a dog to me.

  So I turned around and took the bull terrier to leave,

  But he was stopped by Huang Xiaochu and Huang Bo forcibly.

  How can such a wonderful program effect material be utterly ruined?

  "You city folks just can't figure it out,

  I'll leave the dog here.

  The village committee has a kitchen and food and vegetables. You can do whatever you need.

  If you need anything, just shout at the entrance of the village and I can hear it! "

  After explaining, the village chief left.

  Everyone was suddenly immersed in the bad taste of teasing dogs and couldn't extricate themselves.

  After playing for a while,

  The three female stars Zhang Zifeng, Fat Di and Da Mimi felt a little hungry.

  He begged Xiaochu Huang to hurry up and show off his cooking skills to save everyone's stomach,

  Huang Lei came to the kitchen of the village committee to take a look.

  This is still the kind of old-fashioned rural kitchen, that is, the earthen stove that needs to be ignited.

  Sun Honglei refused to work on the grounds that he had suffered severe personal humiliation.

  And solemnly stated that Chef Huang must be allowed to make delicious food,

  Huang Bo can only make up for the scars in his heart by feeding him!

  Everyone has become accustomed to Sun Honglei's daily demon behavior.

  Huang Bo had no choice but to roll up his sleeves to chop firewood.

  Chef Huang is naturally responsible for preparing the ingredients.

  The three girls are responsible for starting the fight.

  Zhang Jinhuan was responsible for lighting the fire to warm the stove.

  With Huang Lei, a professional chef,

  Just a few Chinese cabbage, radish, greens, eggs, potatoes, add some flour and rice,

  Forcibly, Huang Lei made a table of a decent farmhouse.

  Everyone is also working in full swing and a happy group,

  It didn't take long for the meal to start.

  The courtyards in the rural areas of Shaanxi are very large and still have lights hanging.

  So everyone set up a table in the yard to eat.

  Zhang Jinhuan tasted it and felt that the taste was really good, so he started to eat it.

  Zhang Zifeng took a small bite while looking at Huang Lei and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

  Just when everyone looked at each other to see if anyone had rice sticking to their face or something,

  Huang Lei also laughed loudly and said:

  "Don't think about it blindly, Zifeng must think that it is a reality show of exploring the ancient tombs, and now it has been forced into the life we ​​yearn for. Is that what you mean?"

  "It's still Daddy Huang who is amazing, I can guess it without saying it."

  Zhang Zifeng blushed and said,

  People looked around,

  Although simple but warm and clean farm compound,

  The all-star lineup plus two Zhang Jinhuan and Professor Wang who can't fight together,

  Chop wood and cook by yourself,

  The funniest thing is a bull terrier,

  Isn't this what life you long for?

  So they all laughed together,

  At this moment, all the tiredness along the way seemed to be swept away.

  I just feel full of overflowing happiness.

  After eating and cleaning up,

  "No way, I'm going to bed! Eyelids are fighting, Zifeng, will Reba come with me?"

  Da Mi Mi pulled Zi Feng and Fat Di and asked, yawning.

  "Okay, okay, let's go to the house."

  Zhang Zifeng and Reba were also too sleepy.

  "Yeah, it's getting late, let's wash and sleep!

  Tomorrow morning, Huang Bo and I will get up early and cook a big meal for you! "

  Chef Huang stretched out his muscles and greeted him and walked towards the house.

  The village committee room is enough.

  Three girls sleep in one room, and five of them sleep in one!

  "Mr. Huang, what should we do if we are a little scared in the wild mountains and mountains? Would you like Zhang Jinhuan to sleep in the same room with us?"

  Zhang Jinhuan: "???"

  Don't make trouble!

  I'm not such a casual person!

  May I ask if the bed is big enough and firm enough?


  PS: Come to a late night,

  The humble author is tumbling for a wave of free flowers and monthly pass data support!

  Thank you reader! .

Chapter 43

  in the conference room,

  Da Mi Mi, Zi Feng, Reba and the others have already made the bed,

  Da Mimi said with a blushing face when she saw everyone coming in.

  "Cough cough... Honey, you forgot that we are live streaming! How can you sleep with Zhang Jinhuan together? After the live streaming, you can sleep as much as you like."

  Huang Xiaochu touched his stomach and teased.

  Da Mimi stomped her feet and just wanted to explain,

  But suddenly he covered his mouth and looked out the window in horror,

  Everyone didn't know what happened and looked back subconsciously!

  I saw the night sky outside the door illuminated by a flash of lightning!

  What followed was a thunderstorm that shook the windows of the old house!

  Then the drifting rain poured down!

  "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a thunderstorm and a rain!"

  Zhang Jinhuan glanced at the three girls hugging each other and said helplessly:

  "How about this, we can all live together and sleep in clothes tonight!"


  Da Mimi saw Zhang Jinhuan and agreed,

  Suddenly, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

  "Jinhuan's idea is really good! This thunder actually made me a little flustered just now!"

  Chef Huang also nodded approvingly,

  This room was temporarily changed from the conference room.

  Everyone sleeps together with their clothes on, so it doesn't matter if it affects them or not.

  After all, it is a wild tomb exploration show.

  Irregularity is the norm.

  After all, there will be no star-rated hotels in the ancient cemetery palace for everyone to share.

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